Vol 2, No 2 (2015): DIDAKTIKA TAUHIDI


Sya, Mega Febriani (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
20 Mar 2017


Penelitian tindakan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan peserta didik dalam menulis esai naratif melalui penerapan peer review di kelas. Subjek penelitian ini adalah peserta didik kelas sebelas SMA Al Azhar Syifa Budi Jakarta. Beberapa aspek yang harus dipertimbangkan dalam menulis esai naratif yakni tujuan komunikatif yang ingin disampaikan, pengorganisasian menulis paragraph, dan tata bahasa yang tepat dalam mengekspresikan suatu kejadian di masa lampau. Proses pembelajaran harus didesain agar bisa mengontrol motivasi dan minat peserta didik. Interaksi sosial di kelas juga bisa membantu peserta didik agar lebih berhati-hati dalam menulis. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, pre test, catatan kolaborator, dan tes akhir. Berdasarkan observasi awal sebagai data pertama, maka disusunlah tiga siklus yang diharapkan mampu meningkatkan keterampilan menulis esai naratif peserta didik. Peningkatan keterampilan tergambar dari hasil tes pada setiap akhir siklus. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan selama satu semester yang terdiri dari tiga siklus. Perlakuan diberikan pada siswa di tiap-tiap siklus yang diikuti dengan tes pada akhir pembelajaran. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan cara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Peningkatan keterampilan menulis peserta didik bisa digambarkan berdasarkan hasil tes dan penilaian akhir penulis dan kolaborator. Hasil akhir yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa setelah peserta didik mengikuti proses pembelajaran dengan peer review di kelas, terdapat peningkatan keterampilan menulis esai naratif bahasa Inggris.Kata kunci: karangan naratif, tutor sebaya, bahasa Inggris, menulis, penelitian tindakanTHE IMPROVEMENT OF NARRATIVE ESSAY WRITING ABILITY THROUGH PEER REVIEWAbstractThe research of this action aimed to improve students ability in narrative essay writing through peer review. The subject of this research was the elevents year students of SMA Al Azhar Syifa Budi Jakarta academic year 2012/2013. The data has been collected through observation, pre test, certain treatment, collaborator arguments, and final test. Acording to the early observation, three stages had been planned, in order to improve syudents essay writing. The improvement of the students narrative essay writing has been described by the final tests of the each stage. There are some aspects should be considered in writing of essay narrative; the communicative purpose, the organization of the text, and the proper sentence grammar. Teaching learning process must be organized to keep the students motivation. The social interaction of the class can help the students to write more carefully. This action research was being conducted for one semester that consist of six meetings in three cycles. There are two meetings for each cycle. The treatment has been done in each cycle and joined the posts test at the end of the class. The data was analyzed in qualitative and quantitative procedures. The students improvement can be described by the final tests and the final judgement of the researcher and collaborator. The result of the study described that there were students improvement on the writing narrative text by the application of the peer review in the classroom. 

Copyrights © 2015

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Education Neuroscience Social Sciences


Didaktika Tauhidi:Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar is an Indonesian-language scientific periodicals published by the Faculty of Education twice times a year on every April and October with the submission process of manuscript is open throughout the year. All submitted manuscripts will go through ...