Vol 24, No 1 (2014): Fenomena dan Estetika Seni

Kajian Psikologi Individual Dalam Penggambaran Tokoh Drama Mainan Gelas Karya Tennessee Williams

Dewi Haryaningsih (Unknown)
Mumuh M. Z. (Unknown)
Gugun Gunardi (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
01 Jan 2014


ABSTRACT Manuscript ’Mainan Gelas’ by ThomasLanier ‘Tennessee’ Williams, tells about the life of a fa- mily conflict experienced by each character. Analysis method for the depiction of the character using the concepts of individual psychology of Alfred Adler. Concepts that will be used include feelings inferiorita, superiorita, final destination, lifestyle, and safeguarding. Adler has always emphasized family discussion, developed the theory of birth order, heredity, environment and individual creativ- ity will determine an individual’s personality. Through this analysis, it can be clearly perceived the correlation between theater arts and psychology. Keywords: Manuscript of ‘Mainan Gelas’, Individual Psychology  ABSTRAK Naskah mainan gelas karya Thomas Lanier ‘Tennessee’ Williams, menceritakan tentang kehidupan sebuah keluarga dengan konflik yang dialami oleh masing-masing tokohnya. Metode analisa untuk penggambaran tokoh tersebut menggunakan konsep psikologi indi- vidual dari Alfred Adler. Konsep yang digunakan di antaranya perasaan inferiorita, superi- orita, tujuan final, dan gaya hidup. Adler selalu menekankan bahasan keluarga, mengem- bangkan teori urutan lahir, keturunan, lingkungan, dan kreativitas individual sangat menentukan kepribadian individu. Melalui analisa ini sangat terlihat titik temu antara seni teater dan psikologi. Kata kunci: Naskah Mainan Gelas, Psikologi Individual

Copyrights © 2014

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Panggung is online peer-review journal focusing on studies and researches in the areas related to performing arts and culture studies with various perspectives. The journal invites scholars, researchers, and students to contribute the result of their studies and researches in those areas mentioned ...