Management Research and Behavior Journal
Management Research and Behavior Journal (MRBJ) E-ISSN 2798-3617 is an international scholarly journal devoted in publishing papers using multidisciplinary approaches in management with a strong emphasis on business, human resources, finance and behaviour. Management Research and Behaviour Journal (MRBJ) aimed to provide research articles in order to have a significant implication on the world of management studies and to bridge the gap between theory and practice in management research. It is a two annual journal published and all articles submitted are in English. Our uniqueness focus on the impact of ever-changing world towards the society based on our niche area of research. Management Research and Behavior Journal (MRBJ) follows a double-blind peer-review process, whereby authors do not know reviewers and vice versa. The journal intends to serve as an outlet with strong theoretical and empirical research and the papers submitted to MRBJ should not have been published or be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Management Research and Behavior Journal (MRBJ) published periodically two times annually (June and December) by Department of Management, Universitas Malikussaleh, Indonesia.
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