Jurnal Gizi Klinik Indonesia
Vol 13, No 3 (2017): Januari

Suplementasi ekstrak albumin ikan gabus terhadap status gizi dan imunitas pasien stroke

Vivien Novarina Kasim (Departeman Keperawatan, Fakultas Olahraga dan Kesehatan Universitas Negeri Gorontalo)
Sri Manovita Pateda (Departemen Kesehatan Masyarakat, Fakultas Olahraga dan Kesehatan Universitas Negeri Gorontalo)
Veni Hadju (Departeman Gizi, Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Hasanuddin)
Nurhaedar Jafar (Departeman Gizi, Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Hasanuddin)

Article Info

Publish Date
30 Jan 2017


Background: Malnutrition and immunology change in stroke would affect the outcome of the stroke patient. The supplement of the extract of snakehead fish as an alternative is expected could reduce the effect pasca stroke.Objective: This study aims to assess the effect of snakehead fish supplementation on nutritional status, levels of albumin, TLC and TNF-α in stroke patients.Method: This type of study is a quasi-experimental, pre-test post-test group design, by providing treatment to the subject of research and treatment effects were measured and analyzed. Subjects were divided into two groups; a first group which receives 3 x 2 capsule of snakehead fish supplementation as well as diet and nutrition education (intervention group) and the second group that received only diet and education (control group).Results: From the results, it was found that nutritional status, which was obtained by measuring UAC in cases and controls are good (SG ≥ 85%) but no significant differences between them (p=0.914). There are significant differences between albumin levels before and after intervention (p=0.023) with an average increase of 0.2 g/dl, but not in the control group (p=0.931). For TLC values increased in the intervention group (990,5 sel/mm3) and a decrease in the control group (645,03 sel/mm3) with a significant difference in both groups (p=0.034). There was a decrease of TNFα in both group; for cases (mean=-2.91) and controls (mean=-2.58) with significant differences between the two groups (p=0.001).Conclusion: The supplementation of an extract of snakehead fish could increase the albumin and TLC level and decrease the TNFα in stroke patients.

Copyrights © 2017

Journal Info





Biochemistry, Genetics & Molecular Biology Medicine & Pharmacology Nursing Public Health


Jurnal Gizi Klinik Indonesia merupakan jurnal ilmiah nasional terakreditasi yang memuat artikel penelitian (research article) di bidang gizi dan kesehatan, yang terkait aspek gizi klinis, gizi masyarakat, gizi olahraga, gizi molekular, biokimia gizi, pangan fungsional, serta pelayanan dan manajemen ...