Jurnal Keperawatan Jiwa (JKJ): Persatuan Perawat Nasional Indonesia
Vol 6, No 1 (2018): Mei 2018


Setyanti, Purwa Risma Vike (Unknown)
Suerni, Titik (Unknown)
Kandar, Kandar (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
17 Jan 2019


Retardasi mental merupakan kondisi yang mengalami keterlambatan perkembangan dimulai pada masa anak, ditandai kemampuan kognitif di bawah normal dan terdapat kendala pada perilaku adaptif sosial. Masalah yang diakibatkan karena retardasi mental yaitu  cara  berfikirnya  terlalu  sederhana  atau  mengalami  keterlambatan  dalam  berfikir  dan menulis sehingga dalam bidang akademik sangat lemah, anak retardasi mental juga memiliki permasalahan  pada  aspek  motorik  halusnya.  Banyak metode yang dapat diberikan pada anak retardasi mental seperti senam otak melalui gerakan arm activation da terapi kolase. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektifitas senam otak melalui gerakan arm activation dibandingkan  terapi  kolase  terhadap  motorik  halus  pada  anak  retardasi  mental. Rancangan penelitian ini menggunakan quasy experiment dengan desain penelitian two group pre-post test design. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah uji Wilcoxon dan untuk mengetahui perbedaan efektifitas menggunakan uji Mann-Whitney. Hasil uji statistik didapatkan hasil p value 0.000 (p>0.05) hal ini dapat disimpulkan terapi kolase lebih efektif dari pada pemberian senam otak melalui gerakan arm activation terhadap motorik halus pada anak retardasi mental di SLB Negeri Ungaran. Diharapkan peneliti selanjutnya bisa memodifikasi  pada  prosedur  terapi  kolase  untuk  meningkatan  motorik  halus  anak  retardasi mental. Kata kunci : senam otak, arm activation, terapi kolase, motorik halus, anak retardasi mental THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE BRAIN GYM THROUGH ARM ACTIVATION MOVEMENT COMPARED TO KOLASE THERAPY ON FINE MOTORIC IN CHILDREN WITH MENTAL RETARDATION ABSTRACTMental retardation is a condition when someone is experiencing a retarded development which starts from the children period that is characterized by below normal cognitive abilities and constraints on social adaptive behavior. The prevalence of mental retardation in Indonesia is 5.250.000 people suffering from mental retardation. Problems caused by mental retardation are the way of thinking that is too simple or experiencing a retardation in thinking and writing that it makes someone poor in academics. Also, a child  with mental retardation has a problem in the fine motoric aspect. Many methods can be given to children with mental retardation such as a brain gym through arm activation movement and kolase therapy. The study aims at determining the effectiveness of the brain gym through arm activation movement compared to kolase therapy on fine motoric in children with mental retardation. The study uses quasy experiment with two group pre-post test research design. The statistical test used is Wilcoxon test and Mann-Whitney test to determine the difference of the effectiveness. The statistical test result in p value 0,000 (p>0,05). It can be concluded that kolase therapy is more effective than the brain gym through arm activation movement on the fine motoric in children with mental retardation at SLB Negeri Ungaran. it is suggested to the next researcher to modify the procedure of the kolase therapy to improve the fine motoric of the children with mental retardation. Keywords : brain gym, arm activation, kolase therapy, fine motoric, children with mental retardation

Copyrights © 2018

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Education Health Professions Nursing Public Health Veterinary


Jurnal Keperawatan Jiwa publishes articles in the scope of mental nursing broadly but is limited, especially in the field of mental nursing in healthy groups, risks, and disorders. Articles must be the result of research, case studies, results of literature studies, scientific concepts, knowledge ...