Vol 23, No 2 (2013): Eksplorasi Gagasan, Identitas, dam Keberdayaan Seni

Konsepsi Filosofis di Balik Musik Sholawat Campur ngaji

Sunarto, Bambang (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
01 Mar 2013


ABSTRACT The problems discussed in this study is philosophical conceptions behind the phenomenon of Cam­ purngaji Sholawat music. This research has been intended to reveal the ideas which is underlying the existence of the music and the spirit of the periferal Muslim community which is utilizing music as a symbol of its existence. Descriptive and analytical methods as well as interpretive methods are used to reveal and unravel the hidden conceptual thoughts. Philosophical conception in the form of practical assumption and working principle is useful as a performance benchmark of musical cre­ ativity. The understanding of the philosophical conception is useful to help any stakeholder to better understand the human intensity of a Muslim community through its musical culture expression. Keywords: philosophical conceptions, Campurngaji Sholawat music  ABSTRAK Permasalahan yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah konsepsi filosofis di balik fenom- ena musik Sholawat Campurngaji. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengungkap ide-ide yang mendasari eksistensi musik dan semangat komunitas muslim pinggiran yang me- manfaatkan musik sebagai simbol eksistensi. Metode deskriptif analitik disertai metode interpretif digunakan untuk mengungkap dan mengurai pemikiran-pemikiran konseptual yang tersembunyi.  Konsepsi filosofis yang berupa asumsi praktis dan prinsip berkarya bermanfaat sebagai acuan kinerja kreativitas bermusik. Pemahaman terhadap konsepsi filosofis itu berguna untuk membantu berbagai pihak untuk lebih memahami intensitas kemanusiaan suatu komunitas muslim melalui ekspresi budaya musiknya. Kata kunci: konsepsi filosofis, musik sholawat Campurngaji 

Copyrights © 2013

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Panggung is online peer-review journal focusing on studies and researches in the areas related to performing arts and culture studies with various perspectives. The journal invites scholars, researchers, and students to contribute the result of their studies and researches in those areas mentioned ...