An - Nisa`
Vol 7 No 2 (2014)

Perempuan Dalam Teks Satsra Arab:Pespektif Sosiolinguistik

Rusydi, Muhammad (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
26 Jan 2014


Abstract: Language and culture can be described as two sides of a coin that are fused to one another. Social phenomenon of arab society that still tends to treat woman as second-class society after the men who occupy the position of first grade has been recorded in various  Arabic literary texts in their position as a product of science that should expands the mission  of social justice  in under-standing social phenomena, serve as a means of justify-cation for structured social hegemony conducted bye men over woman in the frame of gender inquality. Socio-linguistic perspective, at least, can give an objective picture of how the actual social background surrounding the writing and the interpretating of Arabic literary text so that the text can be liberated from the spectrum between objectivity and subjectivity.

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