International Journal of Entrepreneurship, Business, and Creative Economy
Topic included in the journal are: Entreprenuship spesific topic cover but not limited to: Strategic dimensions of growth, The entrepreneur as manager of a growing company, Financing company growth, Internationalization and growth, The acquisitions process of a growing company, Teaching entrepreneurship, Strategic alliances, New forms of organization, Women and entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial behaviour in large organizations, Entrepreneurship in developing countries, Making allies in business, Ethics, the entrepreneur and the company. Business topic include but not limited to (1) the activities, strategies, structures and decision-making processes of multinational enterprises; (2) interactions between multinational enterprises and other actors, organizations, institutions, and markets; (3) the cross-border activities of firms (e.g., intrafirm trade, finance, investment, technology transfers, offshore services); (4) how the international environment (e.g., cultural, economic, legal, political) affects the activities, strategies, structures and decision-making processes of firms; (5) the international dimensions of organizational forms (e.g., strategic alliances, mergers and acquisitions) and activities (e.g., entrepreneurship, knowledge-based competition, corporate governance); and (6) cross-country comparative studies of businesses, business processes and organizational behavior in different countries and environments (7) Business management consist of Human Resource management, Finance and Accounting management, operation management and marketing management; Creative Economy topic include but not limited to practice activities which have their origin in individual creativity, skill and talent, and which have a potential for wealth creation. These activities primarily take place in advertising, architecture, the art and antique market, crafts, design, fashion, film, interactive leisure software, music, the performing arts, publishing, television and radio
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