Educational Management
Vol 1 No 2 (2012): December 2012


Zahrulianingdyah, Atiek (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
04 Dec 2012


Abstract: The objective of this study is to establish an organized model of education and training of community-based nutrition to overcome iron nutrition anemia. The research design uses Research and Development (R&D) with a three-stage model. The population in the research is all productive-age women who live in Mangli village, with the number of 286. The sample is 22% consists of 60 women, and 30 women who are regarded having a small limited scale for nutrition  education and training. The techniques of data collection are documentation, in-depth observation, direct interview, and questionnaire. Data are analyzed using description of percentage and quantative approach by using  Paired t- test. The preliminary result shows that the learning effectiveness in a model that is built, is highly effective. It is proven by the difference in outcomes before and after training which is found to be significantt. The t score is 13,246 while t table is 2,861 (t score > t table). There is a decrease in iron anemia rates between before (40%) and after training in nutrition (20%), and significant difference, t score > t table. Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian mendeskripsikan tentang (1) perilaku kebiasaan makan, (2) tingkat pendidikan, (3) pengetahuan gizi, (4) status gizi, (5) tingkat anemia, (6) efektivitas pembelajaran pada pendidikan dan pelatihan gizi, (7) penurunan angka anemia. Penelitian ini menggunakan Research and Development (R&D) dengan 3 tahapan. Populasi dan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah  ibu-ibu Desa Mangli usia produktif  yang berjumlah 60 ibu dari 286 ibu, sebagai sampel penelitian awal), sedangkan sampel untuk peserta pendidikan dan pelatihan berjumlah 30 ibu, dengan teknik purposive cluster  random sampling. Analisis data menggunakan deskripsi prosentase dan uji beda (paired t test) Hasil studi menunjukkan efektifitas pembelajaran pada model yang dibangun, memiliki efektifitas yang tinggi, terbukti dari adanya perbedaan hasil sebelum dan sesudah diklat secara signifikan,  t hitung 13,246 sedangkan t tabel 2,861 (t hitung > t tabel).Ada penurunan angka anemia gizi besi antara sebelum (40%) dan sesudah  pelatihan gizi (20%), diukur selang enam bulan dari pelaksanaan pendidikan dan pelatihan gizi, dan terbukti ada perbedaan  secara signifikan (hasil uji p<0,05).

Copyrights © 2012

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Decision Sciences, Operations Research & Management Education


Educational Management is a peer-reviewed journal which publishes original contributions on education administration, management and leadership in the widest sense: on the management of schools of all types, and of further and higher education institutions; on administration and policy at all levels ...