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IMPLEMENTASI KEBIJAKAN PENANGGULANGAN BENCANA (Suatu Studi Di Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah Kabupaten Minahasa Tenggara) Londok, Christo Imanuel
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

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ABSTRACT: This research questioned the two main problems, namely: the extent to which successful implementation of disaster management policies, and Is successful implementation of disaster management policies in Southeast Minahasa district also determined or influenced by factors of communication, resources, implementing dispositions or attitudes and bureaucratic structures. Thereby, this study aims to: (1) to describe the successful implementation of disaster management in Southeast Minahasa district, (2) to determine whether the successful implementation of disaster management policies in Southeast Minahasa district also determined or influenced by factors of communication, resources, disposition or implementing attitude and bureaucratic structures.This research uses a quantitative approach to the application of descriptive and explanatory methods. The data and information collected through questionnaires distributed technique to 60 respondents, and is equipped with observation and documentation techniques, and then analyzed by applying a multiple linear regression analysis techniques.Based on the analysis of data, it is known that: (1). The success rate of implementation of disaster management in Southeast Minahasa district are in the category of "moderate/midle" or quite successful. This fact shows that the implementation of policies combating disaster in this area is not optimal . It is constrained by inadequate availability of resources, particularly the amount and quality of human resources involved in disaster management policy itself. (2). Together or simultaneous communication factors, resources, dispositions or attitudes and bureaucratic structures implementing disaster management policies significantly influence the success implemntasi disaster, but partial, there are two factors that low influence, namely: communication factors and bureaucratic structures, where the influence of both these factors were not significant.Thereby, it can be concluded that the factor of communication and bureaucratic structures should get priority attention for future improvements to optimize performance / success of the implementation of disaster management policies, particularly in Southeast Minahasa regency.Key words : policy implementation, disaster prevention
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

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ABSTRAK Policy Implementation Health Service For Poor People In Puskesmas Ondong Subdistrict Siau Barat Regency Siau Tagulandang Biaro Beneath The Guidance By Prof. Dr. Drs. P. Rumapea, M.Si Dr. Dra. Joyce Rares, M.SiRegency Siau Tagulandang Biaro doesn’t have region regulation ( PERDA) about Healthy service to give to people. In fact showed the puskesmas Ondong still demerit human resources about medic staff.This research use qualitative method. A research focus are : 1) The process of policy implementation healthy service refer to from four aspect of influence policy implementation is communication, capacity resources, disposition, and bureaucracy structure. 2) The result of policy implementation healthy service refer from effectiveness side and efficiency.Data source / informant 14 people is servicer element and service receiver this research consist of four dimensions are communication, capacity resources, dipostion, and structure organization / bureaucracy. The condusion can take from this research result is geberal scale.Policy Implementation healthy service for poor people in puskesmas Ondong Subdistrict Siau Barat Regency Siau Tagulandang Biaro is good, but not optimum that is from capcity resources side. Puskesmas Ondong still demerit medic staff ( doctor, nurse, midwife and medic equiptment ). Recommendation idea to government Regency Siau Tagulandang Biarro in order to make Region Regulation ( PERDA ) about healthy service. Agree with foor indicators problem research, in order to government can more increase management service to people is preparing human resources (SDM) in this matter medic staff be able to give action agree with competence belong in a effective and efficient in order to hopely.Keywords : Policy Implementation Health Service For Poor People In Puskesmas Ondong Subdistrict Siau Barat Regency Siau Tagulandang Biaro.
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

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ABSTRACT :Walangitan , Stephani F , The effectiveness of tourism policies in supporting regional development of Toli Toli Regency in Central Sulawesi Province . Thesis of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Sam Ratulangi University. Supervisors by : ( 1 ) Drs.J.Mandey , M.Sc. ( 2 ) Drs.S.P.I. Rompas , M.Sc.The problem that face by most of local governments in Indonesia is the implementation of autonomous government without being overly dependent to the central government. It seems that this challenge of implementation is not simple to deal with by the local government. This condition is reflected in the high level of demand of GAF ( General Allocation Fund) from most of the local government to the central government .Relevant to the feature and characteristics of the problems examined, this research is used descriptive - analytical method ( Nazir , 1988 ; Koentjaraningrat , 1997) . Descriptive methods can be interpreted as a process of solving problems examined by describing the current subject and object of the research based on the facts that appear or how is it appear ( Nawawi , 2003) . To examine the effectiveness of tourism development policies in Toli - Toli . To analyze the policies contribution to the success of tourism development policy towards regional development, particularly in Toli – Toli region. For identifying and assessing the barriers faced by local governments of Toli - Toli in implementation of tourism development policy in this area.Based on the results of data retrieval in that taking from the Department of Tourism in Tolitoli, Central Sulawesi, The existing data shown that there are 36 tourism objects in that area that consists of natural attractions, cultures, and history but only 2 tourism objects that managed by the government in this case, Department of Tourism and the rest remaining objects managed by the local community.As a suggestion, It is better if the Department of Tourism can collaborate and working together with the local community in the development and management of tourism in Toli-Toli region, Central Sulawesi Province to increase the potential tourist attraction in order to increase local exchange and public welfare.Keywords : the development of tourist attraction , society welfare , local exchange.
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

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ABSTRACT Costumer satisfaction, and Costumer loyality Regina Pacis Korengkeng Drs. A. K. Tungka, M.Si Dra. Sofia. A. P. Sambul, M.SiThe rise of competition that exist in every business currently pushing for every business to improve the quality of services provided to consumers so that they feel satisfied. So also in the banking industry. Banking industry have hand in glove related/ relevan to its consumers, because relation between client and banking represent one unity. Both of the components requiring each other. If a costumer is satisfied then they will be loyal to the bank. The relation between costumer satisfaction and costumer loyalty is what seemed to have become a pattern of relation which.In this research, variable satisfaction of costumer used to measure costumer loyality. Object in this research is Bank Sulut Cabang Utama Manado costumer. Quantitative Analysis in this research is done with, normality test, multiple regression analyse, and test multiple partial regression coefficient. While analysis is qualitative obtained from interpretation respondent in this research. Result of research indicated that variable satisfaction of costumer have influence which are significant to costumer loyality.Key words : Costumer satisfaction, and Costumer loyality
Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Pelayanan Publik di Kecamatan Tomohon Utara Kota Tomohon Kawet, Yehezkiel Dayan
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

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ABSTRACT: In the several year, the public serve still be a main factor, about good or not good in some serve institute. With a good serve, so the institute is the good one too. The public serve can’t avoid from the leadership in that institute. Leadership also can be an one factor of success or bad in some institute, also leadership can determined for good or bad that institute too. This research’s point is know that there is an side-effect of leadership against public serve in the Tomohon City for North Tomohon or not.This research using quantity method, there is a several statistical variable from the many indicator: the decision making, organization, giving motivation, communication, supervision. At the same time, the public serve’s indicator is : touchable, reliably, intelligent, assurance, and emphaty. The 120 employees are taking for respondents that separated in the sub-district office and 3 village office. This responden are given list question with using interview method.The result of this research has showed that leadership have a relationship with public serve in the significant extent 0,05 or confidence extent 95%. It’s can we have from the chi-square value 11,30 and critical table for significant extent 0,05 for level 4 is 10,19. In the result for coefficient contigency’s number is very to much distance from the coefficient contigency’s maximum number and just almost approach of half value from coefficient contigency’s maximum number. It can being interpretation that the level relationship between leadership and public serve is in high category.In based results of the analysis’s above, can given conclusion that leadership have a significant relationship in the high extent against public serve at North Tomohon sub-district’s institute.Keyword : Side-effect of leadership against public serve
Implementasi Kebijakan Pemekaran Desa Dalam Penyelenggaraan Pelayanan Publik Di Kecamatan Tompaso Kabupaten Minahasa Onibala, Nancy Melisa
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

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ABSTRACT: Proliferation of Regional Rural Policy intensively until now has been developed in Indonesia as one way for equitable development and improve the welfare of society .Historically ,the village is the origin of the formation of political society and government in Indonesia long before this nation was formed . Based on the above authors interested in conducting a study on the implementation of village expansion policy in the administration of public services in the district of Minahasa District Tompaso .The study is titled on the implementation of village expansion policy which aims to improve services public.research aims to describe,analyze and determine the division of policy implementation in public service village in the district of Minahasa regency Tompasowith indicator; Communication, recourcess, Disposition and bureaucracy structure.The research method used was qualitative research using analytical methods Milles Huberman.Berdasarkan research has been done , then the author can draw the conclusion that the expansion policy implementation in rural districts Tompaso going well , although the influence of power and kepentigan actor and implementing compliance and responsiveness somewhat affect the implementation of the program assessed the implementation and facilities are still lacking influence public nature of the service , but the corresponding field interviews deficiency does not prevent the implementation of village expansion policy in the administration of public services in the district Tompaso . Keywords : Implementation of policy , the Village Expansion , Public service
Implementasi Kebijakan Pelayanan E-KTP Di Kecamatan Singkil Kota Manado LANTI, YUNIAR
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

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Abstrak :Subdistrict Singkil is one of the districts located in the region of Manado North Sulawesi province. The total area of the District Singkil is 386.4 ha, which consists of nine villages and forty-eight environments. Singkil subdistrict has a population of ± 60 272 people, made up darilaki 30,412 men and women 29 860 soul spirit, soul and compulsory ID cards 44,837 18,301 heads of household life. The implementation of e-ID card service policies in Singkil District of Manado City in general has been effectively seen in four important aspects of the policy implementation process as proposed by Edward III, namely: (1) communication: communication that occurs in the implementation of e-ID card service policies in the District Singkil Manado has been implemented in accordance with what is set, the instruction or command leadership to the staff of the e-ID card service program in the district of Singkil is clear, the information provided leadership to the executive employees are clear and easily understood by staff / employees implementers, as well as methods of implementation clear and easily understood by the public, (2) the resources, in terms of the number of executive staff, information / knowledge held by employees of executive, budget, and facilities supporting the implementation of the e-ID card program, everything is good and adequate, (3 ) disposition, judging from the support of this program, the priority of this program, competency, commitment executor, and the role of leadership in funding for implementing an employee incentive, showing disposition of this program is good, all the elements / components of the government in supporting the implementation of this program. (4) The structure of the bureaucracy, as the structure of the implementing organization / division of labor, standard operational procedures (SOP), the mechanism of service procedures, as well as the standard completion time implementation of e-ID card program in the District Singkil is good and in accordance with the instructions of the implementation.Keyword : implementation of policy, service
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

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Gratia Natrina Kaparang, 100812002, Majors Administration Program Study Administration Business, April 2014 " On The Influence Of Distribution Materials To Satisfaction of Consumer’s (Study at Costumer/ client] of Nimble Shop exist in Sub-Province of Minahasa South-East)". Guided By : Dr. Drs. J. R. E. Tampi, M.Si and of Drs. Harry J. Sumampouw, M.Si. ABSTRACT The activity of distribution for the everlasting business of some coorporate business is very important. That is why this activity has to be carried on to satisfy the consumers needs, also to hold the consumers stay on. Then, the material is primary for the sustainebleness of men’s life. Therfore, the writte check and understand how important the distribution to serve the consumers needs for the sakeness of giving satisfaction to the consumers. In relation to what is said above, we formulate the problem such as : Is the material distribution influenced towards the consumers satisfaction? The theory of marketing strategy and theory of distribution as well as the theory of consumers satisfaction explain the problem above by hypothesis as follow : there is an influence of the material distribution towards the consumers satisfaction. To test the hypothesis, we do the research based on the descriptive-quantitative method. The samples the simple coorelation technique and the simple linear-regression technique. Test significant shows by reality that r ≠ 0, so that Ho refused and Ha is accepted in the level of significancy of 95%. The Significant test is  ≠ 0, then Ho refused and Ha formulated aas coeficient regression (b = 1) is significant. This result strengh then the Saladin’s view (2006) and also Wellington’s view (1998). Conclusion of this research is: 1) Distribution variable have influence and relation which is signifikan to satisfaction of consumer so that thereby activity of distribution have to be taken care of and continue to be developed by for the shake of taking care of satisfaction of consumer; 2) Activity of distribution not merely focussed at sale of just goods, but require to pay attention requirement and character each;every consumer so that can maintain consumer satisfactorily what becoming requirement each;every consumer; 3) Each;Every employees employed by company have to comprehend the target of company in gratifying consumer so that can cooperate in reaching the target.Keyword : Materials Distribution, Consumer’s Satisfaction.
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

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Abstract: government regulation No. 27 of 2005 on the village mandated that one of the tasks is the village head coordinate participatory village. in fact the implementation of the village chief task is not optimally effective. on the basis of this study it is intended to mengetahiu how the effectiveness of the implementation of tasks in coordination over the head of the village participatory rural development Togawa.This research uses descriptive method of analysis. sources of data / research respondents were 56 people who were taken from various related elements, namely the village government, village consultative Board, Institute of community empowerment, community organizations, community leaders, and community residents. collecting data using questionnaires and interviewing. interview techniques. data analysis technique used is descriptive statistical analysis frequency tables and percentages.based on analysis of the data shows that the views of the indicators measuring the effectiveness of the implementation of the tasks used in the coordination of the village head participatory rural development in the category Togawa high enough / good enough.based on the results of the data analysis, it was concluded that the performance of duties of village heads in koordisani participatory rural development in the village Togawa is already quite effective.based on the study recommended that in order to improve the effectiveness of coordination of the participatory village development coordination forum in the village need to be optimized.
Efektivitas Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) dalam Rangka Penanggulangan Kemiskinan (Suatu Studi di Kecamatan Kota Utara Kota Gorontalo). Usman, Claudio
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

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ABSTRACT: Effectiveness of Program Keluarga Harapan ( PKH ) in term of the Destitution Tackling (Study in Kecamatan Kota Utara Kota Gorontalo) beneath the guidance by Drs. Jantje Mandey M.Si and Drs. Joorie M. Ruru M.SiThe large development of the citizen in Indonesia nowadays, can not be balanced with the government ability to manage and to control the people of the society maximally. It causes by a few factors, and with no coordination of each factors become one of them, the less of human resources , and the big amount of the citizen , etc. Furthermore, should not be very surprised if people of Indonesia are still live beneath of line of the destitution. There is many efforts that government did to cope this problem, such as the direct funds given by government to the people of the society, and one of them is Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH).The aim of this research is to analyze the effectiveness Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) that can obviously resolve the destitution. This research is placed in Kecamatan Kota Utara Kota Gorontalo. The research method that used is quantitative research method with the sample are 90 respondents.The result of the research shown that the respondents opinions in Kecamatan Kota Utara Kota Gorontalo about the effectiveness Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) averagely in the middle or moderate category, that is 46.7 % of 90 respondents, while in the low category is 23.3 % from respondents, and in the high category just around 19.1 %, whereas for the destitution tackling average being in the middle category is 48.9, while in the low category that is 14.4 % of 13 respondents and the high category around 36.7 %.Key words : Effectiveness, Program Keluarga Harapan, Destitution

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