Jurnal Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Indonesia
2018: Edisi Khusus Call for Paper 2018

Analisis Konsumsi Protein Hewani pada Rumah Tangga Indonesia

Umaroh, Rodhiah (Unknown)
Vinantia, Anggita (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
03 Dec 2018


Currently, animal protein consumption in Indonesia is still low. The consumption of animal protein is one of the keys to improving public health. This study aims to analyze the consumption of animal protein shown by consumption of meat, chicken, fish and milk commodities in households in Indonesia. Fifth Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS) data applied by model of Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS). The results found that the own-price elasticity has a negative sign in accordance with the law of demand. Cross-price elasticity values vary from one another. Expenditure elasticity has positive sign indicates that all commodities are normal goods. ========================== Saat ini konsumsi protein hewani di Indonesia masih relatif rendah. Padahal konsumsi protein hewani menjadi salah satu kunci untuk meningkatkan kesehatan masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis konsumsi protein hewani yang ditunjukkan oleh konsumsi komoditas daging, daging ayam, ikan-ikanan, dan susu pada rumah tangga Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan data Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS) 5 yang diaplikasikan dengan model Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa koefisien elastisitas harga sendiri memiliki tanda negatif sesuai dengan hukum permintaan. Nilai elastisitas harga silang bervariasi satu sama lain. Elastisitas pengeluaran bertanda positif menunjukkan bahwa seluruh komoditas merupakan barang normal.

Copyrights © 2018

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Economics, Econometrics & Finance


Jurnal Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Indonesia has been published since 2000 by the Department of Economics Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Indonesia. Based on the Decree of the Director General for Higher Education Accreditation Number 43/DIKTI/Kep/2008, JEPI has been accredited 'B'as a ...