Industria: Jurnal Teknologi dan Manajemen Agroindustri
Vol 4, No 1 (2015)


Nur Lailatul Rahmah (Universitas Brawijaya.)
Novia Ayu Setyaningtyas (Universitas Brawijaya)
Nur Hidayat (Universitas Brawijaya)

Article Info

Publish Date
25 Jan 2016


Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kombinasi penambahan konsentrasi EM4 dan konsentrasi kotoran kambing yang tepat untuk menghasilkan kompos yang baik. Kompos terdiri dari limbah baglog jamur tiram, kotoran kambing, dan EM4 yang dicampur hingga merata. Proses pengomposan dapat dipercepat dengan bantuan EM4 (Effective Microorganism 4). Penelitian ini mengkaji pengaruh penambahan konsentrasi EM4 sebesar 0%, 0,1% dan 0,2% serta penambahan konsentrasi kotoran kambing 0%, 20%, dan 40%. Pengolahan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan analisis ragam (ANOVA), jika beda nyata α=0,05 maka dilanjutkan uji DMRT 5% apabila tidak beda nyata diuji dengan BNT 5%. Pemilihan perlakuan terbaik didapatkan dengan menggunakan metode Multiple Attribut. Perlakuan terbaik dari penelitian ini berdasarkan rasio C/N, kadar C-organik, N, P2O5, K2O terdapat pada penambahan konsentrasi kotoran kambing 20% dan penambahan konsentrasi EM4 0% dengan pembalikan 2x selama sebulan (28 hari). Perlakuan terbaik memiliki rasio C/N, kadar C-organik, N, P2O5, K2O, warna, bau, dan tekstur berturut-turut 16,51, 22,95%, 1,39%, 1,31%, 1,78%, coklat kehitaman, halus, dan sedikit bau tanah.Kata Kunci: Baglog Jamur Tiram, EM4, Kompos, EM4, Multiple AttributAbstract The aim this research are knowing combination of additional concentration of EM4 and goat manure appropriate concentration to produce good compost. Compost consists of oyster mushrooms baglog’s waste, goat dung, and EM4 until evenly mixed. The composting process can be accelerated with the help of EM4 (Effective Microorganism 4). This study examines the effect of adding EM4 concentrations of 0%, 0.1% and 0.2% and the addition of goat manure concentration of 0%, 20%, and 40%. Processing of the data in this study using analysis of variance (ANOVA), if the real difference α = 0.05 and then continued DMRT 5% when tested with no significant difference BNT 5%. Selection of the best treatment is obtained by using the method of Multiple Attributes. The best treatment of this research is based on the ratio C/N, C, N, P2O5, K2O contained in K2E1W2 treatment, namely the addition of goat manure concentration of 20% and addition of EM4 concentration of 0% with a twice reversal for a month (28 days). The best treatment known to have a C/N ratio, C-organic’s content, N, P2O5, K2O, colour, smell, and texture consecutive 16,51, 22,95%, 1,39%, 1,31%, 1,78%, blackish brown, smooth, slight smell of soil.Keywords: Oyster Mushroom baglog’s waste, EM4, Compost, EM4, Multiple Attributes 

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