UPEJ Unnes Physics Education Journal
Vol 4 No 3 (2015)


Susanti, Meili (Unknown)
Rusilowati, Ani (Unknown)
Susanto, Hadi (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
01 Apr 2016


Mengacu pada penelitian terdahulu mengenai rendahnya kemampuan literasi sains siswa dan belum tersedianya bahan ajar IPA yang memuat kemampuan literasi sains seimbang, maka dilakukan pengembangan bahan ajar IPA berbasis literasi sains. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik, kelayakan, keterbacaan, dan keefektifan bahan ajar dalam mempengaruhi kemampuan literasi sains dan peduli terhadap lingkungan siswa. Dalam penelitian ini terdapat 10 tahap yaitu mencari potensi dan masalah, pengumpulan data, desain produk, validasi produk, revisi produk, uji coba produk awal, revisi produk awal, uji coba produk akhir, revisi produk akhir, dan produk akhir. karakteristik bahan ajar ini memilikiperbandingan 41,17% : 17,64%, 17,64% : 23,52%. Uji kelayakan diperoleh hasil rata-rata 88,70%. Uji keterbacaan bahan ajar diperoleh hasil rata-rata 76,60%. Kemampuan literasi sains siswa kelas eksperimen 73,72% dan tergolong memiliki kemampuan literasi sains sedangkan kelas kontrol 59,46% dan tergolong cukup memiliki kemampuan literasi sains. Kemampuan peduli terhadap lingkungan siswa kelas eksperimen 71,86% sedangkan kelas kontrol 64,03% dan keduanya tergolong memiliki kemampuan peduli terhadap lingkungan.  Referring to the previous studies about the low literacy skills of science students and the unavailability of science teaching materials that contain a balanced scientific literacy ability, then the development of science-based teaching materials science literacy. This study aims to determine the characteristics, feasibility, legibility, and effectiveness of teaching materials in influencing the ability of science literacy and students concerned about the environment. In this research, there are 10 stages and is looking for potential problems, data collection, product design, product validation, product revision, the initial product trials, revision of the initial product, end product testing, revision of the final product, and the final product. the characteristics of this teaching material has a ratio of 41.17%: 17.64%, 17.64%: 23.52%. Feasibility test obtained an average yield of 88.70%. Readability test instructional materials obtained an average yield of 76.60%. Grade students' science literacy skills 73.72% classified experiments have the ability to control a class scientific literacy while 59.46% and is quite have the ability to scientific literacy. The ability to care for the environment experimental class students 71.86% 64.03% while the control group and both classified as having the ability to care for the environment.

Copyrights © 2015

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Education Physics


Unnes Physics Education Journal aims to publish results of empirical studies, theoretical studies, and conceptual analysis in the fields of education phylosophy and theory, physics education, development of physics learning instruments, physics learning media, experiments activity development in the ...