Noetic Psychology
Vol. 4 No. 1 Januari-Juni 2014

Hubungan antara Konformitas Terhadap Teman Sebaya dengan Perilaku Bullying pada Siswa SMPN 22

Novianty, Lola ( Universitas Kristen Krida Wacana Jakarta)
Putra, Denny ( Universitas Kristen Krida Wacana Jakarta)

Article Info

Publish Date
13 Jan 2016


AbstractPeer pressure in adolescent is a common issue that can give positive and negative impact. Among the negative impact of peer pressure is bullying behavior. Bullying behavior is  repeated verbal, physical, social or psychological aggressive behaviour by a person or group directed towards a less powerful that is intended to cause harm, distress or fear.  This research aim to explore the relationship between bullying and conformity among junior high school student in SMPN 22 Tangerang. Bullying behavior was measured using bullying behaviour scale, and conformity was measured using comformity scale (Rahmwati, 2014). The result showed that there were a non significance and positive correlation between bullying and conformity (r = 0,224, p = 0,025 < 0,05).  Kata kunci: Konformitas terhadap teman sebaya, perilaku bullying, siswa SMP 

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