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CITRA PEREMPUAN DALAM TEKS - TEKS BERITA DI HARIAN FAJAR ( Suatu Tinjauan Analisis Wacana Kritis ) T, Hj. Fatimah
An - Nisa` Vol 5, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : PSW

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The results showed that in general the news about the woman in the Fajar newspaper, woman have been positioned balanced between positive and negative positions. On the positive position of woman is described as someone who can do many things like men. Woman can excel in sports such as (formula one racer, takrow players, volleyball players, badminton players, karate), education practitioners, real estate businessman, politicians, economic agents (entrepreneurs) and cultural performers. While in the position that woman are portrayed as negative as the weak, the second position only, not confident, take cover behind the beauty, fun dress up, let go, the teaser, materialistic, whores, and, like glamours life.
PEMBELAJARAN BERPERSPEKTIF GENDER (Internalisasi Nilai-Nilai Gender dalam Pemberlajaran) S, Samsinar
An - Nisa` Vol 4, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : PSW

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This study discusses the gender perspective of learning. The target of this research is to understand the concept of gender and the internalization of gender in learning. This research method is qualitative. The results show that gender is a social construction that distinguishes the role and status of men and women in a society where the cultural background of social conditions. Gender is not universal, not the nature of women, and can not be changed because of the influence the course of history, changes in political, economic, social and cultural development and progress. Gender is the result of community formation. Learning the gender perspective is the learning that uses the concept of gender justice, equal partnership of harmony between men and women, pay attention to gender needs and interests. Therefore, to achiave gender equity in both the school environment, family, and society it is necessary to consciousness, sensitivity, and gender justice. Gender equality in learning requires involvement of all stalceholders including government, schools are institutions and especially its educators. Educators must become agents af change towards gender equality in learning through the learning process of gender sensitive so that he can internalize the values of gender in learning. And also required the standardization of textbooks are gender oriented.
An - Nisa` Vol 7, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : PSW

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Perilaku Lekat merupakan hubungan emosional kepada seorang figur yang, menyebabkan seorang anak mencari kehadiran figur tersebut dan mengharapkan kasih sayangnya sehingga anak akan merasa aman. Perilaku lekat ini menunjukkan pada hubungan efektif yang akan bertahan lama dalam rentang kehidupan seseorang. Perkembangan perilaku lekat pada seorang anak memiliki empat tahap. Namun perkembanganrrya sangat bervariasi pada setiap anak, karena sangat dipengaruhi oleh kondisi anak itu sendiri dan kondisi lingkungan di mana anak tersebut hidup dan dibesarkan. Perilaku lekat sangat diperlukan oleh setiap anak mengingat perilaku lekat sangat menunjang perkembangan mereka. Kepada para orang tua, sebaiknya memperhatikan kebutuhan psikologis anak ini dengan menyadari bahwa kehadiran seorang dewasa sebagai figur lekat bagi anaknya adalah kebutuhan dasar bagi seorang anak. Terutama kepada seorung ibu, yang merupakan sosok yang paling diharapkan seorang anak untuk menjadi figur lekatnya.
An - Nisa` Vol 4, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : PSW

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Money is not everything but many things that can not be done without money. Muslim households are built based on the intention of perfecting of worship, should not ignore the factors that often trigger the emergence of problems in the household of money.Management of household finances properly is a must for couples. Management includes how to obtain property / money, then sued the couple how to implement the financial management in meeting the needs of an increasingly complex manner that varied according to the financial condition of a family with a fixed reference to rules that do not conflict with Islamic values. That should be understood by married couples is how they communicate their family planning noted that financial management by taking into account the ratio of income and expenditure and keep documenting the movable and immovable assets. With the financial management of the slick, did not rule out the family can enjoy the tranquility of live that leads to my house my paradise.
Telaah Gender: Pemakaian dan Makna dalam Bahasa Inggris rasyid, nirwana
An - Nisa` Vol 7, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : PSW

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Abstrak: Secara praktis, bahasa merupakan alat komunikasi yang dipakai oleh masyarakat untuk mengekspresikan gagasan yang telah menjadi konsesus bersama. Bahasa Bugis, seperti bahasa lainnya tergolong salah satu bahasa yang juga mengenal sistem gender dalam pemakaian kata, Telaah gender dalam bahasa Bugis, terdapat empat kelas kata yaitu adjektiva, verba, nomina, dan kata tugas.
Gender Dalam Prilaku Sosial Masyarakat Djamaluddin, Ahdar
An - Nisa` Vol 6, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : PSW

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Abstrak: Gender merupakan topik ulama yang menjadi perbincangan di kalangan masyarakat luas. Tidak sedikit masyarakat yang mempunyai persepsi yang berbeda mengenai hal itu dan itulah yang menyebabkan adanya kontroversi di antara masyarakat. Hubungan sosial antara laki-laki dan perempuan dapat dilihat dalam berbagai bidang kehidupan antara lain  dalam bidang politik, sosial, ekonomi, budaya, hukum dan sebagainya. Hubungan sosial tersebut pada umumnya menunjukkan bahwa kedudukan perempuan lebih kendati bila dibandingkan dengan kedudukan laki-laki. Berbagai macam bentuk ketidakadilan gender saat ini diantaranya marjinalisasi, penomorduaan, stereotype, isu gender dalam hukum adat, isu gender dalam perundang-undangan.
An - Nisa` Vol 3, No 2 (2010)
Publisher : PSW

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Women participation in banking of moslem law in this case very good high entrepreneur area in small industry like mixture sell, merchant and cloister at traditional market. This matter indicated that the women do this effort to show to family or husband. The women also deflect to follow to take a hand in thinly family to the field of economics. Even dive this small effort economics is household head or husband however woman also follow to assist even show the obstinacy of ind the field of effort.But some constraints faced women in the field of this effort not other in educational, where women hardly do cooperation banking of moslem in developing the effort. Women that form education aspect of where most women which plunge the less effort area education of only just elementary school, there event exist which not at all go to school. All this become causes of constraint to do the men’s effort.For example which become many constraints for women in doing the effort business that is problem of culture, where our culture in general women only thin family and child not be anabled to do the men’s effort that anything else many house exists causing mussy family.
Problema Perempuan Dalam Memilih Produk Unggulan Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM) Rahim, Abdul
An - Nisa` Vol 5, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : PSW

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Abstract: Islamic banking has developed from year to year although it is not growing as rapidly as conventional banking, due to various factors, including many conventional banks have greater assets. However, Islamic banking is also experiencing growth as well as experiencing difficulties in its development among other aspects of the law, lack of socialization of Islamic banking, syari’ah banking operational constrains as well as the public’s understanding of syariah banking is still relatively unfamiliar.Constrains, will provide the solution to be studied and analyzed in accordance with the facts that exist in the community, and it is an input as well as valuable lessons for future Islamic banking tobe developed in the future.
An - Nisa` Vol 3, No 1 (2010)
Publisher : PSW

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(BOOK REVIEW)Judul Buku                        : Wanita-Wanita al-qur’anJudul Asli                          : Nisa’ fi Hayat al-AnbiyaPenulis                               : Fathi Fawzi Abdul Mu’thiPenerjemah                        : Asy’ari KhatibPenerbit                              : ZamanTahun                                 : 2010Halaman                              : 520
An - Nisa` Vol 7, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : PSW

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Islam adalah agama yang membawa misi besar, yakni rahmatan lil alamin (rahmat bagi seluruh alam semesta), Untuk menyebarkan rahmat bagi semua ini, Islam juga membawa misi utama untuk terwujudnya kemaslahatan, keadilan, dan kebebasan. Semua aturan Islam, terutama yang tertuang dalam Al-quran menjadi bukti akan hal tersebut. Kalaupun kemudian muncul banyak penafsiran yang menyimpang dari misi-misi tersebut, hal ini karena adanya penafsiran terhadap Al-quran yang didasari oleh konteks sosial budaya yang melingkupi para penafsirnya atau juga karena pemahaman yang literal terhadap teks-teks hadis Nabi Muhammad Saw. Dalam memaknai ayat-nyat Al-quran yang secara umum membawa pesan keadilan, para penafsir terkadang mengambil keputusan yang berbeda hanya karena adanya ayat yang bisa diarahkan sesuai dengan penafsirannya dan juga karena didukung oleh budaya patrineal yang kental dikalangan masyarakat Muslim.Adanya hadits-hadis Nabi yang misoginis (merendahkan perempuan) lebih memperkuat keyakinan penafsir untuk memegangi pendapatannya. Disinilah muncul tafsir-tafsir yang banyak memposisikan perempuan dalam posisi yang inferior.

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