An - Nisa`
Vol 9 No 2 (2016)


nursia, nursia (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
01 Sep 2016


This article examines the topic of discussion related to the prevention of child sexual abuse Islamic perspective. Islam is a moral basis in all aspects of human life that puts the relationship is integrative, between man and God, and between man and his fellow even with other creatures. But in reality often found their menyimpangan of Islam itself as the occurrence of sexual abuse in children.Furthermore, this paper suggests the efforts of a preventive nature in addressing the rampant sexual abuse of children by providing the correct sex education in children from an early age by the way; 1) Keep children from potential lust sex, 2), embedding the soul of masculinity and femininity is clearly an early age, 3) Recommend a child on the body and its functions, 4) introduce children body parts that should not be touched by other people, 5) do not familiarize children touched anyone else except oerangtuanya, and 6) familiarize children unjust

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