PENDIPA Journal of Science Education
Vol 3, No 1 (2019): FEBRUARY

Studi perbandingan adaptasi Kura-Kura Pipi Putih (Siebenrockiella crassicollis) jantan dan betina di area Kolam Konservasi Universitas Bengkulu

Julita Pasaribu (Unknown)
Aceng Ruyani (Unknown)
Hery Suhartoyo (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
28 Feb 2019


ABSTRACT[Adaptation study of Pipi Putih (Siebenrockiella crassicolli) sexes in conservation pond at University of Bengkulu]. This study aims to compare the adaptability of Pipi Putih turtles (Siebenrockiella crassicollis) of males and females in the conservation pond area of University of Bengkulu (UNIB). Nine S.crassicollis were kept individually in a cage, consisting of three space at three different point. S.crassicollis were fed with kangkung (Ipomea aquatica) as much as 10% of  their body weight. Growth parameters was collected every week for six weeks : (a) weight gain (WG); (b) thick growth of body (TGB); (c) growth of carapace length (GCL), (d) growth of carapace width (GCW); (e) growth of plastron length (GPL)  and (f) plastron width growth (PWG)  The measurement results show: (a) WG: male = 3.50%, female = 2.01% (b) TGB: male = 0.30%, female = -0.05%; (c) GCL: male = 0.16, female = 0.26%, (d) GCW : male = 0.566%, female = 0.47% (e) GPL: male = 0.28%, female = 0, 27% and (f) PWG: male = 1.25%, female = 1.16%. Mean turtle growth percentage of all indicators: male S. crassicollis = 0.01% and 0.69% for female S. crassicollis. We concluded that the adaptability of male S. crassicollis turtles was higher than for female S. crassicollis. Keywords: Conservation; Siebenrockiella crassicollis; turtle; adaptation.(Received August 16, 2018; Accepted January 19, 2019; Published February 26, 2019) ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan kemampuan adaptasi kura-kura pipi putih (Siebenrockiella crassicollis) jantan dan betina di area kolam konservasi Universitas Bengkulu (UNIB). Sembilan ekor S.crassicollis dipelihara secara individu di dalam kerambah. Terdapat tiga kerambah yang diletakkan pada tiga titik berbeda. Kangkung (Ipomea aquatica) merupakan pakan yang diberikan sebanyak 10% dari berat badan. Pengambilan data dilakukan sekali seminggu selama enam pekan. Parameter pertumbuhan yang diamati adalah (a) pertumbuhan berat badan (PBB); (b) pertumbuhan tebal badan (PTB); (c) pertumbuhan panjang karapaks (PPK), (d) pertumbuhan lebar karapaks (PLK); (e) pertumbuhan panjang plastron (PPP) dan (f) pertumbuhan lebar plastron (PLP). Hasil pengukuran menunjukkan: (a) PBB: jantan = 3,50 %, betina = 2,01% (b) PTB: jantan =  0,30 %, betina = -0,05% ; (c) PPK : jantan =  0,16, betina = 0,26 %, (d) PLK : jantan = 0,566%, betina = 0,47%  (e) PPP: jantan = 0,28%, betina = 0,27%  dan (f) PLP: jantan = 1,25%, betina = 1,16%. Rata-rata persen pertumbuhan kura-kura dari seluruh indikator: S.crassicollis jantan = 0,01% dan 0,69% untuk S.crassicollis betina. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh,disimpulkan bahwa tingkat adaptasi kura-kura S.crassicollis jantan lebih tinggi daripada S. crassicollis betina. Kata kunci: Konservasi; Siebenrockiella crassicollis; kura-kura; adaptasi. 

Copyrights © 2019

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