PHARMACY: Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia (Pharmaceutical Journal of Indonesia)
Jurnal Pharmacy, Vol. 09 No. 01 April 2012


Fifteen Aprila Fajrin (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
01 Apr 2012


ABSTRAK Latar belakang : Seledri (Apium graveolens L.) merupakan salah satu tanaman yang awalnya hanya digunakan sebagai pelengkap masakan. Berdasarkan dari penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Wolski, et al., 2002 menyatakan bahwa seledri mengandung senyawa kimia tanin dan polifenol. Berdasarkan literatur, tanin terbukti dapat bermanfaat sebagai anti diare. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas antidiare daun seledri pada mencit jantan galur Balb-C. Metode : Ekstrak etanol daun seledri terbagi menjadi tiga peringkat dosis (5,10 dan 20 mg/kgBB). Metode yang digunakan adalah metode proteksi terhadap minyak jarak (castor oil) dan metode transit intestinal. Hasil Pengamatan metode proteksi terhadap minyak jarak (castor oil) berupa frekuensi defekasi, konsistensi feses lembek/cair dan bobot feses selama 5 jam pengamatan. Berdasarkan metode transit dihitung rasio jarak yang ditempuh marker (norit) terhadap panjang usus mencit seluruhnya. Hasil dan Pembahasan : Hasil uji pada mencit yang telah dibuat diare dengan induksi castor oil diperoleh bahwa ekstrak etanol daun seledri dosis 20 mg/20gBB dapat menurunkan frekuensi defekasi, jumlah feses lembek/cair dan bobot feses selama 5 jam pengamatan pada mencit jantan yang telah diinduksi castor oil. Efektivitas ekstrak etanol dosis 20 mg/20gBB setara dengan loperamid dosis 0,06 mg/20gBB (berdasarkan uji anova one way pada taraf kepercayaan 95%). Berdasarkan metode transit intestinal diperoleh bahwa ekstrak etanol daun seledri dapat meningkatkan transit intestinal mencit, namun masih lebih kecil jika dibandingkan dengan loperamid dosis 0,06mg/20gBB (berdasarkan uji anova one way pada taraf kepercayaan 95%). Kata kunci : Tanin, Seledri, Castor oil, Transit intestinal, Anti diare. ABSTRACT Introduction : Celery (Apium graveolens L.) is one of plants that initially only used for cooking. Based on the research by Wolski, et al., 2002, celery contains chemical compound such as tannins and polyphenols. Tannins may useful as an anti-diarrheal because of adstringent effect. This study aims to determine the antidiarrheals activity of celery leaf in male mice strain Balb-C that was induced by castor oil. Method : The ethanol extract of celery leaves divided by three dose group (5,10 and 20 mg/kgBW). This research was done by two methods, protection of castor oil induced diarrhea and intestinal transit. After five hours treatment, frequency of defecation, number of soft/liquid feses and weight of stool was calculated. Besides, ratio of distance traversed by norit by the total lenght of small intestine. Result and Discussion : From the protection of castor oil induced diarrhea method, ethanol extract of celery 20 mg/20gBW doses decrease frequency of defecation, quantity of the soft / liquid stool and weight of stool after 5 hours treatment in male mice that had been induced by castor oil. The effectiveness of ethanol extract 20mg/20gBW dose equivalent to loperamid 0.06mg/20gBW (one way anova test at the α = 95%). Besides, the ethanol extract of celery induce intestinal transit of mice, but lower than loperamid 0.06mg/20g (one-way anova test at the α = 95%). Key words : Taninns, Celery, Castor oil, Intestinal transit, Antidiarrheal

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Materials Science & Nanotechnology


PHARMACY: Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia (Pharmaceutical Journal of Indonesia) is a scientific journal publishing original articles research in pharmaceutical science such as Pharmaceutical Technology, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Drug Discovery, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmaceutical ...