Jurnal Pertanian Agros
Vol 16, No 2: Edisi Juli 2014


Sulistiya Sulistiya (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
01 Jul 2014


Tingkat konsumsi protein masyarakat di Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta saat ini belum memenuhi target, padahal daging sapi merupakan sumber protein hewani yang mudah didapat. Oleh karena itu penelitian tentang analisis permintaan daging sapi di Provinsi DIY perlu dilakukan. Tujuan: (1) Mengetahui faktor yang memengaruhi permintaan daging sapi di DIY. (2) Mengetahui elastisitas harga sendiri dan elastisitas pendapatan dari permintaan daging sapi di DIY, serta mengetahui elastisitas harga silang dari permintaan daging sapi terhadap perubahan harga daging kambing, daging ayam, beras, dan minyak goreng.Metode: statistik deskriptif, dilanjutkan dengan statistik induktif, dan uji hipótesis. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan sekunder. Data dianalisis secara regresi linier berganda dengan pengujian nilai t dan F, serta analisis koefisien determinasi. Hasil: Secara bersama, faktor yang memengaruhi permintaan daging sapi di DIY adalah harga daging sapi, daging kambing, daging ayam, beras, minyak goreng, pendapatan, jumlah penduduk. Secara individu, permintaan daging sapi hanya dipengaruhi oleh harga daging sapi dan pendapatan penduduk. Permintaan daging sapi inelastis artinya daging sapi merupakan barang kebutuhan sehari-hari yang terjangkau dan mudah diperoleh penduduk DIY. Peningkatan pendapatan penduduk tidak menambah permintaan daging sapi. Barang substitusi dari daging sapi di DIY adalah daging kambing dan daging ayam, sedangkan barang komplementer adalah beras dan minyak gorengProtein consumption level of society in Yogyakarta Province has yet to meet the target, but the beef is a source of animal protein that is easily obtainable. Therefore, research on the analysis of demand for beef in this province needs to be done. Objective: (1) Determine the factors that affect the demand for beef in Yogyakarta. (2) Determine the own price elasticity and income elasticity of demand for beef in this province, and to know the cross-price elasticity of demand for beef to changes in the price of mutton, chicken, rice, and cooking oil. Metode: descriptive statistics, followed by inductive statistics , and hypothesis testing. The data used are primary and secondary data. Data were analyzed by multiple linear regression with the value of t and F tests, and analysis of the coefficient of determination. Results: Taken together, the factors that affect the demand for beef in the province is the price of beef, mutton, chicken, rice, cooking oil, income, number of inhabitants. Individually, beef demand is influenced by the price of beef and income residents. Beef inelastic demand means that beef is the daily necessities that are affordable and easy to obtain population of Yogyakarta Province. The increase in income population does not add to demand for beef. Substitutes of beef in the province is goat and chicken, while the complementary goods are rice and cooking oil. 

Copyrights © 2014

Journal Info





Agriculture, Biological Sciences & Forestry


Jurnal Pertanian Agros (JPA) is published by Faculty of Agriculture, Janabadra University and the Agribusiness Association of Indonesia (AAI). It available online supported by Directorate General of Higher Education - Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education- Republic of Indonesia JPA ...