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Warta Ardhia : Jurnal Perhubungan Udara
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Warta Ardhia is an Air Transport Journal containing research, review related to evaluation policy and technological development with the scope of air transport, airport, aircraft, flight navigation, aviation human resources, flight safety and security. Warta Ardhia is managed by Civil Aviation Research and Development Center of Ministry of Transportation of The Republic Indonesia and published 2 (two) times a year, June and December.
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Peran Jasa Ground Handling Terhadap Pelayanan Perusahaan Air Freight di Bali dalam Menghadapi Kompetisi Global Yati Nurhayati; Yunitha Ardiani Nur
WARTA ARDHIA Vol 42, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Research and Development Agency of The Ministry of Transportation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (695.254 KB) | DOI: 10.25104/wa.v42i1.291.43-56


Salah satu kunci keberhasilan dari sebuah perusahaan pengiriman barang terletak pada kegiatan handling barang yang efektif dan efisien. Untuk dapat berkompetisi dengan baik dengan acuan waktu pelayanan yang efisien, perusahaan jasa airfreight memerlukan kerjasama dengan perusahaan jasa ground handling (PT Jasa Angkasa Semesta dan PT Gapura Angkasa) agar dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan. Di sinilah letak peran penting perusahaan jasa ground handling terhadap bisnis air cargo. Sesuai dengan konsep aliran logistik secara terpadu maka selayaknya tidak ada sekat (boundary) atau pisahan antara perusahaan jasa ground handling dan airfreight dalam operasionalnya. Keduanya bersama-sama dengan maskapai penerbangan merupakan satu kesatuan untuk tujuan yang sama mengirim cargo pelanggan tepat waktu. Strategi apa yang akan digunakan perusahaan jasa airfreight bergantung kepada perhitungan IFAS dan EFAS untuk mencari titik absis dan ordinat yang menunjukkan posisi strategis perusahaan airfreight saat ini. Sebagai alat analisis kualitatif, analisis SWOT (Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, dan Threat) memadai untuk mengetahui posisi strategis perusahaan airfreight dan mengatur langkah strategi apa yang akan digunakan. Kerjasama antara airfreight dan ground handling ini diharapkan akan menghasilkan jasa pelayanan air cargo dengan total waktu proses yang relatif cepat. [The Role of Ground Handling Services to The Air Freight Services in Bali in The Face of Global Competition] One of the successful key of freight forwarder companies lies in their handling operations that executed effectively and efficiently. Most of the companies that can stay competitive in this transportation services business are those which operated with relatively short time in unloading and loading the cargo. In order to make their companies well competed with reference to efficient services time, air freight services companies need to cooperate with ground handling services companies (PT Jasa Angkasa Semesta and PT Gapura Angkasa) so that customer needs can be fulfilled. And that is the important role of ground handling services in the air freight business. In accordance with the integrated logistic flow concept, there should be no operational boundaries between ground handling services companies and air freight services companies. Both of them, together with the airlines, are an entity with the same purpose: to handle the customer cargo right in time. The strategy that will be used by air freight services companies rely on IFAS and EFAS calculation in order to find the correct abscissa and ordinate that indicate the strategic position of the companies at the moment. SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) used as the tool of qualitative analysis not only for indicating the strategic position of the air freight services companies but also for managing the strategic measures that will be taken. The awareness of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the air freight services companies can be used as the benefit in the cooperation with the other services companies, especially ground handling and airlines. The role of ground handling in improving the strengths and using the opportunities while reducing weaknesses and threats is crucial for air freight operations. Thus, cooperation between air freight and ground handling is expected in providing quick processing-cargo services.
Evaluasi Kondisi Fasilitas Terminal Bandara Raden Inten II Untuk Peningkatan Pelayanan Penumpang dan Sebagai Pemenuhan Syarat Sebagai Embarkasi Haji Lita Yarlina
WARTA ARDHIA Vol 42, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Research and Development Agency of The Ministry of Transportation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1109.592 KB) | DOI: 10.25104/wa.v42i1.292.17-28


Bandar udara Radin Inten IILampung setiap tahun mengalami peningkatan pergerakan penumpang, dalam hal ini akan mengurangi tingkat kenyamanan di terminal bandar udara. Untuk itu perlu mengevaluasi kinerja fasilitas terminal bandara dalam meningkatkan pelayanan penumpang. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif yaitu dengan mengevaluasi kinerja fasilitas berdasarkan SKEP/77/IV/2005 dan perkiraan/forecasting penumpang. Hasil analisis diperoleh bahwa Bandar udaraRadin Inten II Lampung saat ini memiliki kapasitas terminal penumpang dengan kategori menengah, dan perlu penambahan hall kedatangan 1.181 m2,hall keberangkatan 1.442 m2, luas baggage claim 475 m2. Sedangkan hasil peramalan penumpang dengan menggunakan regresi linier menunjukkan peningkatan dengan rata-rata 5 sampai 8 % pertahunnya.Berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Bersama (SKB) antara Menteri Agama Nomor 4 tahun 2012 dan PM 30 tahun 2012 Bandar udara Radin Inten II belum memenuhi persyaratanpanjang landasan (kurang dari 2.750 m) sebagai bandara embarkasi haji. Bandar udara belum memiliki kemampuan untuk melayani pesawat udara dengan kapasitas paling sedikit 325 (tiga ratus dua puluh lima) tempat duduk berdasarkan sertifikat tipe dan tempat parkir pesawat (apron) paling sedikit untuk 2 (dua) pesawat udara haji dengan tidak menggangu pelayanan selain penerbangan haji, sedangkan jumlah jemaah haji yang dilayani paling sedikit 14 (empat belas) kloter setiap tahun musin hajiBandar udara Radin Inten II Lampung sudah memenuhi persyarata dijadikan bandar udara embarkasi. [The Evaluation of The Radin Inten II Airport Terminal Facilities Towards The Improvement of Passenger Services and as For Fulfillment of The Hajj Embarkation Requirements] Due to the significant passenger movement growth over years in the Radin Inten II Airport, the level of comfort in the airport terminal is perceived to be decline. Therefore, there is a need to evaluate the performance of the airport terminal facilities in order to keep or even improve the passenger services. The methodology that used in this paper is descriptive analysis, both of qualitative and quantitative, which evaluate the performance of airport terminal facilities based on SKEP/77/IV/2005 and passenger movement forecast. The results found that the Radin Inten II Airport has a terminal with medium category of passenger capacity that needs additional expansion of 1.181 m2 of arrival hall, 1.442 m2 of departure hall, and 475 m2 of baggage claim area. Whilst the result of passenger forecasting using linier regression indicates the average increase of 5 to 8 percent per year. Based on Joint Decree between Ministry of Religious Affairs (PM No. 4/2012) and Ministry of Transportation (PM No. 30/2012), the Radin Inten II Airport does not meet the requirement for the runway length (minimum of 2.750 m) as to be the hajj embarkation airport. Moreover, the airport does not have the capability to serve the aircraft with minimum 325 seats the lack of at least 2 apron for the aircraft that serve the hajj flight. However, based on the number of hajj group, which is minimum of 14 group per year, the Radin Inten II Airport has fulfilled the requirement.
Pengembangan Sebuah Prosedur Penentuan Standar Kualitas Kabin Edy Suwondo; F. T. Basaria
WARTA ARDHIA Vol 42, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Research and Development Agency of The Ministry of Transportation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25104/wa.v42i1.293.7-16


Cabin Reliability Control Program [Cabin RCP] merupakan sebuah rangkaian aktivitas aktivitas untuk pengendalikan efektivitas perawatan kabin pesawat terbang. Cabin RCP disusun berdasarkan Advisory Circular 120 17A dengan penambahan bagian penilaian kualitas kabin. Saat ini prosedur penentuan standar kualitas kabin pesawat yang ada pada Cabin RCP yang dimiliki oleh Maskapai XYZ belum memiliki dasar yang kuat. Penelitian ini bertujuan menyusun prosedur penentuan standar kualitas kabin menggunakan Analytical Hierarchy Process [AHP] dan metode Delphi. Kerangka kerja metode yang digunakan didasari oleh AHP, sedangkan metode Delphi digunakan untuk menentukan bobot elemen matriks dan rentang nilai dari item kabin. Percentage Weighted Deviation [PWD] dari setiap item kabin kemudian dapat dihitung berdasarkan bobot dan nilai dari masing-masing item kabin. PWD akan mengidentifikasi item kabin mana yang harus diprioritaskan dalam aktivitas perawatan pesawat. Prosedur untuk menentukan standar kualitas kabin ini kemudian diterapkan pada kabin pesawat milik Maskapai XYZ. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kualitas kabin ternyata utamanya dipengaruhi oleh aspek penampilan dan fungsional. Setiap kondisi kabin dapat dinilai menggunakan standar kualitas kabin untuk mendapatkan PWD. Penyusunan standar kualitas kabin terverifikasi melalui perbandingan faktor pemberat untuk setiap item kabin dengan pendapat ahli. Untuk penelitian selanjutnya disarankan menggunakan data dari responden langsung, yaitu para penumpang. [The Development of A Procedure to Establish A Cabin Quality Standards] A Cabin Reliability Control Program [Cabin RCP] is a series of activities to control the effectiveness of the aircraft cabin maintenance program. Cabin RCP is developed based on the Advisory Circular 120 17A with an addition on the assessment of the cabin quality. The Cabin RCP of the XYZ Airlines so far has no credible method to establish the cabin quality standard. The research attempt to develop a procedure to establish a cabin quality standard based on the Analytical Hierarchy Process [AHP] and the Delphi Method. The workflow of the method follows AHP, while the Delphi Method is used to determine the weighing factor of the matrix elements and the range of the cabin value. The Percentage Weighted Deviation [PWD] of each cabin item is then calculated based on the weight and the score of each cabin item. PWD will identify which cabin items should be prioritized in the maintenance activities. The procedure for establishing the cabin quality standard is applied to XYZ Airline's aircraft cabin. The result of the procedure application is verified by comparing with expert opinion. The research results show that the cabin quality is determined by the appearance and the functional aspects. Any cabin condition can be assessed using the cabin quality standard in order to have the PWD's. The procedure has been verified by comparing the weighing factor of each cabin item with expert opinion. It is recommended to collect data from a more direct respondents, namely the passengers.
Simulasi dan Verifikasi Prestasi Terbang Model Remote Control Flying Boat Saat Hidroplaning Sayuti Syamsuar
WARTA ARDHIA Vol 42, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Research and Development Agency of The Ministry of Transportation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1147.299 KB) | DOI: 10.25104/wa.v42i1.294.1-6


Pesawat Wing In Surface Effect A2B tipe B konfigurasi Lippisch mempunyai hambatan air yang cukup besar dibandingkan tenaga mesin saat hydroplaning. Makalah ini berisikan bagian dari analisis dalam perancangan untuk mengetahui karakteristik aerodinamika dan hidrodinamika dari remote control model jenis Flying Boat pada fase hydroplaning. Pada awalnya, dilakukan pemotretan 3D terhadap pesawat model Flying Boat menggunakan kamera laser untuk menghasilkan solid drawing pada program CATIA. Model 3D dianalisis dengan menggunakan piranti lunak CFx pada program AnSys. Planform sayap, memiliki dihedral dan menggunakan airfoil jenis NACA 23012. Karakteristik aerodinamika dan hidrodinamika untuk model 3 D dipresentasikan pada posisi sudut alpha =00. Sedangkan kecepatan yang digunakan adalah 0 sampai25 knots. Untuk memverifikasi data hasil simulasi, digunakan data uji terbang pesawat udara tanpa awak Alap-alap yang mempunyai T/W rasio yang sama, yaitu sudut pitch, kecepatan arah sumbu Z pada sumbu benda, ketinggian dan kecepatan. Gaya angkat aerodimaka arah sumbu Z pada simulasi RC model Flying Boat sebanding dengan gaya angkat aerodinamika arah sumbu Z pada UAV Alap-alap saat take off. [The Hydroplaning Flight Performance Simulation and Verfication of a Flying Boat Remote Control Model] The Wing in Surface Effect Aircraft A2B type B with Lippisch configuration has higher hydrodynamics drag compared to engine powered aircraft during hydroplaning. This paper explains parts of analysis in aircraft design to identify the aerodynamics and hydrodynamics characteristics of flying boat remote control model during hydroplaning phase. At first, flying boat model was three dimensional photographed using laser camera in order to produce solid drawing for CATIA program. The three dimensional model, later, analyzed by using CFx software in AnSys program. The wing planform has dihedral angle while the airfoil used is NACA 23012. The aerodynamics and hydrodynamics characteristics of this three-dimensional model is represented for alpha =00. Whilst the speed used in simulation was 0 to 25 knots. In verifying the data of the simulation results, the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle UAV Alap-alap flight test data was used in which it has the same T/W ratio for the pitch angle, acceleration in Z body axis, altitude, and speed. The aerodynamics lift in Z axis of flying boat model during simulation is proportional to the aerodynamics lift in Z axis of UAV Alap-alap during take-off.
Kajian Human Factor SDM Ground Handling di Bandar Udara Adi Sucipto Yogyakarta Susanti Susanti
WARTA ARDHIA Vol 42, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Research and Development Agency of The Ministry of Transportation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (918.698 KB) | DOI: 10.25104/wa.v42i1.290.29-42


Penanganan pesawat di bandar udara atau ground handling mempunyai fungsi dan peranan penting dalam menjaga keselamatan penerbangan. Sesuai prosedur dalam sistem operasional harus benar benar ditaati dan dijalankan. Peristiwa yang pernah terjadi pada Turkish Airlines penerbangan nomor 981 yang melakukan penerbangan dari Istanbul, Turki menuju London melalui Paris kemudian pada tanggal 3 Maret 1974, pesawat tersebut berakhir celaka sesaat setelah keluar wilayah Paris. Pintu kargo di bagian belakang bawah pesawat terlepas. Menyebabkan dekompresi dan memutus kabel kabel kontrol pesawat. Pilot kehilangan kontrol atas pesawat sehingga pesawat kemudian jatuh menukik. Semua penumpang dan awak pesawat McDonnel Douglas DC 10 yang berjumlah 346 ditemukan tewas. Sebagai upaya dalam meningkatkan keselamatan penerbangan khususnya di bandar udara, maka perlu dilakukan kajian tentang human factor tentang ground handling di sisi udara. Maksud kajian adalah untuk mengevaluasi bagaimana peran ground handling di bandar udara dan bagaimana manajemen dalam mencegah faktor human error. Kajian human factor personel ground handling di Bandara Adi Sucipto yang difokuskan pada sisi udara menemukan hasil bahwa pekerjaan ground handling yang mempunyai human error probability HEP tertinggi personel ground handling dalam menjalankan tugasnya adalah terburu buru menempatkan forward airstair sehingga menabrak pesawat, bagasi yang jatuh dari bag carts dan tugs and tractor saling bertabrakan karena area sempit. Seluruhnya mendapat nilai 0.1800 sedangkan HEP operator tidak melock forward airstairs mendapatkan nilai 0.0900 [The Study of Human Factor of Ground Handling Human Resources in Yogyakarta Adi Sucipto Airport] The aircraft handling in the airport, named as ground handling, has important role and function in maintaining the aviation safety. In accordance with the stated procedures, ground handling operations must be obeyed and held appropriately. The accident related with aircraft mishandling was happened on Turkish Airlines flight number 981 which departed from Istanbul, Turkey, to London via Paris at 3 March 1974, The accident took place shortly after flew out of Paris area. The cargo door at the lower aft of aircraft was detached and causing decompression and cutting off the control cables of the aircraft. The pilot lost control and the aircraft crashed. All 346 of the passengers and cabin crews of the McDonnel Douglas DC 10 aircraft found dead. In the effort of improving the aviation safety, particularly in the airport, it is necessary to examine the human factor of ground handling in the air side of the airport. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the role of ground handling and propose the operational management which can prevent the occurrence of human error. The results of this study indicate that ground handling works with high Human Error Probability HEP are forward air stair that is placed hastily by ground handling personnel that it collides with the aircraft, falling baggage from bag carts, and collision of tugs and tractor due to narrow area. All of three works with high HEP have the score of 0.1800 whilst the operator who does not lock the forward air stair has the score of 0.0900

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