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AT-Tahdzib: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Muamalah
Published by STAI At-Tahdzib
ISSN : 20897723     EISSN : 25031929     DOI : -
Core Subject : Education,
AT-Tahdzib: Jurnal Studi Islam diterbitkan oleh Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam At-Tahdzib Ngoro Jombang pada bulan September 2013. Berisi kajian studi Islam, muamalah dan bidang-bidang keilmuan. Sesuai dengan peraturan penulisan yang diterbitkan dua kali (bulan Maret Dan September ) dalam setahun dan publikasi penelitian keagamaan, muamalah (ekonomi Islam) serta keilmuan lainnya sebagai tanggung jawab ilmiah dan perwujudan Tri Darma Perguruan Tinggi.
Articles 185 Documents
Peran Dosen Dalam Membentuk Mahasiswa Unggul (Tafsir komonikasi Dari Peristiwa Nabi Sulaiman Dan Balqis Surat al-Naml 22-40 ) Mohammad Anwar Kholid
AT-Tahdzib: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Muamalah Vol 1 No 1 (2013): At-Tahdzib
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam At-Tahdzib Ngoro Jombang Indonesia

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Dosen ideal menurut mahasiswa adalah dosen yang memiliki penampilan sedemikian rupa sebagai sumber motivasi belajar yang menyenangkan. Pada umumnya mahasiswa mengidamkan dosennya memilki sifat-sifat yang ideal sebagai sumber keteladanan, bersikap ramah dan penuh kasih sayang, penyabar, menguasai materi ajar, mampu mengajar, dengan suasana yang menyenangkan.
ETIKA BISNIS DALAM PERSPEKTIF PEMIKIRAN AL-GHAZALI (Studi Analisis Terhadap Perilaku Bisnis Syari’ah di Indonesia) Ach. Dzaki GF
AT-Tahdzib: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Muamalah Vol 1 No 1 (2013): At-Tahdzib
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam At-Tahdzib Ngoro Jombang Indonesia

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Dalam nilai-nilai pengamalan al-Ghazali yang berkaitan etika bisnis yang harus dikendalikan juga oleh peran Negara dan agama yang menjadi tiang-tiang yang tidak dapat dipisahkan dari sebuah masyarakat yang teratur. Agama adalah fondasinya, dan penguasa yang mewakili Negara adalah penyebar dan pelindungnya, bila salah satunya lemah, maka masyarakat akan ambruk, sebagaimana pernyataan Ibnu Taimiyyah
Urgensi Dan Relevansi Al-Maslahah Al-Mursalah Sebagai Metode Ijtihad Kontemporer ach cholili
AT-Tahdzib: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Muamalah Vol 1 No 2 (2013): At-Tahdzib
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam At-Tahdzib Ngoro Jombang Indonesia

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Justice of decision of law of problems that happened, have properly relied on theorem or nash of al-Qur’an, kitabullah which have been confessed its truth, as well as relying on rules of Rasulullah (as-Sunnah).Besides based on both theorem above, Islam also recognize stipulating of law by aqliyyah, which is [is] ordinary to be named with method of ijtihad birra’yi (with ratio), and one of the method named al-Mursalah al-Mashlahah, that is specifying an deed which not there are lasing base or its in and also al-Qur’an of Sunnah.In conception al-mursalah al-mashlahah told with different term. Some of moslem scholar use term of al-mashahah that al-mursalah with word of al-Munasib al-Mursal (Ibnu Hajib and of Baidhawi; al-Baidhawi al-Qadhi), there also using istihlah (al-Ghazali; al-mustasyfa) and some of other again mentioning of al-Istidlal al-Mursal (al-Syatibi; al-Muwafaqat). Difference of that name looked into from three facet. First, see mashlahah found on questioned case. Second, seeing the nature of matching with the target of syara’ (al-munasib al-washf) obliging the existence of something rule of law be created something maslahah. Third, see process stipulating of law to something mashlahah addressed by special theorem.
Monopoli Dalam Prespektif Bisnis Syari'ah Emi Chulaimi
AT-Tahdzib: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Muamalah Vol 1 No 2 (2013): At-Tahdzib
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam At-Tahdzib Ngoro Jombang Indonesia

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Islam come wishing to uphold justice below/under wings of market norm. big Human respect small, strong assist weak, stupid learn from bright, and human being oppose brutality. Ih}tikār in modern economics defied as monopolistic process of and supply of demand commodity as a mean to get certain advantage. Monopolies and pricing can be conducted if situation of marketing price leap highly. It is of course, what more entitled to control pricing and monopolies power on condition that for the kemaslahatan of throng. Monopolistic and pricing basically harm throng, but, both can be gone into effect in a pinch and unstable price. So that, requirement of throng intention can overcome
Konsep Asuransi Dalam Konstruksi Bisnis Islam (Kajian Reflektif Perspektif Fikih Muamalah) Moh Nafih
AT-Tahdzib: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Muamalah Vol 1 No 2 (2013): At-Tahdzib
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam At-Tahdzib Ngoro Jombang Indonesia

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Application of equilibrium principal in Islam very is suggested, to be comprehended as life balance in world and eternity which must be carried by entrepreneur of moslem in this bearing ( Insurance). Hence this balance concept, inviting to all entrepreneur of moslem to be able to realize actions in business which can place x’self a others and moslem prosperity of life safety and world eternity.Other side, in have business to oblige the existence of business ethics Islamly which is put down above values of normatifias religion. Ethics is ideal moral values which must be applied in Islam business as business identity which have Islam bases. Business of Islam is the way of have business which clear of manipulation actions, exploitation, and from goods of lap. But most principal in characteristic have business of Islam conducted on the basis of is voluntary (antaradhin) and accepting each other between one another. So that from conducting business transaction it in an optimal fashion.In this ” concerning insurance”, representing new problem to Islam, and have the character of ijtihad, which must be tilled by moslem intelectuals to be able to know law status, operational procedure, and elementary principle of Islam, and also can be applied by society.
OBLIGASI SYARI'AH (Analisi Normatif, Praksis dan Komparatif Perbankan Konvensional dan Perbankan Syariah) moh sholeh
AT-Tahdzib: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Muamalah Vol 1 No 2 (2013): At-Tahdzib
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam At-Tahdzib Ngoro Jombang Indonesia

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Obligation represent one of the monetary instrument which enough draw to investor circle in capital market and or to company in getting fund for the development of company. Growth of obligation product in Indonesia relative still compared to slowgoing growth of share product. Since 1990, noted more than 23 company publishing obligation and only experiencing of growth become 120 publisher of obligation until September month; moon 2003 with value more than 45 triliun rupiah. Obligation represent letter owe from a[n company or institute which selling to investor to get fresh fund. Investor will get return in the form of certain rate of interest storey; level very depended varying strength of its publisher business. This rate of interest can be paid fied or have ladder. In money market which have expanded better form and obligation type can reach to flg even tens.
Analisis Kebijakan Ekonomi Umar Bin Khattab Perspektif Bisnis Syariah Dwi Hidayatul Firdaus
AT-Tahdzib: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Muamalah Vol 1 No 2 (2013): At-Tahdzib
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam At-Tahdzib Ngoro Jombang Indonesia

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As one comprehensive life system, Islam trusted by its as teaching which in general instruct human being to obtain; get two bliss dimension, that is eternity and world. Beside load order about problem of theology, aqidah, religious service, Islam also give fringes about problem of economics, either through and also implisit of explisit As khalifah both, successful Umar Bin Khattab in arranging political economy and governance. Might not be wrong if said that Umar Khattab bin have shown to world that applying of holy syariat is not at all hinder creative energy and innovate the highest leader a state in realizing prosperous and peaceful state. Beside give defiition , fringes and patron to be each; every policy shariah do not become source damn, also give very strong motivation and motivation to leader to strive to realize what most mashlahat its peoples.
Aktivitas Bisnis Perspektif Islam Dan Kapitalis (Analisa Komparatif Terhadap Aspek Fundamental Ekonomi Islam dan Kapitalis dalam Aktivitas Bisnis) Rosyidin Rosyidin
AT-Tahdzib: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Muamalah Vol 1 No 2 (2013): At-Tahdzib
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam At-Tahdzib Ngoro Jombang Indonesia

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Problems of primal which it is important to know, psychologyly that human being character is not will have left nothing to be desired with a[n certain matter. Although in its life have full by properties estae which abundance. Because theoretically said that:, Earnings excelsior, hence excelsior also assess utilitas to reach. Not surprise if later; then a lot place economics as solution fundamental, problem faced of human being, minimum its bearing which often occupy dominant position. Human being claimed to can to conduct the effort exsploration is no desisting in way of solution of problems of economics. And one of source of which cannot be disregarded in problem of economics is Religion. But Islamic economic activity, beside follow economics methods in general, also drape x’self to values of transenden having the character of doctrinal, namely through actualitation conception religion humanism and principal application of consistent islamic in freon confiuraton of al-Maqasid asy-Syari’ah.
Sejarah Perkembangan Pemikiran Ushulfiqh (Analisis Legislasi Hukum Islam Dalam Lintas Sejarah) Irkham Afifianto
AT-Tahdzib: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Muamalah Vol 1 No 2 (2013): At-Tahdzib
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam At-Tahdzib Ngoro Jombang Indonesia

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Idea of Islamic study reechoing lickety split in Islam world prove, that Islam as a experience of diaspora which do not be barricaded. Reconditional movement of idea with various its pattern a undoubtedly history. Therefore movement idea of Islamic study will always follow history motion that happened that moment. So, that Islam is blessing religion of lil’alamin accomplishment to all life manual fiht poorness, and realize prosperity in all human life aspect and also lift unemployment. In the fild of Islam economics property of orders representing fringes in transaction with model which have been determined and enabled, like merchant, message, pawn, transfer of, association, federation of trade association and farmer. In accomplishment to problem of sosial-keagamaan above, hence from that we need solution in around method or peripheral in searching solution problems of life that happened around us. In this case according to economizing writer that is us shall have knowledge science of ushul sources and fih intake of law or which is frequent to be known as al-Syari Mashadir’ or al-Ahkam ushul or of Adillat al-Ahkam, as peripheral which we require in accomplishment of our life intention
Aktivitas Bisnis Perspektif Ibnu Taimiyah Ahmad Insya’ Ansori
AT-Tahdzib: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Muamalah Vol 1 No 1 (2013): At-Tahdzib
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam At-Tahdzib Ngoro Jombang Indonesia

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Bahwa pemikiran Ibn Taimiyah berkenaan dengan harga yang adil, mekanisme pasar dan regulasi harga, serta berbagai pemasalahan lain yang berkaitan denganya, pada dasarnya bertujuan untuk menegakkan keadilan dalam aktifitas bisnis berkenaan dengan transaksi pertukaran dan berbagai bentuk hubungan akad lainnya dalam bisnis baik berupa barang maupun jasa. Konsep-konsep tersebut dimaksudkan sebagai panduan bagi para penguasa untuk melindungi masyarakat dari berbagai tindakan amoral dan eksploratif, di samping untuk lebih memudahkan bagi masyarakat dalam mempertemukan kewajiban moral dengan kewajiban finansial. Untuk itu, untuk mewujudkannya selalu memerlukan perhatian serius dan kerjasama setiap elemen dalam masyarakat pelaku bisnis bersama pemerintah, sebagaimana yang diharapkan Ibn Taimiyah untuk kepentingan bersama dalam berbisnis yang sehat dan dinamis. fungsi uang (gelkapital) dalam kaca mata bisnis merupakan alat atau media tukar yang memiliki nilai, yang menurut Lu>tge merupakan arti sempit dari modal. Oleh karena itu dalam aktifitas bisnis, seharusnya uang berfungsi sebagaimana jalur yang ditentukan, yaitu sebagai alat bisnis bukan sebagai komoditi.

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