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Brave A. Sugiarso
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Jurnal Teknik Informatika
ISSN : 23018364     EISSN : 26856131     DOI :
Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak, IoT, Big Data, Cyber Security, Cloud Computing, Multimedia, Grafika Komputer
Articles 3 Documents
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Sistem Pakar Dalam Mengidentifikasi Jenis Kerusakan Mesin Pada Mobil Suzuki Carry Berbasis Web Arbie, A. F.; Wowor, Hans F.; Robot, Jimmy R.; Sengkey, Rizal
Jurnal Teknik Informatika Vol 1, No 2 (2012): Jurnal Teknik Informatika
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35793/jti.1.2.2012.552


Growing technology in the field of cars as well as the more expensive new cars sold by each automaker. It makes people switch to buy old cars. The conditions of new and used cars are very different. When the new car is only doing engine maintenance each month with an oil change or other types of treatment, while an did car should check the condition of the engine every month. If there is a damage to this cars, the costs to enter the workshop is more higher then new cars. Because of the high cost if the car into the workshop, then the old cars owner must think to look for the other alternatives in repairing damage to the engine. According to identify the type of Expert System for Damage Engine In Car Suzuki Carry based on a Web-based tools to diagnose the type of damage to the engine Suzuki Carry and provide solutions in repairing the damage. The interaction between the system and the user uses the question of the causes that have appeared on the perceived condition of the driver and the performance of the car which the user will be asked to answer questions based on the condition of the car. Knowledge base is structured in such a database table, it is a table with some damage, the cause of the table and the table relationships to facilitate the performance of the inference system. Keyword : Expert System, Damage Diagnosis, Web-based Abstrak Dengan semakin berkembangnya teknologi dalam bidang mobil serta semakin mahalnya mobil baru yang dijual oleh tiap produsen mobil. Membuat banyak orang beralih untuk membeli mobil dalam keadaan bekas. Tentu kondisi antara mobil baru dan bekas sangat berbeda. Bila mobil baru hanya melakukan perawatan mesin setiap bulannya dengan mengganti oli atau jenis perawatan lainnya, maka untuk mobil bekas harus mengecek kondisi mesin setiap bulannya. Bila terjadi kerusakan maka biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk masuk bengkel juga sangat besar dalam memperbaikinya. Dengan biaya yang mahal bila mobil masuk bengkel, maka pemilik mobil bekas pasti berpikir untuk mencari alternatif lain dalam memperbaiki kerusakan mesin mobil. Sistem Pakar Dalam Mengidentifikasi Jenis Kerusakan Mesin Pada Mobil Suzuki Carry Berbasis Web dirancang sebagai alat bantu untuk mendiagnosa jenis kerusakan mesin Suzuki carry serta memberikan solusi dalam memperbaiki kerusakan. Interaksi antara sistem dan user menggunakan pertanyaan berupa penyebab yang sudah tampak berdasarkan kondisi yang dirasakan pengemudi dan kinerja dari mobil dimana user akan diminta untuk menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan kondisi mobil tersebut.Basis pengetahuan disusun sedemikian rupa ke dalam suatu database diantaranya dengan beberapa tabel yaitu tabel kerusakan, tabel penyebab dan tabel relasi untuk mempermudah kinerja sistem dalam penarikan kesimpulan. Kata kunci : Sistem Pakar, Diagnosa Kerusakan, Berbasis Web
The Influence of Attitudes, Norms and Control Subyetif Interests Attitudes to Using Internet Banking In BRI Kotamobagu Branch Roring, Ferdy
Jurnal Teknik Informatika Vol 1, No 2 (2012): Jurnal Teknik Informatika
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35793/jti.1.2.2012.1619


Commercial banks have introduced internet-based on banking system to improved operations and reduced costs. Internet banking is one form of service were started a lot of products offered by commercial banks in Indonesia.The sample in this study was 100 from total population 809 clients. Analysis tools used multiple linear regression, hypothesis testing using t test and F test before being tested by using multiple linear regression, previously tested using the data validity and reliability as well as testing the classical assumptions. Tests conducted with the help of SPSS software.The results showed that attitudes, subjective norms and behavioral control affect the interest of using internet banking either partially or simultaneously. The relationship between the variables X and Y is strong, while the magnitude of the influence of variable X to variable Y is equal to 38.8% while the remaining 61.2% is influenced by variables other than research. The dominant variable is the control of behavior.Increased interest of customers to use internet banking should be improved by Bank BRI Branch Kotamobagu by increasing or add information on internet banking, as most customers are still not understand about internet banking.Keywords: Attitude, Subjective Norms, Behavioral Control, Use Internet Banking Interests.
Jurnal Teknik Informatika Vol 1, No 2 (2012): Jurnal Teknik Informatika
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35793/jti.1.2.2012.550


Investasi TI di organisasi profit merupakan hal yang wajar dewasa ini, mengingat TI telah menjadi suatu bagian gaya hidup yang tidak terpisahkan di kalangan masyarakat. Penggunaan produk TI dirasakan sangat membantu dalam hal mobilitas dan efektifitas kerja perusahaan. Investasi TI yang dilakukan seringkali muncul dengan angka besar-besaran. Sementara untuk pengukuran keuntungannya, kebanyakan organisasi profit berfokus pada keuntungan secara finansial, namun jika ditanyakan tentang manfaatnya, lebih khusus manfaat yang bersifat intangible, biasanya perusahaan tidak dapat memberikan data yang sesuai. Metode Information Economics muncul untuk menjawab kebutuhan tersebut , dengan menggabungkan perhitungan dari segi finansial dan non-finansial untuk menilai dan melakukan justifikasi terhadap investasi TI Kata kunci:          investasi TI, manfaat intangible, information economics

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