The Indonesian Design Journal
The Indonesian Design Journal (JDI) is an open journal—managed by the Indonesian Industrial Product Designers Alliance (ADPII)—that focuses on publication of research in general design fields, either as result of traditional form of research activities or design works.JDI is published twice a year, January and September. The Indonesian Design Journal (JDI) aims to build and strengthen all academic nuances related to design fields: product design, industrial design, interior design, visual communication design, textile design, craft, fashion design, and other notable fields of design that produce artifacts. All received writings shall be based on process of making (or creation) of artifact, creative analysis, design research result, concept and ideas, application of theory and method, philosophical opinion, or book reviews. SCOPE The scope of the Indonesian Design Journal (JDI) are—but not limited to—as follows: Social and cultural aspects of Design. Design Methods, Approaches and Processes. Design Management and Strategy. Craft and Design. Design Education Ergonomics of Design. Design History, Theory and Philosophy Design and Materials. Interaction and User Experience Design
Publication Per Year