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FALASIFA : Jurnal Studi Keislaman
ISSN : 20853815     EISSN : 25278711     DOI :
FALASIFA Journal of Islamic Studies, contains Islamic studies covering Islamic Education, Management of Islamic Education, Islamic Thought, Islamic Economics, Islamic Politics, Pesantren, Family Education, Community Education, and other Islamic Studies. Published twice season, April and September.
Articles 12 Documents
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Sebab-Sebab Misinterpretasi dalam Al-Qur'an Mar'atus Sholihah
FALASIFA : Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol 7 No 2 (2016): SEPTEMBER
Publisher : STAIFAS-Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (532.679 KB) | DOI: 10.36835/falasifa.v7i2.15


The Causes of Misinterpretation in the Qur’an. Islam becomes the largest religion in the world today which makes most of everybody knows what is Islam and what is Qur’an. A deep understanding about truly Islam and Qur’an is needed, because everybody in this particular time can interpret Moslem’s holy book, Qur’an. A lack of understanding the Qur’an and reading or learning it from unqualified sources can take Moslems losing their true knowledge and faith. Liberty of speech and argumentation appears with some interpreters to write and speak about the content of Qur’an and disseminate it to society, including orientalists who have been becoming very famous in Islamic world with their explanations about Qur’an and Hadits. Some orientalists certainly have a good understanding about it which make their works are able being references for Moslems and everyone who is interested in studying Qur’an. Others, interpret the Qur’an and Hadits to destroy the true content of it. Interpreters who do not have a pure purpose interpreting Qur’an are not only from orientalists, but also from its own religion, Moslems. Their orientation interpreting Qur’an is not for people’s reconciliation, but it is more for their own importance and political interest of themselves, especially who follow their passions. Several Moslem interpreters have no high quality in Arabic to interpret it and do not follow interpretation rules which have been compromised. Those aspects can absolutely cause misinterpretation in the Qur’an.  Keywords: Islam, Moslems, Qur’an, interpretation, interpreters
Menangkal Genosida Agama dengan Pendidikan Islam Berbasis Multikultural Amru Almutasim
FALASIFA : Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol 7 No 2 (2016): SEPTEMBER
Publisher : STAIFAS-Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (512.32 KB) | DOI: 10.36835/falasifa.v7i2.16


Diversity has become a part of history and the reality of human life, so he was a natural phenomenon whose existence can not be denied. But in concrete reality, diversity has made man trapped in a destructive attitudes. The existence of conflicts between different communities with a background of SARA (Tribe, Religion, Race and intergroup). Of the many triggers, the factors of religious differences, even differences in religious ideology, is a factor that can not be excluded. Cases of violence and war in various parts of the world, shows how religion has been used as a means of "destruction" of humans, where it is so contrary to the teachings of all religions It shows that for centuries, the history of interactions among religious is much influenced by suspicion and hostility on the pretext can achieve the pleasure of God and for the sake of spreading the good news that comes from the Almighty, in terms of truth, every religion teaches peace, togetherness at once to spread the mission of the benefit  Keywords: Multicultural values, Islamic education, Religion
Model Pemikiran Islam dalam Konteks Pengembangan Pendidikan; (Studi Terhadap Madzhab-Madzhab Pendidikan Islam) Khotibul Umam
FALASIFA : Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol 7 No 2 (2016): SEPTEMBER
Publisher : STAIFAS-Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (469.139 KB) | DOI: 10.36835/falasifa.v7i2.17


Education is seen as one of the aspects that have a fundamental role in shaping the Islamic generation of superior quality. Thus, education is expected to producequality human and responsible and able to anticipate problems and challenges inthe future. Education in the broader meaning senantiasi stimulate and accompanythe changes and development of mankind, while the educational efforts areexpected to deliver and guide the changes and the development of life and humanlife. Islamic education is one field of Islamic studies who received attention fromscientists. This, in addition to a very strategic role in order to improve the humanresources (HR) also inside Islam there are many different education very complexproblem. To answer the challenges and changes of the times and the era ofmodernity, both in the context of religion, science and technology (IPTEK),social, cultural, economic, human rights, the environment, and the issue ofcultural in general, can be observed through the four modes of thought all Islamic,ie textual salafi, traditional mazhabi, modernist and neo-modernist. Meanwhile, inan effort to develop the Islamic education there are four streams are progresifisme,essentialism, parenialisme and rekonstruksionisme. Departing from the abovephenomenon, this paper tries to unveil the model of Islamic thought in thecontext of the development of education; study of Islamic education schools inIslam which is described in the discussion of which four; 1) The basic concept ofthe development of Islamic education, 2) model of Islamic education developmentthinking, 3) school of Islamic education Islamic education relevance to thepresent, and 4) determining the formulation of Islamic education system Keywords: Models, Islamic Thought, Education Development, Education Schools.
Konsep Dasar Ilmu (Kajian Dalam Filsafat Yunani, Filsafat Islam, Dan Filsafat Modern) Moch. Khafidz Fuad Raya
FALASIFA : Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol 7 No 2 (2016): SEPTEMBER
Publisher : STAIFAS-Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (403.871 KB) | DOI: 10.36835/falasifa.v7i2.18


Speaking of science, the science is endless to be discussed, because it is the principal basis of the times. A civilization is formed in a contribution that science continues to evolve. Theoretical and empirical studies in the science of generating scientific method. Provides basic theoretical study and / or kerangak think that generate hypotheses, while empirical studies are testing hiptesis digging through the facts on the ground as a basis for conclusions. The paradigm then generate knowledge, and the emergence of a disciplines such as science, social sciences and humanities, resulting from the expansion of the perspective and discussion of the highly evolved of the meaning of science itself. The basic concept of the science of obtaining a special discussion, so that in the realm of philosophy into a discourse in shaping the basic concepts of the disciplines of birth. The development of the basic concepts of science has expanded in several studies of philosophy, both in philosophy western world (Greece), medieval philosophy (Islamic philosophy), and modern philosophy. So great was the role of science in the development of the age and the progress of civilization. So in this paper will discuss how the basic concepts of science in terms of philosophy, both in terms of Greek philosophy, medieval philosophy (Islamic philosophy), and modern philosophy, so it will obtain a comprehensive discussion related to the basic concepts of science. Â Keywords: science, basic concepts, philosophy
Tradisi Fiqh dalam Pemikiran Khalid Abu Al-Fadl Qurrotul Ainiyah
FALASIFA : Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol 7 No 2 (2016): SEPTEMBER
Publisher : STAIFAS-Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (333.808 KB) | DOI: 10.36835/falasifa.v7i2.20


This research is descriptive and reflective, with lifting the theme "Tradition Fiqh Thought Khalid Abu al-Fadl", the theme is intended to explore the key ideas of Khalid discourse on contemporary Islamic legal by analyzing one of his main work, Speaking in God's Name: Islamic Law, Authority, and Women.dengan using content analysis approach to examine in depth the ideas Khalid Abu al-Fadl of Islamic law, the results of this study is the ideology of Salafism Khalid Critics argue that Islamic reformism partly responsible for creating credo closed, intolerant, and shallow in understanding the sacred texts of Islam deserves to be taken seriously. Â Keywords: Fiqh, Khalid
Pemikiran Tokoh Islamisasi Ilmu Pengetahuan: (Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas) Ifa Afida
FALASIFA : Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol 7 No 2 (2016): SEPTEMBER
Publisher : STAIFAS-Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (216.583 KB) | DOI: 10.36835/falasifa.v7i2.21


Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas, including one Islamic thinkers and educational reformer with fresh ideas. Al-Attas not only as an intellectual concern to education and the general question of Muslims, but also experts in various fields of science. He is also regarded as a figure of the initiators of the Islamization of science that affects many other figures. He systematically formulate strategies in the form of Islamization of the educational curriculum for Muslims. Nevertheless, the ideas of Al-Attas Islamization of science in Islamic education. Many of thinkers challenged born of the Western world. Regardless, Al-Attas has been known as the philosopher of Islamic education which until recently famous among the Muslims of the world and also as a figure reformer (person of reform) Islamic education. Positive or negative response of the intellectuals addressed to Al-Attas made the study of the thoughts of Al-Attas increasingly attractive. Keywords: Thought Naquib Al-Attas, Islamization of Sciences
Mensinergikan Nilai-Nilai Keagamaan Dengan Kearifan Lokal Sebagai Upaya Mewujudkan Masyarakat Madani (Studi Kasus Komunitas Keagamaan Kejawen di Desa Bajulan Kecamatan Loceret Kabupaten Nganjuk) Siti Makhmudah
FALASIFA : Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol 7 No 2 (2016): SEPTEMBER
Publisher : STAIFAS-Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (266.978 KB) | DOI: 10.36835/falasifa.v7i2.22


This research executed in Countryside of Bajulan of Subdistrict Loceret of Regency Nganjuk. A lot of society assuming, that Countryside Bajulan very go together the mistical things like ritual-ritual kejawen that is nyadranan, clean countryside, ceremony of parna prahista, kirab pusoko and arca, ritual malem syuro, holy ritual water intake, ritual take a bath in source water, medium of lelaku ritual/meditating, ceremony of ngangsu kaweruh, and others. The Ritual-ritual not get out of the belief kejawen, like shalat at the same time sit, not execute the fasting ramadhan but following feast day of Ramadan and others Internal issue Formula this research is: 1) How form of activity of Islam kejawen and its resolving in in perpective of Islam in realizing and creating environment which madani in region Nganjuk 2) How method for the menyinergikan of religious value wisely is local budanya, in in perpective of Islam in realizing and creating environment which madani in region Nganjuk 3) How method applying for the menyinergikan of religious value wisely is local budanya, in in perpective of Islam in realizing and creating environment which madani in region Nganjuk? This research use the method qualitative (qualitative approach), in the form of utterance or article and behavior perceived the. Research type used is case study, that is a research conducted intensively, inch, and circumstantial to an organization, institute, or certain symptom. Procedure of data collecting with the interview, observation, and documentation. Analyse the data conducted by data discount, data presentation, and conclusion withdrawal. Checking of data Authenticity use the lengthening of taking part in, perception assidinity, and trianggulasi. Conclusion from this research result is: 1) forms of Activity of Islam kejawen in Countryside Bajulan among other things is nuptials, ceremony of tingkeban or mitoni, birth ceremony, ceremony of sunatan or circumcision, last offices, nyadran, clean of countryside, ceremony of commemoration of birthday of Prophet of Muhammad Saw., and ceremony of nifsu sya'ban of mid of month sya'ban (ruwah). 2) Method for the menyinergikan of religious value wisely is local culture in Countryside Bajulan is with the mission of bil matter, blaze the way the activity Islamic, Commemoration of Red-Letter Day Islam, Islam education, strategy infiltrate the culture, strategy of ta'lim or education, and sentimental strategy. 3) Method applying for the menyinergikan of religious value wisely local culture in perpective of religion in realizing and creating environment which madani in Countryside Bajulan by applying mission of bil matter, blaze the way the activity Islami, Commemoration of Red-Letter Day Islam, Islam education, forming of dirasah Islamiyah for the parent of, istighosah, and activity practice the shalat. With the the method applying, expected to make Islam as acceptable majority religion by society of Countryside Bajulan  Keyword: Religious Values wisely is local, society madani
Munculnya Lembaga Pendidikan Islam Asna Andriani
FALASIFA : Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol 7 No 2 (2016): SEPTEMBER
Publisher : STAIFAS-Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (318.223 KB) | DOI: 10.36835/falasifa.v7i2.23


Islam gives high spirit to its dherents or followers for searching of knowledge, even after the Prophet's death, Islamic education has developed very rapidly both in the aspect of curriculum and educational institutions. This condition is caused by the Islamic community has developed increasingly complex, both in the number of its adherents are growing as well as the condition of the Islamic territory, Thus the needs for education has increased so appear agencies as a form of institutionalized tradition of science and learning in Islam, ranging from the simplest until that can be regarded as modern models of learning, so that eventually emerge in the next era of Islamic development as places of learning in Muslim society.  Kata Kunci: Sejarah munculnya, Lembaga pendidikan Islam
Konsep Pendidikan Islam Inklusi untuk Membangun Pendidikan yang Bermartabat dan Tidak Dikotomi Nanang Budianto
FALASIFA : Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol 7 No 2 (2016): SEPTEMBER
Publisher : STAIFAS-Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (526.521 KB) | DOI: 10.36835/falasifa.v7i2.26


Inclusive education is believed by most experts and practitioners in the field of education to achieve Education for All (EFA). Said that because of this paradigm is very accommodating to all of the different conditions of learners, good learners conditions related to the physical, mental, and social. The difference is common / reasonable, because in reality every man is different. The difference will not be possible to be eliminated, but usually only be facilitated to be developed in accordance with the potential of each. The difference should not be a barrier to it together, but it made a difference in wealth and power to achieve educational achievement (change in behavior towards the better). Inclusive education is education that is open and friendly towards learning by promoting actions to appreciate and embrace the differences. Therefore, inclusive education is understood as an approach that seeks to transform the education system by eliminating barriers that could hinder each individual student to participate fully in the education that comes with support services. "Inclusive" is a simple and practical changes that provide opportunities to individuals with any differences to be successful in learning. Keywords: Education, Inclusion, Dignity
Upaya Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam Menumbuhkan Kecerdasan Siswa Siti Majidah
FALASIFA : Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol 7 No 2 (2016): SEPTEMBER
Publisher : STAIFAS-Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (436.906 KB) | DOI: 10.36835/falasifa.v7i2.27


National Education aims at developing students' potentials in order to become a man of faith and fear of God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, skilled, creative, independent and become citizens of a democratic and accountable. However, conditions on the ground there is still a problem. Both from internal and external factors, which in turn affects the behavior of students in the subjects of Islamic religious education, both feats are cognitive, affective and psychomotor. Especially in SMPN 2 Balung that sharpen the intellectual intelligence. The objectives of this research are: Describe the efforts of Islamic religious education teachers in fostering emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence of students in SMPN 2 Balung. The results of this study stated that the Islamic Education Teachers in Cultivating Emotional Intelligence seeks students by raising various problems that arise in the community through a video display which is then discussed. Inserting knowledge about the importance of communication and concern for others. Foster self-confidence in students through role-playing activities. Train the emotional intelligence of students with the assignment, care and street knowledge. Calligraphy that stimulate the creativity of learners. Istighotsah event held every morning. While efforts Islamic Education Teachers in Cultivating students' spiritual intelligence is to assist students to pray Duha. Award prizes to the students who actively ask. Nurturing students' vision and clear perception that life is a mandate and the realization that man is God and will return to Allah SWT. Kultum after Duha prayer. A source of inspiration by giving examples of good role model to the students or play a video that is inspiring. Keywords: Islamic Education Teachers, Students Intelligence

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