Ulul Albab: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam
ULUL ALBAB: Journal of Islamic Education (e-ISSN 3026-0736; p-ISSN 3026-1414) is published by the Faculty of Islamic Religion at Universitas Islam Nusantara Bandung. ULUL ALBAB journal is open to the public as a platform to foster creativity and encourage collaborative efforts among academics, educators, researchers, and observers of educational issues. This journal publishes academic papers on Teaching Islamic Education and Islamic Education Studies both in the Indonesian and international contexts with a multidisciplinary perspective as well as discussing important topics in Islamic education, both in theory development and implementation of a comprehensive education system. This journal is an open access journal so that all parties are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, or link to part or all of the article without charge and prior permission from both the author and the journal editorial team. Manuscripts are published three times a year, namely in April, August and December in Indonesian or English, with abstracts in Indonesian and English.
Publication Per Year