AMIN: International Journal of Islamic Education and Knowledge Integration
AMIN: International Journal of Islamic Education and Knowledge Integration is a journal that promotes scientific research and discussion on Islamic Education in the discipline of Islamic Religious Education, with a focus on scientific advancement of Islamic education and scientific integration. The topics are about Islamic education learning materials, Islamic education learning methods, evaluation of Islamic education learning, Islamic education studies, ethical or moral development, the dynamics of Islamic education management, empowerment and development of Islamic education institutions, contemporary-era religious research and learning, and Islamic study methods. This journal is managed by the Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan and this journal is published by Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kerinci, Indonesia.the online ISSN number and Print of this Journal are as follows: E-ISSN (3025-7158) and P-ISSN (3025-9525).
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