Patrawidya: Seri Penerbitan Penelitian Sejarah dan Budaya
Vol. 16 No. 4 (2015)


Ernawati Purwaningsih (Balai Pelestarian Nilai Budaya Yogyakarta)

Article Info

Publish Date
12 Mar 2018


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tradisi membatik di Desa Kotah, latar belakangeksistensi tradisi membatik, menelusuri unsur-unsur pewarisan, serta menelusuri cara pewarisannya. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif, teknik wawancara mendalam, pengamatan, dan studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa awal mula tradisi membatik di Desa Kotah tidak dapat diketahui pasti, namun sudah ada sejak nenek moyang. Hal ini tergambar dari warisan kain batik yang dimiliki beberapa warga di Desa Kotah sudah berumur lebih dari 100 tahun. Mayoritas perempuan di Dusun Magug dapat membatik. Tradisi membatik dapat tetap eksis dipengaruhi, pertama, ketrampilan membatik merupakan warisan dari nenek moyang sehingga ada ikatan untuk meneruskannya. Kedua, kualitas sumberdaya manusia relatif rendah, mengakibatkan kesempatan untuk mencari kerja dan bersaing di luar daerah menjadi rendah. Ketiga, lingkungan permukiman yang relatif terpencil, di daerah perbukitan, tanahnya kurang subur mempengaruhi keterbatasan terhadap kesempatan kerja. Banyak ibu rumah tangga di Dusun Magug menjadi pembatik, namun yang menarik, pembatik anak-anak juga banyak. Anak-anak belajar membatik atas kemauannya sendiri. Dalam proses membatik, anak-anak hanya pada tahapan paling dasar yaitu isen-isen. Jadi, pewarisan tradisi membatik terjadi karena ada rasa memliki warisan budaya, menambah penghasilan, dan lingkungan sekitar banyak yang membatik.This research is aimed to describe batik tradition on Kotah village, reveal the background of batik tradition existence, finds the factor of the legacy, and reveal the way its inherited. The research was done by qualitative methods, depth-interview techniques, observation, and library study. The beginning of Batik tradition in Kotah village was not known for certain. But it has started since the time of their ancestor. This was depicted through the drawings of Batik cloth possessed by several Kotah villagers which already exists for more than 100 years. The majority of women in Magug hamlet able to make batik. The reasons of Batik tradition can survive was influenced by several factors. First, Batik craftsmanship was the legacy from their ancestor, therefore they have a bond or obligation to continue the legacy. Second, the low rate of human resource quality, cause the opportunity to find and compete to be a job seeker outside the area relatively low. Third, Remote settlements, in hill landscape, infertile soil will limit the job opportunity. Batik crafter in Magug hamlet consist of both children and adults. Children study batik by their own will. In Batik process, children were only comes at 'isen-isen' stage, the most basic stage. Briefly, Batik tradition legacy exists because children love and happy with the cultural legacy that they have. Economically, the activity can add extra money, for local area, household wife who can make Batik.

Copyrights © 2015

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Arts Social Sciences


The Patrawidya appears in a dark gray cover with a papyrus manuscript. The Patrawidya Journal is published three times a year in April, August and December. The study of the Patrawidya Journal article is on the family of history and culture. The Patrawidya name came from a combination of two words ...