Jurnal Ners dan Kebidanan (Journal of Ners and Midwifery)
Vol 6 No 3 (2019)

Efektifitas Metode Double D terhadap Depressi Post Partum pada Ibu Nifas Fase Letting Go di Kelurahan Wonokromo Surabaya

Siti Maimunah (Prodi Keperawatan, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya)
Elly Dwi Masita (Prodi Kebidanan, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya)

Article Info

Publish Date
05 Dec 2019


Setiap ibu melahirkan beresiko terjadinya depresi post partum. Depresi post partum didefinisikan sebagai depressi non psikotik  yang berupa gangguan mood pada pasca persalinan yang berlangsung hingga satu tahun lamanya (Almond, 2009; Apter, Devouche, Gratier, Valente, & Nestour, 2012). Di negara Amerika depresi post partum mencapai 10-20 % sedangkan di negara berkembang mencapai > 20 %. Depressi post partum berdampak  pada status sosial ibu, gangguan kepercayaan diri bahkan berkeinginan untuk bunuh diri serta terganggunya perkembangan anak (Hansotte, Payne, & Babich, 2017). Studi pendahuluan yang dilakukan pada bulan  Maret 2018  di kelurahan Wonokoromo Surabaya didapatkan 45 % ibu pasca melahirkan mengalami depresi post partum pada level ringan dan sedang. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui efektifitas metode double D ( Dzikir dan doa ) terhadap penurunan tingkat depresi post partum fase letting go pada ibu post partum hari ke 7. Desain  Penelitian ini menggunakan analitik kuantitaif  quasi eksperimen dengan instrument kuesioner EDPS ( Edinburgh Depresi Post partum Scale). Sampling yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling dengan menetapkan kriteria inklusi yang berjumlah 84 responden dengan pembagian 42 responden sebagai kelompok kontrol dan 42 responden sebagai kelompok perlakuan. Uji analitik yang digunakan adalah mann whitney dengan nilai p< 0.005. Hasil uji analisis didapatkan p = 0.001 yang berarti efektif   metode double D ( Doa dan Dzikir ) terhadap penurunan tingkat depressi post partum pada ibu nifas fase letting go ( hari ke 7 ). Kesimpulan : Metode double D efektif menurunkan depressi post partum pad ibu post partum fase letting go Every mother giving birth is at risk of post partum depression. Post partum depression is defined as non psychotic depression in the form of mood disorders in postpartum that lasts up to one year (Almond, 2009; Apter, Devouche, Gratier, Valente, & Nestour, 2012). In America, post partum depression reaches 10-20%, while in developing countries it reaches> 20%. Post partum depression affects the mother's social status, self-esteem, and even suicidal ideation and disruption of child development (Hansotte, Payne, & Babich, 2017). A preliminary study conducted in March 2018 in the Wonokoromo Surabaya village found that 45% of post-partum mothers experience post partum depression at mild and moderate levels. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the double D method (dhikr and prayer) to reduce levels of depression post partum letting go phase in post partum mothers day 7. Design This study used a quasi-quantitative analytic analytic questionnaire with the EDPS questionnaire instrument (Edinburgh Depression Post Partum Scale ). The sampling used was purposive sampling by establishing inclusion criteria totaling 84 respondents with the division of 42 respondents as the control group and 42 respondents as the treatment group. The analytical test used was Mann Whitney with a p value <0.005. The analysis test results obtained p = 0.001 which means effective double D method (Prayer and Dhikr) against decreasing the level of post partum depression in the postpartum mother letting go phase (day 7). Conclusion: The double D method is effective in reducing post partum depression in post partum letting go mothers.

Copyrights © 2019

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Health Professions Nursing Public Health


Jurnal Ners dan Kebidanan (Journal of Ners and Midwifery) published by STIKes Patria Husada Blitar. Published three times in a year, its in April, August and December. Jurnal Ners dan Kebidanan (Journal of Ners and Midwifery) only receive original manuscripts related to science development and have ...