Journal of Biology Education
Vol 6 No 1 (2017)


Rohmiatun, Nur (Unknown)
Prasetyo, Andreas Priyono Budi (Unknown)
Pribadi, Tyas Agung (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
29 Aug 2017


Madrasah Aliyah menekankan pembelajaran yang merujuk pada hukum Islam. Kenyataan di lapangan bahan ajar yang digunakan belum bernuansa islami. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi bahan ajar yang selama ini digunakan dalam pembelajaran biologi, mengetahui perlunya pengembangan buku saku bernuansa islami, mendeskripsikan karakteristik pengembangan buku saku bernuansa islami, serta menguji kelayakan dan efektifitas buku saku. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan rancangan penelitian Research and Development (R&D). Hasil penilaian ahli media, ahli materi biologi dan ahli materi agama menunjukkan bahwa buku saku bernuansa islami materi sistem reproduksi manusia sangat layak, dengan nilai kelayakan berturut-turut sebesar 97,08%; 91,78% dan 97,2%. Tanggapan siswa pada uji coba buku saku sebesar 98,75%.  Tanggapan guru terhadap buku saku mencapai 100%.  Persentase penanaman pendidikan karakter  berkisar antara 90,6-91,04. N-Gain dari kedua sekolah mencapai 0,7. Ketuntasan belajar klasikal siswa berkisar antara 89,7%-92%.  Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa buku saku bernuansa islami materi sistem reproduksi manusia layak dan efektif sebagai bahan ajar. Islamic senior high school emphasizes learning that refer to Islam. The reality in field of  learning material used yet nuanced islamic.The purposes of  this research are to identify the material of study that we used in biology, to know how important the develop of pocket book islamic nuanced,  to description  the characteristic to develop pocket book islamic nuanced, and to know feasibility and effectivity of  pocket book islamic nuanced. This research design was Research and Development (R & D). The results assessment of media specialist, materials biology specialist and  materials religion specialist showed that a pocket book islamic nuanced about human reproductive system was well worth  the feasibility percentage, respectively for 97,08%; 91,78% and 97,2%. The response of students  on product trial was 98,75%. The response of  teacher on product trial was 100%. The Percentage of cultivation character education on product trial was 90,6-91,04%. N-gain from both schools reached 0,7. Student classical learning completeness obtained 89,7-92%. Based on that research, we can conclude that pocket book islamic nuanced about human reproductive system are feasible an effective for use as a learning materials

Copyrights © 2017

Journal Info





Biochemistry, Genetics & Molecular Biology Education


Journal of Biology Education [e-ISSN 2540-833X | p-ISSN 2252-6579 | DOI 10.15294/jbe | DOAJ toc/2252-6579 | Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Semarang] publishes research articles and conceptual analysis of philosophy, education theory, biology ...