Archvisual: Jurnal Arsitektur dan Perencanaan
Published by Universitas Sriwijaya
Archvisual is national journal to facilitate all of researchers from universities, academies, and institutions; as well as students in relevance with architecture and planning; Architecture, Digital of Architecture, Urban Design, Traditional Architecture and Vernacular, Archeology, Local Wisdom, Psychology in Architecture, Theory Method and Critics in Architecture, Building Structure and Utility System, Housing and Settlement, Sustainable Architecture, Urban Planning and Design, Urban and Rural Planning, Building Science and Technology, History and Theory of Architecture, Urban and Rural Infrastructure System. Archvisual journal will publish first edition in the end of the year 2021, both in online (e-journal) and printed. The journal is published in twice a year in June and December. The journal is managed and published by the Department of Architecture Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Sriwijaya University.
Publication Per Year