EDUKASI | Volume 14, Nomor 3, Desember 2016


Moch. Lukluil Maknun (Peneliti Balai Litbang Agama Semarang)

Article Info

Publish Date
30 Dec 2016


width: 0px; "> </PAI (Islamic Education) Books for Islamic High School of 2013 curriculum have not been evaluated from users’ (student and teacher) perspective. This research more focuses on content aspect, however, there are also findings in the form of inputs from users in terms of presentation, language, and graphics. The research uses quantitative approach and Krippendorf content analysis method and CSI (customer satisfaction index), it can be seen that a finding shows that the grading of 11th Grade MA PAI Books users at 5 MA in Gunungkidul District shows that a study course having the lowest average grade of 11th Grade MA PAI (in 1 to 5 scales) is SKI: 3.68 and the highest is Al-Quran and Hadeeth: 4.21, while the other two study courses, namely Religious Behavior (Akidah Akhlak) is 4.20 and Islamic Law (Fiqh): 3.94. The same result is showed in CSI formula, that the grade /satisfaction criteria (in 1 to 100 scales), study course having the lowest grade is SKI and the highest is Al-Quran and Hadeeth. Details on the users’ satisfaction grade are as follows; al-Quran and Hadeeth: 84.13 (very satisfactory), Islamic Culture History: 73.68 (satisfactory), Religious Behavior (Akidah Akhlak): 83.91 (very satisfactory), and Islamic Law (Fiqh): 78.71 (satisfactory). Even by number, the 11th Grade MA PAI books can be deemed quite good with “satisfactory” and “very satisfactory” satisfaction level, however, there are things that need to be evaluated for improvement. This is indicated by inputs and notes of the users to the content of the books. Among the users’ notes on the books in general are; simplification of language and several materials, adjustment of figures, transliteration, references of verses/hadeeths, SKI materials that are too brief, and inclusion of supporting reading source references. 0px; "> Buku PAI madrasah Aliyah kurikulum 2013 belum dilakukan evaluasi dari sisi pengguna (siswa dan guru). Penelitian ini lebih memfokuskan pada aspek isi, meskipun demikian terdapat pula temuan berupa masukan dari pengguna dalamhal penyajian, bahasa, dan kegrafikaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan metode analisis isi Krippendorf serta CsI (customer satisfaction indeks)/analisis kepuasan pelanggan, didapatkan temuan bahwa hasil penilaian para pengguna buku PAI mA kelas XI di 5 mA di Kab. gunungkidul menunjukkan nilai rata-rata mapel PAI mA kelas XI (dengan skala 1-5) yang terendah adalah mapel sKI: 3.68 dan yang tertinggi adalah mapel Al-Quran dan al-Hadis: 4.21, sedangkannilai kedua mapel lainnya Akidah Akhlak 4.20 dan Fikih: 3.94. Hasil yang sama ditunjukkan dalam penghitungan dengan rumus CsI, bahwa nilai/kriteria kepuasan (dengan skala 1-100) yang terendah adalah mapel sKI dan yang tertinggi mapel al-Quran Hadis. Perincian nilai kepuasan pengguna buku sebagai berikut; al-Quran Hadis: 84.13 (sangat puas), sejarah Kebudayaan Islam: 73.68 (puas), Akidah Akhlak: 83.91 (sangat puas), dan Fikih: 78.71 (puas). meskipun dalam angka, buku PAI mA kelas XI dapat dinilai sudah baik dengan tingkat nilai kepuasan ‘puas’ dan ‘sangat puas’, tetapi terdapat beberapa hal yang perlu dievaluasi sebagai perbaikan. Hal ini tampak dalam hasil temuan masukan dan catatan para pengguna terhadap isi buku. Di antara catatan pengguna terhadap buku secara umum adalah; penyederhanaan bahasa dan beberapa materi, penyesuaian gambar, transliterasi, rujukan ayat/hadis, materi sKI yang terlalu ringkas, dan pencantuman referensi sumber bacaanpenunjang.

Copyrights © 2016

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Religion Humanities Education Other


Focus: EDUKASI is a scientific journal dedicated to the study and research of Religion and Religious Education. It is committed to enriching and expanding the body of scientific knowledge relevant for policy-making and the advancement of theoretical and conceptual frameworks. The journal aims to ...