Educational Management
Vol 3 No 2 (2014): December 2014


Subagio, Istu Hari (Unknown)
Sastroatmodjo, Soedijono (Unknown)
Samsudi, Samsudi (Unknown)
Sugiharto, Dwi Yuwono Puji (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
18 Dec 2014


Telah dilakukan penelitian dan pengembangan untuk menghasilkan sebuah model manajemen strategis pembinaan soft skill keprofesionalan Perwira TNI Angkatan Darat. Perwira Pertama (Pama) Angkatan Darat yang ada di lingkungan Kodam I Bukit Barisan ebagai sumber data. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui angket, observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi. Seluruh instrumen yang digunakan divalidasi oleh pakar (promotor) dengan teknik rational jugdment. Data penelitian dianalisis dengan teknik deskriptif kualitatif Model Hipotetik divalidasi internal oleh sejumlah pakar lewat FGD, sedangkan validasi eksternal lewat pemangku kebijakan yaitu sejumlah pimpinan Departemen Pertahan dan Keamanan (Hankam). Aspek-aspek soft skill yang perlu dikembangkan untuk para perwira TNI AD yaitu: (1) etika, (2) kemampuan komunikasi, (3) ketahanan mental dan keuletan, (4) kemampuan bersosiali-sasi, (5) kerjasama dan jiwa korsa, (6) kemampuan memimpin, (7) kepekaan sosial, (8) keberanian mengambil keputusan, melalui sebuah model manajemen pembinaan yang terintegrasi dengan model pembinaan kurikuler. Berdasarkan hasil dan analisis dapat disimpulkan bahwa diperlukan adanya manajemen strategi pembinaan profesionalisme yang menyeimbangkan pemberian materi pembinaan antara kecakapan hard skill dan soft skill secara berkesinambungan, proprosional dan terprogram. Research and development aims to produce a model of strategic management soft skills coaching professionalism the Army officer. As a source of research data are First Officer (Pama) Army in the environment I Bukit Barisan Military Command, which amounted. Data were obtained through questionnaires, observation, interviews, documentation. The entire instrument is used validated by experts (promoters) with rational techniques jugdment. Data were analyzed with descriptive qualitative techniques and data from the model development was analyzed by quantitative descriptive technique. The Hipotetic model is validated internally by a number of experts through focus group discussions (FGD), while the external validation through stakeholders that a number of leaders Department of Defense and Security (Defense and Security). Aspects of soft skills need to be developed for the officers of the army, namely: (1) ethics, (2) communication skills, (3) mental toughness and tenacity, (4) the ability to socialize, (5) and the corps spirit of cooperation, (6 ) the ability to lead, (7) social sensitivity, (8) the courage to make decisions. through an integrated management model development with curricular model. There needed to be a strategy for developing the professionalism of management by balancing the provision of guidance material between hard skills and soft skills skills on an ongoing basis, proportional and programmed.

Copyrights © 2014

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Decision Sciences, Operations Research & Management Education


Educational Management is a peer-reviewed journal which publishes original contributions on education administration, management and leadership in the widest sense: on the management of schools of all types, and of further and higher education institutions; on administration and policy at all levels ...