Seloka: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia
Vol 5 No 2 (2016): November 2016

Citra Publik Presiden Republik Indonesia pada Pemberitaan di Harian Suara Merdeka, Tabloid Tempo, dan Harian Republika : Kajian Analisis Wacana Kritis Model Norman Fairclough

Assidik, Gallant Karunia (Unknown)
Santoso, B.Wahyudi Joko (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
27 Feb 2017


Fokus penelitian ini adalah (a) mendeskripsikan dimensi tekstual, (b) memaparkan praktik wacana, dan (c) memaparkan dimensi sosiobudaya dari pemberitaan Harian Suara Merdeka, Tabloid Tempo, dan Harian Republika dalam membentuk citra presiden.Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan meliputi pendekatan metodologis dan teoretis. Pendekatan metodologis yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan teoretis Analisis Wacana Kritis (AWK) Norman Fairclough. Ada tiga tahap analisis yang digunakan, yakni deskripsi, interpretasi, dan eksplanasi. Data penelitian ini adalah penggalan wacana pemberitaan tentang Presiden Republik Indonesia dalam rentang masa penerbitan bulan November 2015 hingga Januari 2016. Berdasarkan penelitian, diperoleh hasil penelitian sebagai berikut. Pertama, Harian Suara Merdeka lebih mengarah ke pembentukan citra positif bagi Presiden, dengan persentase citra positif 51,35%. Harian Republika juga condong ke pembentukan citra positif Presiden, melalui persentase 58,3%. Adapun Tabloid Tempo 66,67% condong ke pembentukan citra negatif bagi Presiden. Kedua, analisis praktik kewacanaan dipusatkan pada bagaimana teks diproduksi dan dikonsumsi. Harian Suara Merdeka, Harian Republika, dan Tabloid Kompas memiliki pertimbangan khusus dalam pemilihan isu yang akan disajikan kepada pembaca setiap harinya. Produksi teks berhubungan erat dengan ideologi wartawan dan tindakan yang hendak dicapai. Ketiga, teks berita yang diproduksi media dipengaruhi oleh teks, praktik wacana, dan praktik sosiokulturalThe focus of this study were (a) describe the textual dimension, (b) exposing the practice of discourse, and (c) exposing the sociocultural dimension of the preaching of Suara Merdeka, Tabloid Tempo and Republika newspaper in shaping the image of the president.The approach used in this study include the methodological and theoretical approaches. The methodological approach used is qualitative descriptive theoretical approaches Critical Discourse Analysis (AWK) Norman Fairclough. There are three stages of analysis used, the description, interpretation and explanation. This research data is a fragment of discourse proclamation of President of the Republic of Indonesia in the issuance of period November 2015 to January 2016.Based on research, obtained the following results. First, Suara Merdeka leads to the formation of a positive image for the President, with the percentage of 51.35% positive image. Republika newspaper also inclined to the formation of a positive image of the President, with the percentage of 58.3%. The Tabloid Tempo 66.67% incline to the formation of a negative image for the President. Second, the analysis of discourse practice focused on how the text is produced and consumed. Suara Merdeka daily, Republika and Kompas Tabloid has a special consideration in the selection of issues to be presented to the readers every day. Text production is closely linked to the ideology of journalists and actions to be achieved. Third, the text of the news produced media influenced by the text, discourse practice and socio-cultural practices.

Copyrights © 2016

Journal Info





Languange, Linguistic, Communication & Media


Seloka: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia publishes articles of original researchs and conceptual studies about Indonesian language, literature, learning and teaching. This journal is published by Study Program Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia, Postgraduate Universitas Negeri ...