Jurnal Bioteknologi & Biosains Indonesia (JBBI)
Vol 2, No 1 (2015): June 2015


Sri Pananjung, Ajeng Maharani (Unknown)
Ulfa, Evi Umayah (Unknown)
Senjarini, Kartika (Unknown)
Arimurti, Sattya (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
17 Nov 2016


A blood clot (thrombus) in a blood stream is formed due to a circulatory system imbalance in the hemostasis which results in plug of blood vessels. The suppliy of nutrients and oxygen to the tissues is inhibited (ischemia) by the accumulation of thrombus and embolus in the blood vessel. This prosses is the main cause for further atherotrombotic diseases such as myocardial infraction and cerebral infraction. This disease could be overcome by thrombolytic therapy by using fibrinolytic protease enzyme. Fibrinolytic activity of protease enzymes have been studied from various species of bacteria. Bacterial isolate of WU 021055* obtained from Papuma coastal waters has demonstrated fibrinolytic activity. This research was aimed to identify the bacterial isolate through morphological characterization (colony and cell morphology), physiological characterization (indole test, carbohydrates fermentation test (glucose, lactose, sucrose and fructose), catalase test, starch hydrolysis test, and the pH effect test), and molecular identification using 16S rRNA. Based on those characterizations, the bacterial isolate of WU 021055* shows a high similarity to Bacillus aerius.Keywords: Atherotrombosis, fibrinolytic, identification, characterization, bacteria ABSTRAKBekuan darah (trombus) dalam peredaran darah terbentuk akibat ketidakseimbangan sistem sirkulasi dalam hemostasis yang menyebabkan penyumbatan pembuluh darah. Akumulasi trombus dan embolus pada pembuluh darah mengakibatkan suplai nutrisi dan oksigen ke jaringan terhambat (iskemia) dan bahkan kematian jaringan (infark). Pembentukan ini merupakan etiologi dari penyakit aterotrombosis seperti infark miokard dan infark serebral. Penyakit akibat trombosis ini dapat diatasi dengan terapi trombolitik dengan enzim protease fibrinolitik. Aktivitas enzim protease fibrinolitik telah diteliti dari berbagai spesies bakteri. Isolat bakteri WU 021055* asal perairan pantai papuma tampak memiliki aktivitas fibrinolitik. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan identifikasi isolat bakteri melalui karakterisasi morfologi (morfologi koloni dan sel), karakterisasi fisiologis (uji indol, uji fermentasi karbohidrat (glukosa, laktosa, sukrosa dan fruktosa), uji katalase, uji hidrolisis pati, dan uji pengaruh pH), dan identifikasi secara molekuler menggunakan 16S rRNA. Berdasarkan karakterisasi morfologi, fisiologi, dan marker 16S rRNA, isolat bakteri WU 021055* menunjukkan kemiripan yang tinggi dengan Bacillus aerius.Kata kunci: Aterotrombosis, fibrinolitik, identifikasi, karakterisasi, bakteri

Copyrights © 2015

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Agriculture, Biological Sciences & Forestry Biochemistry, Genetics & Molecular Biology Immunology & microbiology


JBBI, Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology & Bioscience, is published twice annually and provide scientific publication medium for researchers, engineers, practitioners, academicians, and observers in the field related to biotechnology and bioscience. This journal accepts original papers, review ...