Agrin : Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian
Vol 12, No 2 (2008): Agrin


Ade Supriatna (Unknown)
Bambang Dradjat (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
01 Oct 2008


Penelitian dilaksanakan tahun 2005 di Kabupaten Kolaka, daerah sentra produksi kakao SulawesiTenggara. Tujuan penelitian, yaitu: (1) menganalisis pemasaran kakao di tingkat petani dan (2) menganalisiskinerja ekspor kakao terutama daya saing kakao Indonesia di pasar internasional. Penelitian menggunakanmetoda survai. Hasil penelitian menunjukan, bahwa petani menjual kakao melalui tiga saluran pemasaran, yaitu:pertama, petani menjual kakao ke pengumpul, dari pengumpul ke pedagang besar lalu pedagang besarmenjualnya ke eksportir; kedua petani menjual kakao ke pengumpul lalu pengumpul menjualnya ke eksportir;ketiga, petani menjual kakao ke pedagang besar lalu pedagang besar menjualnya ke eksportir. Saluran pertamapaling sering digunakan oleh petani dibandingkan saluran lainnya. Pada setiap saluran, eksportir selalumemperoleh keuntungan paling besar (antara Rp.1.000 sampai Rp.1.050/kg) dibandingkan pelaku pasar lainnya.Hal ini sudah wajar karena mereka mengeluarkan biaya besar untuk mendapatkan mutu barang sesuaipermintaan importir, menanggung resiko akibat perubahan harga di pasar dunia serta perubahan nilai tukarrupiah terhadap mata uang asing. Ekspor kakao Indonesia belum berorientasi pasar, melainkan masihberorientasi produksi dimana perkembangan volume ekspor tidak sejalan dengan perkembangan nilai ekspor.Hasil analisis RCA selama sembilan tahun (1995-2004) menunjukkan bahwa daya saing kakao Indonesiacenderung menurun (0,11%/tahun) dan juga Ghana (3,98%) dan Pantai Gading (2,59%) per tahun. Sementara,negara eksportir lainnya mengalami kenaikan seperti Belgia (35,09%), Belanda (8,15%), Nigeria (4,82%) danKamerun (1,52%) per tahun. Pemerintah perlu memberikan dukungan kebijakan yang kondusif untukmeningkatkan daya saing kakao Indonesia. Perbaikan diperlukan mulai dari tingkat usahatani melalui penerapanteknologi unggulan, perbaikan pasca panen dan pemasaran.Kata kunci: kakao, analisis pemasaran dan eksporABSTRACTThis study was conducted in 2005 and taken place in Kolaka District, a centre of cacao production ofSulawesi Tenggara. The objectives of study were : (1) to analyze the marketing of cacao in farmer level and (2)to analyze the performance of cacao export especially its competitiveness in international market. This studyused the method of survey. Result showed, that the farmer sold cacao through three marketing channels, that is:the first channel, the farmer sold cacao to collector, from collector to wholesaler then the wholesaler sold it toexporter; the second channel, the farmer sold cacao to collector then the collector sold it to exporter; the thirdchannel, the farmer sold cacao to wholesaler then wholesaler sold it to exporter. The first channel was the mostoften used by farmer compared to other channels. In each marketing channel, exporter always obtained thehighest benefit (from IDR.1,000 to IDR.1,050/Kg) compared to other market actors. The exporter spend a lot ofcost to get quality of cacao according to importer request, took some risks caused by the price change in theworld market and also change of the exchange rate of rupiah to foreign money. The export of Indonesia cacaowas not yet oriented to the market, but still oriented to production. Where the growth of export volume did not inline with the growth of export value. The result of RCA analysis during nine years (1995-2004) indicated thatIndonesia cacao competitiveness showed decreasing (0.11%/year) and also Ghana (3.98%) and Ivory Coast(2.59%). While the others countries showed increasing like Belgium (35.09%), Netherlands (8.15%), Nigeria(4.82%) and Cameroon (1.52%) per year. Government required doing some conductively policy to supportincreasing the competitiveness of Indonesia cacao. Some improvements were needed from on-farm level throughadopting recommended technology, post-harvest handling and marketing.Key words: cacao, marketing and export

Copyrights © 2008

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