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Warta Ardhia : Jurnal Perhubungan Udara
ISSN : 02159066     EISSN : 25284045     DOI : -
Core Subject : Engineering,
Warta Ardhia is an Air Transport Journal containing research, review related to evaluation policy and technological development with the scope of air transport, airport, aircraft, flight navigation, aviation human resources, flight safety and security. Warta Ardhia is managed by Civil Aviation Research and Development Center of Ministry of Transportation of The Republic Indonesia and published 2 (two) times a year, June and December.
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Penerapan Skema Badan Layanan Umum Dalam Pengelolaan Keuangan Bandar Udara Internasional Jawa Barat Zulaichah Zulaichah
WARTA ARDHIA Vol 42, No 3 (2016)
Publisher : Research and Development Agency of The Ministry of Transportation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (710.066 KB) | DOI: 10.25104/wa.v42i3.245.149-164


Bandara Internasional Jawa barat (BIJB) merupakan salah satu bandar udara di provinsi Jawa Barat. Bandara ini dibangun dalam rangka mendorong pengembangan wilayah pembangunan Ciayumajakuning (Cirebon-Indramayu-Majalengka-Kuningan). Presiden Republik Indonesia menerbitkan kebijakan pengalihan pembangunan dan pengoperasian BIJB dari Pemerintah Daerah Provinsi Jawa Barat ke Kementerian Perhubungan (pemerintah pusat). Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah skema Badan Layanan Umum (BLU) dapat diterapkan pada pengelolaan keuangan Bandar Udara Internasional Jawa Barat. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengkajian adalah analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Ditinjau dari persyaratan pengusulan BLU, BIJB telah memenuhi persyaratan substantif namun persyaratan teknis dan administratif belum terpenuhi. Jika persyaratan substantif dan teknis telah terpenuhi maka BIJB dapat diusulkan menjadi satuan kerja yang menerapkan PPK BLU bertahap. Aset BIJB masih terdiri dari 2 kepemilikan dimana lahan dan fasilitas sisi darat (terminal penumpang) merupakan aset milik Pemerintah Daerah Jawa Barat sedangkan fasilitas sisi udara (runway, apron, taxiway) merupakan aset milik Kementerian Perhubungan. Pengalihan kepemilikan aset dari Pemerintah Daerah Jawa Barat ke Kementerian Perhubungan harus diselesaikan sebelum BIJB diusulkan menjadi satuan kerja pemerintah yang menerapkan pengelolaan keuangan Badan Layanan Umum (PPK BLU) [The Application of Badan Layanan Umum Scheme in The Financial Management of Jawa Barat International Airport] Jawa Barat International Airport (JBIA) is one of the airports in the West Java Province. This airport was built to boost the growth of Ciayumajakuning region (Cirebon, Indramayu, Majalengka and Kuningan). The President of Indonesia issued a policy that JBIA construction and operation transferred from the West Java Provincial Government to The Ministry of Transportation (as the Central Government). This research aims to determine whether the scheme of Badan Layanan Umum (BLU) can be applied in the financial management of JBIA. The method which is used in this research is qualitative descriptive analysis. Based on this research, JBIA has met the substantive requirement, but not yet in the technical and administrative requirements. If JBIA can fulfill the substantive and technical requirements, then JBIA can be proposed as government agency that applies BLU financial management gradually. JBIA assets are belong to two owners where the landside facilities (terminal building) are owned by the West Java Provincial Government while the airside facilities (runway, apron and taxiway) are owned by the Ministry Of Transportation. The transfer of the assets from the West Java Provincial Government to The Ministry of Transportation needs to be done before JBIA is proposed as government agency with BLU financial management.
Desain Konseptual Speech Recognition di Komunikasi Pesawat untuk Mengurangi Kesalahan Komunikasi Penerbangan Nur Oktaviani Widiastuti
WARTA ARDHIA Vol 42, No 3 (2016)
Publisher : Research and Development Agency of The Ministry of Transportation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (799.193 KB) | DOI: 10.25104/wa.v42i3.244.109-116


Penyebab utama kecelakaan penerbangan adalah human error (55%) dengan salah satu penyebab adalah miskomunikasi. Miskomunikasi menjadi penyebab kasus kecelakaan terbesar di dunia seperti kecelakaan antara Pan Am dan KLM, Garuda dengan nomor penerbangan 152, dan kecelakaan yang baru-baru ini terjadi antara Batik Air dan Transnusa. Selain itu, KNKT pernah mengalami kebingungan saat menginvestigasi cockpit recorder Air Asia QZ8501. Saat miskomunikasi terjadi, instruksi sering kali sulit dipahami dan diperlukan pengulangan komunikasi, yang mempersempit waktu pengambilan tindakan. Penelitian ini ingin mengembangkan konsep speech recognition dengan sistem voice sign and text untuk prosedur pengecekan komunikasi kru penerbangan. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah kajian pustaka dan perancangan sistem. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah penambahan prosedur komunikasi dengan sign dan teks yang diperoleh dengan bantuan speech recognition. Pesan teks berasal dari ucapan yang diterjemahkan oleh speech recognition menjadi teks, kemudian teks akan diubah menjadi sign. Lalu sign dan teks akan ditampilkan dan dilihat langsung oleh pilot. Dengan penambahan sistem sign dan teks disamping komunikasi melalui suara diharapkan kesalahan dapat diminimalisir, pengambilan keputusan dapat dilakukan dengan cepat, dan kecelakaan dapat dihindari. [Speech Recognition Conceptual Design in Aircraft Communications to Reduce Flight Communication Mistake] The main cause of aviation accidents is the human error (55%) in which one of its factor is the miscommunication. Miscommunication involved in the most accidents in the world including Pan Am and KLM accident, Garuda flight 152 (the biggest accident in Indonesia), and that was recently occurred between Batik Air and Transnusa Airline. Moreover, NTSC was confused when investigating the Air Asia QZ8501 cockpit recorder. When miscommunication occurs, the repetition of communication is prominently required due to the difficulty in understanding the instruction, which later narrowed the time to take any action. This study is intended to develop the concept of speech recognition with voice sign and text system for flight crew communication checking procedure. The methodology that is used in this research is the combining of literature review and system design. The results of this study is the addition of communication procedure by means of sign and text that obtained from speech recognition process. The text is produced from the translation of voice by speech recognition and converted into sign afterwards. Both of sign and text will be displayed, thus can be seen by the pilot. In addition to communication by voice, the implementation of sign and text is expected in minimalizing the error, supporting faster decision making, and avoiding the accident.
Desain dan Eksperimen Uji Getaran di Tanah dari Model Separuh Sayap Pesawat N219 Sayuti Syamsuar; Leonardo Gunawan; Martina Widiramdhani; Nina Kartika
WARTA ARDHIA Vol 42, No 3 (2016)
Publisher : Research and Development Agency of The Ministry of Transportation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (901.057 KB) | DOI: 10.25104/wa.v42i3.242.123-138


Fenomena flutter merupakan salah satu fenomena yang kritis dan dapat membahayakan pesawat. Ketika, pesawat terbang semakin cepat dan mencapai kecepatan flutter, maka akan terjadi ketidakstabilan struktur. Oleh sebab itu, untuk menjamin keselamatan Pilot saat uji terbang, perlu dilakukan analisis awal pada kecepatan flutter. Uji terowongan angin selalu dilakukan untuk memvalidasi hasil dari analisis numerikal. Penelitian ini meliputi analisis program NASTRAN pada model separuh sayap pesawat N219 saat uji getaran di tanah. Prediksi kecepatan flutter secara analisis hampir sama dengan hasil uji terowongan angin. Parameter modus struktur yang ditemukan, seperti frekuensi natural, modus getar dan rasio redaman, dapat digunakan untuk analisis parameter flutter sebagai metoda analisis baru. [The Design and Experiment of Ground Vibration Test of N219 Aircraft Half Wing Model] Flutter phenomena is a critical phenomenon that can be dangerous for aircraft. When an aircraft fly faster until reach flutter speed, the structure will become unstable. Therefore, it is important to conduct preliminary analysis of flutter speed to ensure the safety of Pilot. Wind tunnel test is necessary to be conducted to validate numerical analysis results. This research consist of NASTRAN software analysis of half wing model of N219 aircraft for ground vibration test. The prediction of flutter speed which is obtained from software analysis is similar with the wind tunnel test result. It is found that the modus parameter of structure like natural frequency, modus of vibration and damping ratio can be used on the parameter analysis as a new analysis method.
Kajian Desain Kelaiktabrakan Pesawat Terbang Annisa Jusuf; Afdhal Afdhal; Minda Mora
WARTA ARDHIA Vol 42, No 3 (2016)
Publisher : Research and Development Agency of The Ministry of Transportation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1091.743 KB) | DOI: 10.25104/wa.v42i3.241.117-122


Lalu lintas penerbangan di Indonesia mengalami tren peningkatan dari tahun ke tahun. Peningkatan frekuensi penggunaan pesawat terbang tentunya akan meningkatkan kemungkinan kejadian kecelakaan. Konsep kelaiktabrakan pesawat terbang menjadi hal penting yang perlu mendapat perhatian untuk mencegah kerusakan struktur dan cedera pada penumpang. Desain kelaiktabrakan struktur pesawat berada pada tahapan desain awal yang terintegrasi kedalam proses desain pesawat secara keseluruhan. Struktur subfloor pada pesawat terbang menjadi bagian yang digunakan untuk menyerap energi kinetik tabrakan dalam kasus pembebanan vertikal pada pesawat terbang. Crash box merupakan komponen pada subfloor yang akan menyerap energi kinetik tabrakan dengan mengubahnya menjadi deformasi plastis. [A Review of Aircraft Crashworthiness Design] Air traffic in Indonesia is experiencing a positive trend in recent years. The increase in the frequency of aircraft operation might particularly increase the possibility of accidents occurrence. Aircraft crashworthiness concept becomes an important matter that need to be considered in order to prevent structural damage and injuries to the passengers. Aircraft structural crashworthiness design is developed in the aircraft preliminary design phase which is, later, integrated into the overall aircraft design process. Aircraft subfloor structure is the part of the aircraft that is used to restrain the kinetic energy of a collision in the case of vertical loading on the aircraft. Subsequently, crash box is a component of the subfloor that will absorb collisions kinetic energy by turning it into plastic deformation.
Faktor Penyebab Kelelahan dan Stres Kerja Terhadap Personel Air Traffic Controller (ATC) di Bandar Udara “X” Susanti Susanti
WARTA ARDHIA Vol 42, No 3 (2016)
Publisher : Research and Development Agency of The Ministry of Transportation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (841.174 KB) | DOI: 10.25104/wa.v42i3.243.139-148


Sebagai upaya dalam meningkatkan keselamatan penerbangan khususnya di bandar udara, maka perlu dilakukan kajian tentang fatigue dan Job Stress ATC yang memegang peranan penting dalam menjaga keselamatan khususnya penanganan terhadap pesawat. Maksud kajian adalah untuk mengevaluasi bagaimana peran kelelahan dan stres kerja ATC dapat diantisipasi untuk mencegah faktor human error. Tujuan kajian ini adalah memberikan bahan masukan kepada penyelenggara jasa angkutan udara dan instansi terkait untuk mencegah fatigue dan job stress dengan melakukan upaya-upaya yang maksimal. Hasil kajian ini mengindikasikan beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi stres kerja, yang paling besar memberikan pengaruh adalah faktor beban kerja (workload) yang memberikan kontribusi sebesar 3.24, kemudian disusul oleh hubungan kerja (human relationship) sebesar 2.53, lingkungan kerja (working environment) sebesar 2.11 dan konfilk peran (role conflict) sebesar 2.12. [Air Traffic Controllers Fatigue and Job Stress at X Airport ] In the effort to improve aviation safety, particularly at the airports, it is necessary to conduct the research concerning on the fatigue and job stress of the Air Traffic Controller (ATC) whom have an important role in maintaining aviation safety particularly in the aircrafts control and guidance. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the fatigue and job stress of the ATC so that it can be anticipated to prevent the occurrence of any human errors. The aim of this study is to provide the recommendation for aviation service operator and other related stakeholders in order to reduce the fatigue and job stress. From the conclusion, it is indicated that several factors affect the fatigue and job stress in which the most important factors (in descending order) are the workload (score 3.24), human relationship (score 2.53), the working environment (score 2.11) and role conflict (score 2.12).

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