Jurnal Teknik Mesin (JTM)
Vol 7 No 1 (2018): Jurnal Volume 7, No.1 (2018)


Styono, Agus (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
09 Dec 2018


PT Matabiru Indonesia ini memiliki banyak tenaga yang terampil, teliti dan berpengalaman sehingga mampu melayani jasa dengan baik, salah satunya yang sudah bermitra kerja adalah PT Multi Bintang Indonesia merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang minuman bir di Indonesia. Dalam hubungan kerja ini PT Matabiru Indonesia membuat Magazine Conveyor Kapasitas 150 Kg. Magazine Conveyor ini berfungsi untuk membantu proses loading dan penataan galon bir pada palet. Oleh karena itu  penulis memberikan solusi agar mampu membantu pengerjaan industri dalam hal proses produksi industri maupun manufaturd dengan judul Prosedur Pembuatan Magazine Conveyor Kapasitas 150 Kg Pada PT MatabiruIndonesia.Dari kegiatan yang telah dilakukan dapat diambil rumusan masalah yaitu “Bagaimanakah Prosedur Pembuatan Magazine Conveyor Kapasitas 150 Kg Pada PT MatabiruIndonesia?”.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian pada PT Matabiru Indonesia selama satu bulan didapat hasil berupa Prosedur Pembuatan Magazine Conveyor Kapasitas 150 Kg Pada PT Matabiru Indonesia harus melalui 5proses.Berdasarkan hasil pembahasan yang telah dilakukan, maka didapatkan bahwa sangan perlu mengikuti tahapan dalam pembuatan magazine conveyor agak tidak terjadi pembongkaran ulang. PT Matabiru Indonesia has a lot of skilled, meticulous and experienced personnel so that it is able to serve services well, one of which has a working partnership is PT Multi Bintang Indonesia is a company engaged in beer beverage in Indonesia. In this work relationship PT Matabiru Indonesia created a 150 Kg Capacity Conveyor Magazine. Magazine This conveyor serves to help the loading process and arrangement of gallons of beer on the pallet. Therefore the author provides a solution to be able to help work on the industry in terms of industrial production processes and manufaturd with the title of Making Procedures for 150 Kg Capacity Conveyor Magazine at PT Matabiru Indonesia. From the activities that have been done can be taken the formulation of the problem, namely "What is the Procedure for Making a 150 Kg Magazine Conveyor Capacity at PT Matabiru Indonesia?". Based on the results of research at PT Matabiru Indonesia for one month the results were in the form of a 150 Kg Capacity Conveyor Making Procedure for PT Matabiru Indonesia which had to go through 5 processes. Based on the results of the discussions that have been conducted, it is found that it is necessary to follow the stages in making the magazine conveyor rather there is no re-dismantling.

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