Jurnal Selidik (Jurnal Seputar Penelitian Pendidikan Keagamaan)
Jurnal SELIDIK is a Jurnal - publishes twice each year, by the Forum Kajian Pendidikan Keagamaan NTT. Jurnal Selidik publishes research articles in the field of religious education which report empirical research on topics that are significant across educational context, in term of design and finding. The topic could be in education, teaching, learning, evaluation, measurement, management of education, management of organization, psychology of education, and learning technology. Jurnal SELIDIK was first published in 2020. Jurnal SELIDIK focuses on scientific studies or scientific research in the field of religious education which is useful for the public, policy actor and education practitioner. While the scope of the Jurnal SELIDIK cover the field of education, teaching, learning, evaluation, measurement, education management, organizational management, educational psychology, and learning technology. Therefore, every article or manuscript published in Jurnal SELIDIK following the reference bellow: 1. Have a strong and clear theoretical framework. 2. Have clear literature that correlate with the research topic discuss. 3. Have a clear and precise design and analysis. 4. Provide recommendation for further practical policy in the field of religious education.
Publication Per Year