Vol 16, No 3 (2018)


Oktaviani, Laras (Unknown)
Tari, Nirmala (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
27 Dec 2018


AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kontribusi minat belajar dan kecerdasanemosional terhadap hasil belajar statistik mahasiswa D III Perhotelan semester 6 Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Triatma Jaya tahun pelajaran 2017/2018. Populasi penelitian ini berjumlah 77 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan sampel jenuh dimana semua anggota populasi dijadikan sampel penelitian. Data minat belajar dan kecerdasan emosional dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan kuesioner model skala likert. Sedangkan hasil belajar statistik dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan tes hasil belajar berupa soal pilihan ganda. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara statistik dengan analisis regresi linier berganda. Temuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) terdapat kontribusi yang signifikan minat belajar terhadap hasil belajar statistik mahasiswa D III Perhotelan semester 6 Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Triatma Jaya tahun pelajaran 2017/2018 dengan kontribusi sebesar 52,9%; (2) terdapat kontribusi yang signifikan kecerdasan emosional terhadap hasil belajar statistik mahasiswa D III Perhotelan semester 6 Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Triatma Jaya tahun pelajaran 2017/2018 dengan kontribusi sebesar 36,8%; (3) secara bersama-sama terdapat kontribusi yang signifikan minat belajar dan kecerdasan emosional terhadap hasil belajar statistik mahasiswa D III Perhotelan semester 6 Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Triatma Jaya tahun pelajaran 2017/2018 dengan kontribusi sebesar 66,1%.AbstractThis study aims to know the contribution of interest in learning and emotional intelligence to the students' statistical learning outcomes the sixth semester D III students in Triatma Jaya Institute of Tourism in academic year 2017/2018. The population of this study was 77 people. The sampling technique in this study used a saturated sample where all members of the population were sampled. The interest data and emotional intelligence were collected by using Likert scale model questionnaire. While the statistical learning outcomes were collected using the learning result test in the form of multiple choice questions. The data obtained were analyzed statistically with multiple linear regression analysis. The findings of this research are: (1) there is a significant contribution of interest in learning to the statistical learning outcomes of the sixth semester D III students in Triatma Jaya Institute of Tourism in academic year 2017/2018 with contribution of 52,9%; (2) there is a significant contribution of emotional intelligence to the statistical learning outcomes of the sixth semester D III students in Triatma Jaya Institute of Tourism in academic year 2017/2018 with contribution of 36,8%; (3) all at once there is a significant contribution of interest in learning and emotional intelligence to the students' statistical learning outcomes of the sixth semester D III students in Triatma Jaya Institute of Tourism in academic year 2017/2018 with contribution of 66.1%.

Copyrights © 2018

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PEDAGOGIA (e-ISSN 2579-7700, p.ISSN 1693-5276 is a peer-reviewed (double blind review) journal published by Faculty of Education, Indonesia Univerity of Education. The goal of this journal is to facilitate scholars, researchers, and teachers for publishing the original research articles or review ...