Manajer Pendidikan: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Pendidikan Program Pascasarjana
Published by Universitas Bengkulu
Manajer Pendidikan publishing scientific papers, including bestpractices research, action research, evaluative research and innovative/development research in the course of educational management and administration, leadership, supervision, and science education. The topics cover 1) Educational Policy, Planning, Economics and Financing; 2) Leadership, Communication, Bureaucracy and Organizational Behavior; 3) Management Education unit, substantive management of the main elements and supporting elements of education; 4) Fostering Educators and Educational Personnel, Pre-service and Continuing Professional Development; 5) Managerial Supervision, Academic Supervision and Clinical Supervision; 6) Monitoring, Evaluation, Assessment Educational Profile; 7) Quality Improvement, Expansion of Access and Educational Development; and 8) School Committee, Board of Education and Community Participation.
Publication Per Year