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Raheema (P-ISSN: 2502-812X and E-ISSN: 2502-8111) is a scientific journal Gender and Children, published by the Center for the Study of Gender and Children (PSGA) Institute for Research and Services In the Community (LP2M) State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Pontianak. This journal contains the works of authors and researchers who have competence in their skills. A vision of the journal Raheema is: Realizing the scientific community who have vision, knowledge, awareness, and concern about Gender and Children. While the mission of the journal Raheema is: First, Being the Information Center and the study of science on Gender and Children for all academics and the general public. Second, Making Media Journal Raheema as scientific publications Gender and Child-quality, innovative and competitive locally, nationally, and internationally. Third, to accommodate, to develop the knowledge, insight, and ideas of the author and researcher in the field of Gender and Children. Raheema journal is published twice a year, namely in June and December.
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Raheema Vol 8, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : PSGA LP2M IAIN Pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24260/raheema.v8i2.1720


This literature study aims to discuss the culture of gender equity in early childhood that is constructed through traditional games. In this study the author raised the traditional game of Aceh and South Sulawesi. Aceh is a province in Indonesia that is given the special status as a Special Region of Aceh, and South Sulawesi is a province of Indonesia in the southern part of Sulawesi with Makassar as its capital. Aceh and South Sulawesi are regions that are very rich with their local cultures, as usually in other parts of Indonesia. One aspect of regional culture develops through traditional games. At the same time, technological advances have eroded traditional games and led people (particularly children) to modern games, so that the traditional games have gradually faded. Lately, many games have been founded to have had a negative impact on early childhood, both in terms of technology and gender injustice. This provokes awareness of the need to re-popularize traditional games to help replant the special characteristics of local cultures, minimize the negative impact of technology-based games, and to dismiss games that are not gender-just. The main results of this paper are to highlight the importance of gender equity in early childhood in the permanent aspect, because games are early childhood learning activities.
FIQIH EMANSIPATORIS (Membangun Metodologi Fiqih Pembebasan Bagi Perempuan) Muhammad Ngizzul Muttaqin; Miftah Rosadi; Arif Nur'aini
Raheema Vol 8, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : PSGA LP2M IAIN Pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24260/raheema.v8i2.1587


Labeling women who only do homework seems in the current modern context cannot be pinned on. Important positions held by women in the public sphere today seem to have broken the chain of women as workers in the private sphere. In the realm of classical Islamic law (fiqh) studies also provide justification for women as workers in the private world. So that the construction of classical Islamic law (fiqih) seems no longer relevant to use in today’s modern world, where women have an important position in social activities and as effort to provide equal opportunities and rights for all humans. As a literature-based study and literature study, this paper tries to reveal the mismatch of the use of classical Islamic law (fiqh) about women in the modern era today. The findings in this show that realizing emancipatory Islamic law (fiqh) is a necessity in order to realize Islamic law (fiqh) that is relevant to the social life of today’s society. So that the ideals of Islamic law (fiqh) which are righteous sholih fi kully al-zaman wa al-makan can be realized.
Raheema Vol 8, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : PSGA LP2M IAIN Pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24260/raheema.v8i2.1637


The study aims to determine the enhancement of parenting awareness in the digital era through lectures based on multimedia. This study was the result of community service by giving lectures based on multimedia. The population of this study was 20 mothers of Majelis Taklim, a women Islamic forum of Nuha district and there were 18 mothers selected randomly as the samples. Data was collected by using instruments of psychology scale through Google forms and analyzed descriptively. The result showed the increased of parenting awareness. The score of understanding of the child's development was 20 and so do the understanding of the gadget’s impact on child development. The score on raising awareness of Islamic concepts in parenting was 17 and the score of the awareness of parents’ responsibilities in preventing the impact of gadgets was 18. The score of clarity measures in preventing the impact of gadgets was 25 and readiness of implementing prevents the impact of gadgets’ score was 19.
POTRET DIRI WANITA MUSLIMAH (Studi Fenomenologi Wanita Pekerja Karet di Desa Kuala Mandor B Kabupaten Kuburaya) Muhammad Munir; Dwi Putri Robiatul Adawiyah
Raheema Vol 8, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : PSGA LP2M IAIN Pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24260/raheema.v8i2.1599


Islam perceives muslim women who obedient to Allah and His prophet. This is an implementation of amar ma'ruf nahi mungkar values written in the Qur'an and Hadith. In this research an extreme work was done by Muslim women, their courage in doing slicing the bark of rubber tree to get the latex (noreh) alone in the middle of the night located in the forest.This work really made the researchers amazed.It was interesting to be adopted by all women moslem that they can learnin and understand the life of a Muslim woman that happened in the village clearly. The method of the study uses descriptive qualitative research and the approach is Phenomenology Study, using data collection methods: interviews, observation and documentation, which include Muslim women, rubber workers, and including the people in the village. The location of this study is in the village of Kaula Mandor B, Kuburaya Regency by snowball regardingMuslim women plays an important role in family such as parenting children, obeying their husbands and their parents. While in data analysis, researchers would analyze, explore data. Data analysis is directed at research questions, data reduction, and synthesis. Triangulation and extension of participation is used as checking the validity of the data. The results of this study are the role of Muslim women, the courage of Muslim women, the upbringing of Muslim women, and self-portraits of Muslim women in Islam.
Raheema Vol 8, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : PSGA LP2M IAIN Pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24260/raheema.v8i2.2152


This research is a literature study with a qualitative approach that aims to analyze similarities related to the problems of parents in several countries in assisting children to study during a pandemic. In this study, the author uses various written sources from scientific articles originating from national and international journals as well as documents that are considered relevant to the study in this research. The results showed that the problems experienced by parents in several countries in assisting children to study during the COVID-19 pandemic have in common, namely difficulties in growing motivation in children so that they can carry out learning well in order to achieve learning goals
Raheema Vol 8, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : PSGA LP2M IAIN Pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24260/raheema.v8i2.1671


This study aims to analyze the religio-patriarchal hegemony of the Madurese community towards women. How does gender discrimination in Madura urge women not to have authority over their own bodies, due to the strict patriarchal culture and religious attitudes of people who tend to be fanatical and conservative. The area chosen as the locus of this study was Madura Island, covering Sampang Regency in West Tobaih Village, Pamekasan Regency in Torjun Village, Sumenep Regency in Bragung Village. The reason for the selection of the three regions is because the orthodox religious attitude of the people is still very thick, and is the main buffer of patriarchal culture. The method used in this study is qualitative anthropological through interviews with informants, as well as observations in the field. This study succeeded in identifying, gender inequality experienced by women in Madura, in addition to the strengthening of patriarchal culture and religious attitudes that are conservative and orthodox, women themselves become a driving force that reinforces gender discrimination against women in Madura, where the distribution of religious knowledge is gender biased , distributed by women to other women in the community. Another finding in this study is that pesantren are the main center for the development of interpretation of classical Islamic literature into gender bias. Therefore, a review of texts and learning strategies, especially in pesantren, is needed to make women more empowered, and not pressure women to become second class after men, so that the vulnerability of women in the family or the public sphere is not strengthened .
Raheema Vol 8, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : PSGA LP2M IAIN Pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24260/raheema.v8i2.1776


This article is aimed to introduce the media development in teaching English storytelling using puppets. Puppets are modified into ethnic puppets in order to teaching moderation for childhood learners. Teaching moderation is aimed to give the childhood learners an experience of learning process, self-awareness, and automaticity of Indonesia as Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (United in Diversity). This paper using qualitative design, library research through intensive reading, intensive writing, and collecting the data from Mendeley Reference Manager, Google Scholar, and Google Book. The source of data are journals, books, articles, documents and other references related to the research focus. The research findings found that the purposes of teaching moderation through storytelling using ethnic puppets is to teach harmony in living together with many ethnics in Indonesia in a simple way by telling a story containing moral values and introducing ethnic puppets wearing ethnic clothes as the characters of the story. In teaching moderation, teacher prepares some steps in providing the ethnic puppets. First, decide the story and its moral values. Second, making the ethnic puppets. Third, practicing storytelling. Fourth, retelling the story.
Raheema Vol 8, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : PSGA LP2M IAIN Pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24260/raheema.v8i2.1578


Dangal film released on December 23, 2016 contains about gender injustice that occurred in the village of Balali, Haryana, the northern state of India. The discussion will focus on finding out how gender inequality is found in the film Gangal?, annd how does Islam see that?. This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive nature. In addition, researchers conducted a study of the Dangal film produced by Aamir Khan. This study found that there were several scenes that showed gender inequality in the film, namely the occurrence of marginalization, subordination, stereotyping, physical and psychological violence, while also showing the existence of gender emancipation. Such a thing when viewed in the eyes of Islam then Islam itself has confirmed that all creatures are created equal, the only difference being piety. Thus Islam strongly rejects all forms of gender injustice.
PERAN PEREMPUAN DALAM PENINGKATAN EKONOMI RUMAH TANGGA (Studi Kasus: Perempuan Korban Tindak Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga dan Human Trafficking di Kota Singkawang Kalimantan Barat) ita cholifah; Syharoh Shafitry; Rahmah Yulisa Kalbarini
Raheema Vol 8, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : PSGA LP2M IAIN Pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24260/raheema.v8i2.2150


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adakah dampak yang dirasakan ataudialamiolehperempuankorbanKekerasanDalamRumahTanggadanHuman Trafficking di Kota Singkawang, bagaimana kondisi perekonomian korban secara keseluruhan serta faktor apa saja yang bisa menjadi pendukung dan penghambat mereka dalam meningkatkan perekonomian rumahtangga.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data penelitian ini yaitu data primer dan data sekunder. Sumber data primer adalah perempuan korban KDRT dan Human Trafficking di Kota Singkawang. Sumber data sekunder peneliti dapatkan dari berbagai macam literatur dan pengurus P2TP2A Maharani Kota Singkawang. Teknik yang digunakan adalah teknik wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Sedangkan untuk menganalisis datanya peneliti menggunakan analisis naratif.Berdasarkan pada analisis yang dilakukan, maka peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa: 1) Dampak yang dirasakan para korban adalah mereka mengalami sakit fisik, tekanan mental, merasa ketakutan, tidak percaya diri, malu, merasa tidak berdaya,danketergantunganterhadapsuami.2)Faktorpendukungdanpenghambat perempuan korban KDRT dan human trafficking dalam meningkatkan perekonomian rumah tangga yang peneliti dapatkan yaitu: modal usaha, memanfaatkan kemampuan membuat makanan/kue dan berdagang, sarana dan prasarana usaha, dukungan keluarga/orang sekitar. 3) Terjadinya peningkatan ekonomibagiparakorbanKDRTdanhumantraffickingyangpenelitiamatidilihat dari modal usaha, prasarana usaha, serta dukungan keluarga/orangsekitar.

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