Jurnal Teknik Mesin (JTM)
Vol 7 No 2 (2018): Jurnal Volume 7, No.2 (2018)


wahyu, Mujahid (Unknown)
Kurniawan, Ahmad Robin (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
09 Dec 2018


Kegiatan perawatan (Maintenance) meliputi kegiatan pengontrolan,  service  sampai  dengan perbaikan  atau  pergantian  suku cadang atau komponen yang terdapat pada fasilitas mesin mesin tersebut. Selain itu, peranan perawatan mesin sangat penting untuk menjaga agar produksi berjalan dengan baik dan lancer sehingga terhindar dari kemungkinan  kerusakan  mesin,  menurunnya  produktivitas  jam  kerja  dan  biaya perawatan  yang  tinggi. Pada dasarnya yang diharapkan dari beberapa mesin tidak  lain  untuk meningkatkan efektifitas serta porsi ke untungan bagi perusahaan. Oleh karena itu penggunaan mesin produksi tidakterlepas dari adanya pemeliharaan  yang  menjaga  agar  mesin produksi tetap terus dapat berjalan dan menjaga kestabilan produksi. Oleh  karena  rumusan masalah Bagaimana Cara Perawatan High Grade Fugal (Hgf) Robert Ws Centrifugal Tipe Gā€“ 12 Di PT. Perkebunan Nusantara X PG. Meritjan Kediri Jawa Timur?ā€ Berdasarkan  hasil  yang    telah  dilakukan,  maka didapatkan simpulan sebagai berikut Troubleshooting yang sering terjadi pada mesin HGF ada beberapa hal,  yaitu: . pada AS, AS putus, karena Bearing aus., Pada Stang hensim,stang hansim putus kerena terlalu lama pemakaian, Pada Koberbofer, kerena terlalu lamapemakaian Perawatan pada mesin HGF yaitu : Sering melakukan pengecekan pada rumahbering, stang hensim, dan koberbofer pada saat over houl Maintenance activities (Maintenance) include control activities, service to repair or replacement of parts or components contained in the engine facilities of the machine. In addition, the role of engine maintenance is very important to keep the production running well and smoothly so as to avoid the possibility of engine damage, decreased working hours productivity and high maintenance costs. Basically what is expected from some machines is nothing but to increase the effectiveness and portion to profit for the company. Therefore the use of production machinery is inseparable from the maintenance that keeps the production machinery running and maintaining the stability of production. Therefore, both the main engine and the supporting engine must obtain optimal maintenance or maintenance in order to facilitate production activities. This is part of the Meritjan Kediri PG, where all production processes are carried out using a variety of machines. Because of the formulation of the problem How to Treat High Grade Fugal (Hgf) Robert Ws Centrifugal Type Gā€“ 12 at PT. Nusantara X Plantation PG. Meritjan Kediri East Java? "Based on the results that have been done, the following conclusions are obtained. Troubleshooting that often occurs on HGF machines is several things, namely:. in the US, the US broke up, due to worn bearings. In the handlebar, the handlebar was broken because it was too long to use, on the buster, because of the too long usage of maintenance on the HGF machine, often checking the house, the handlebar, and the buster when over holl

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