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Humanistika : Jurnal Keislaman
ISSN : 24605417     EISSN : 25484400     DOI :
Humanistika is an Islamic journal belonging to the Institut Ilmu Keislaman Zainul Hasan Genggong Kraksaan Probolinggo. Humanistika is a journal that contains scientific works related to thoughts or research in the Islamic field. The existence of the journal Humanistika is certainly very important in exploring, enriching, and developing thoughts and theories and research on Islam. Thus, Humanistika journal will make a positive contribution in enriching the treasures of thought in the Islamic field.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 146 Documents
Humanistika : Jurnal Keislaman Vol 3, No 2 (2017): (Juni 2017)
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Keislaman Zainul Hasan Genggong

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AbstractSociologically we are now in the environment of ethnic and religious Globalism and Pluralism, an anthropological social necessity that we must accept. This development in the order makes theologians, both from the Jewish, Christian and Islamic circles, reflect and review the concept of missionaryism and the concept of an eschatological eschatological monopoly beyond their own faith. "Is the path of Gods salvation simply monopolized by a religious tradition?", That is one of the inevitable but often disturbing questions of ones faith. Claiming the absolute truth of religion is not a solution to the problem of religious pluralism, but it is the source of the problem itself. The absolute truth claim of each religion does not come from "the Absolute", but comes from the development of self-confessions of each religion in its enclosed territory, the claim of truth comes from the subjectivity of man, not the objectivity of the Divine. In the realm of religion, the question of pluralism arises because of the diversity of experience in translating the Saints (devine). Many religious philosophers claim that all claims of religious truth stem from claims to the nature of God, many of which are caused by our "not having a neutral premise" about Him. We all have perceptions about Him, and thats what we think is right, so thats different from what we think well think wrong. This is the culprit of the religious truth claim battle. It should be accompanied by an awareness that the claim of religious truth is only local, inseparable in the context of a specific local-temporial context, not universal. While we rationally accept the fact that there is a plurality of religions and offers of eschatological eschatological paths, every religious person is always required to accept, acknowledge and believe that only his righteous path of salvation is true. In the absence of a firm belief and the attitude of obscuring the truth of his faith then one will be doubtful in his religious commands and may be himself less strong in his faith, or even judge himself as a half-hearted man in religion. Without a firm belief that his path the straight path that connects itself with God, then one is difficult to obtain spiritual and spiritual enlightenment. Key Words : Concept, Truth claim, Relativism, Pluralism, Religious.
Humanistika : Jurnal Keislaman Vol 2, No 2 (2016): (Juni: 2016)
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Keislaman Zainul Hasan Genggong

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ABSTRACT: Indonesia adalah tempat yang subur untuk perdukunan. Negara ini seolah terbelenggu dengan perdukunan. Jual tanah saja harus pergi ke dukun, mau usahanya lancar, mau jabatannya bertahan, mau punya wibawa dan ditakuti bawahan harus pergi ke dukun. Di dalam pembahasan ini akan difokuskan pada pandang Islam dalam hadits Rasulullah SAW tentang keyakinan – keyakinan orang yang mendatangi paranormal, karena jika mereka salah persepsi maka ini akan mengonyahkan keimanan mereka kepada Allah dan rasul-rasul-Nya. Penelitian yang dilakukan ini merupakan penelitian kepustakaan (Library Research). Keywords: Paranormal, Hadist, Sipranatural
Humanistika : Jurnal Keislaman Vol 2, No 1 (2016): (Januari:2016)
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Keislaman Zainul Hasan Genggong

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Caliph as an important element in Islamic caliphate. Chaliph was a leader of the Islamic State has the power very influential in the political situation in his country. Therefore, a caliph who led a caliphate should be selected for their honesty, knowledge they have and the perfection of his body. Selection of a caliphate is also a right of citizens, because a caliph aside as head of state, it also must be representative of the people who are able to perform its obligations and the justice of power which is owned, without denying its obligation to fulfill the rights that must be accepted by the people. And to achieve this, the caliph could not deny the religious values, in order to avoid social pathologist or chaos in society caused by power of person is not more leaders who are not trustworthy.
Humanistika : Jurnal Keislaman Vol 3, No 1 (2017): (Januari 2017)
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Keislaman Zainul Hasan Genggong

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 Abstract: Humans are born into the world to bring a set of physical organs and void mind and soul that sets it apart from other accordance, because humans equipped with a body, spirit, mind, mind, and lust. In order for the human component is run in accordance with nature, then human beings need to be trained to be qualified in accordance with the main purpose of its creation. Education is something that is absolutely to establish good personal, with intlektual and moral education. A good education is education that can include cognitive, affective and psychomotor, while promoting moral education. Quran as a guide to the teachings of Islam to be a first reference in shaping the individual Muslim who have good brain and good character. The Quran also offers a way and a perfect destination for educational ideal. Keywords: Quran, Education 
Humanistika : Jurnal Keislaman Vol 2, No 2 (2016): (Juni: 2016)
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Keislaman Zainul Hasan Genggong

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Abstract: Islam is a religion rahmatan lil Alamin (blessing for the universe), of course, we as Muslims are required to make Islam as guidance in social life, because sometimes the habits or norms terben tuk in society are not in accordance with the teachings of Islam we already believe to be true. For that it is necessary the straightening straightening mengkiblat in the teachings of Islam, which indeed it is an absolute thing to do as a Muslim, which of course it can not be separated from the translation of translation as a form of extracting the values of Islam to understand. The rest leave in case there is need for appropriate methods as the approach used in the hang of the moral values of Islam to the community.In this study the researchers wanted to know the purpose of establishing a puppet in the hamlet syadat Gentong as media approach to disseminate the teachings of Islam and the effectiveness of the puppet syadat in transforming the teachings of Islam to the people hamlet Gentong. This research was conducted in the hamlet Gentong-Purwoasri Singosari Malang.In collecting these data the researchers used the method of observation, interviews, documentaries, questionnaires, and analyze the data in percentages. Population taken in peneletian is the whole society Gentong hamlet of 200 people, while researchers only take 40 people (20%) to be sampled comprised of community leaders, the village, the elderly and youth.From the results of this study can be obtained from the data that the purpose of the puppet Syadat is to disseminate the teachings of Islam and on the transformation of moral values of Islam through a puppet show Syadat dikatan be very effective. Because this approach is in accordance with the background of village communities Gentong which largely favor the arts that smelled gamelan. Keywords: Values of Islam, transformation, puppet shows syadat
SYARI’AH: ANTARA KODIFIKASI HUKUM DAN MORAL ISLAM (Telaah Pemikiran Muhammad Sa’id al-Ashmawi) Yaqin, Haqqul
Humanistika : Jurnal Keislaman Vol 1, No 1 (2015): (Juni:2015)
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Keislaman Zainul Hasan Genggong

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In the discourse of Islamic thought, Shariah is the word that was problematic and debatable. Most scholars agree that the sharia law contains a benefit for mankind. But they differed in putting welfare as an objective of sharia law. While Muhammad Said al-Ashmawi view based domination and motives "politicization of Islam" behind the growing phenomenon around the Sharia. For him, Shariah is not present in empty space, syariah manifests because there locus and tempos that has a specific make appropriate where the concept coined. In the context of Egypt, Ashmawi see obscurity theological foundation of a strong desire application of Shariah. Indeed, it is more pronounced is the scent of political Islam.
TOLERANCE IN PERSEPECTIVE OF QUR’AN AND BIBEL (Comparative Analysis of Religious Tolerance in Diverses Community) Islam, Muhammad
Humanistika : Jurnal Keislaman Vol 3, No 2 (2017): (Juni 2017)
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Keislaman Zainul Hasan Genggong

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AbstractHumans are both indiviudu creatures as well as social beings. As social beings of course human beings are required to be able to interact with other individuals in order to meet their needs. In living a social life in society, an individual will be faced with groups of different colors with him one of which is the difference of religion. In living his social life can not be denied there will be friction-friction that will occur between groups of people, both related to race and religion. In order to maintain unity and unity in society it is necessary to respect each other and respect each other, so that friction-friction that can lead to disputes can be avoided. Communities are also required to keep each others rights and obligations between them from each other.Keywords: Tolerance, Qur’an, Bibel TOLERANCE IN PERSEPECTIVE OF QUR’ANAND BIBEL(Comparative Analysis of Religious Tolerance in Diverses Community)
Humanistika : Jurnal Keislaman Vol 2, No 2 (2016): (Juni: 2016)
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Keislaman Zainul Hasan Genggong

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AbstractClaims of absoluteness for each religion being enlarged by the differences between religions. Inclusive problem in Islam is a continuation of the thought or the idea of neo-modernism to a more specific area after pluralism, precisely in the field of theology[1] without leaving a space of tolerance in this field. For empathy or sympathy, how others perceive their own religion and we often judge the faith of others by seeing our own theology. To solve that we can use an external relations for the creation of religions, interreligious dialogue needs to be done. Then, in the internal religion,it is  required a reinterpretation of religious messages more universal human touch. Problem formulation problems associated with it can be taken the following issue of religious inclusiveness relationship with the efforts of inter-religious harmony.Keywords: Inclusivity, Religion, Deradicalization[1] Nurcholish Madjid, Islam kemoderenan dan Keindonesiaan, (Jakarta: Mizan, 1997), hlm. 70
Humanistika : Jurnal Keislaman Vol 4, No 1 (2018): Januari 2018
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Keislaman Zainul Hasan Genggong

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Abstract Actuating as one of the functions and also the stages of management, many mean a business move or run. In an educational institution, actuating can be interpreted to mobilize or give direction to the existing resources in the institution, whether human resources or other resources.Mobilizing human resources is a process that goes from human resource planning, recruitment, education and human resources training, and the motivation given to that resource. While mobilizing other resources is the effort to maximize the use of existing resources or move elements -element organization to perform all activities that have been planned. Keywords: Actuating,Leading, educational institution.    
Visualisasi Agama di Ruang Publik: Komodifikasi, Reproduksi Simbol dan Maknanya Rahman, Mujibur
Humanistika : Jurnal Keislaman Vol 4, No 1 (2018): Januari 2018
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Keislaman Zainul Hasan Genggong

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Abstract Religion is an omnipresent entity that is present everywhere and anytime. Religion as a system of values and norms became the reference of his people in worship, thinking and acting. The presence of religion in public space can then be understood from this character or trait. Religious presence is not always of value and doctrine or way of life, but is also present through material and visual forms, propagated through the media and all existing instruments. Religion, especially after the invention of the printing press and the internet technology revolution, became a new phenomenon that was represented in various forms. Religious commodities, religious commodities, and religious visualizations in todays technological era are a necara phenomenon. This paper wants to review the new phenomenon of religious visualization that now must be realized began to be an option to be displayed in the public space through what is referred to as visual merchandising. Visualization of religion here can not be separated from the context of religious commodification that has been reviewed by intellectuals and previous research, where religion is regarded as part of a market commodity that can be used as a tool to bring profit. Further religious visualization is not just a commodification, but a new style of religious adherents to affirm the existence of this religion. This paper finds that the visual of the religion that many appear in the public space, whether it is realized or not has become an interesting new phenomenon to be discussed. Keywords: Visualization of religion, commodification of religion, visual merchandising, public space 

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