The GEADIDAKTIKA Journal is a multidisciplinary journal covering all fields of education and science related to geography, demography and the environment. The purpose of writing this journal are to reveal facts, problems and problem solving that can be used as input for Government, institutions, society and individual. The subject matter of the journal includes the following and related issues: 1. Geography Education, including classroom action research results, experimental research, development research and survey research related to geography education in elementary, junior high, high school and university. 2. Population education, including classroom action research results, experimental research, research development and survey research related to population education in elementary, junior high, high school and university. 3. Environmental education, including classroom action research results, experimental research, development research and survey research related to environmental education in elementary, junior high, high school and university. 4. The phenomenon of the lithosphere and its interaction with the population 5. The phenomenon of hydrosphere and its interaction with the population 6. The phenomenon of the atmosphere and its interaction with the population 7. The phenomenon of anthroposphere and its interaction with environmental elements 8. Interaction between society, development and implication for sustainable development 9. Sustainable use of land, water, energy and biological resources in development 10. Social and cultural contexts of sustainable development 11. Role of education and public awareness in sustainable development 12. Impacts of population growth and human activity on food and other essential resources for development 13. Sustainable land use, water, energy and biological resources in development Distribution, growth, population composition and demographic-related issues 14. Development and application of sustainability indicators GEADIDAKTIKA journal welcomes scientific research papers, review papers and discussion papers dealing with environmental sustainability issues from such fields as the biological sciences, agriculture, geology, meteorology, energy, food sciences, soil and water sciences, geography, education.
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