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Progressa: Journal of Islamic Religious Instruction
ISSN : 25799665     EISSN : 25799673     DOI :
Progressa, a periodic scientific publication since 2017 published 2 (two) times a year using a peer-reviewed system in article selection. Scientific work on research results, surveys, and literature review closely related to the field of Islamic religious education viewed from various perspectives: Development of Education, Educational Psychology, Education, Sociology of Education, Religion, interreligious relations (Pluralism) or comparative studies of Islamic Education.
Articles 13 Documents
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Analisia Kegagalan Pengajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam secara Klasikal dalam Perspektif Komunikasi Verbal Monologis Yenny Imro'atul Mufidah
PROGRESSA: Journal of Islamic Religious Instruction Vol. 2 No. 2 (2018): Agustus
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (498.846 KB) | DOI: 10.32616/pgr.v2.2.135.69-78


Implementation of 2013 Curriculum in Indonesia with a scientific approach shows that most learning activities are directly related to communication. This study aims to describe: failure of teaching classical Islamic education in a monological verbal communication perspective. This research is "Digital Library Research" The research data used is secondary data. The data collection technique used by the authors in this study is documentation. Data processing is carried out by conducting study activities, verification and reduction, grouping and systematization, and interpretation or interpretation so that a phenomenon has social, academic, and scientific value. While the data analysis in this study was carried out during and after data collection using descriptive-critical-comparative methods, and content analysis methods. From the results of the analysis concluded that: failure of teaching Islamic religious education classically in the perspective of monological verbal communication is influenced by several factors including 1) Psychological reasons: That there can be some students who can not catch what the teacher said well and there are also some students who have limitations to understand teacher explanations, and some are not able to digest various teacher explanations for too long, or some have various limitations in some of the above aspects, simultaneously, so that the effectiveness of teaching becomes very disturbed. 2) Emotional Reason: That indeed there are students who have limitations in learning participation in Islam because of the form of delivery, either because they are in an angry atmosphere, feel embarrassed because of being humiliated by the teacher, fear or feeling displeased with the teacher delivering the subject of Religious Education Islam. All these emotional symptoms will interfere with the effectiveness of delivering teaching materials from the teacher to students. 3) Cultural Reasons (Culture): namely that among students there are those who have cultural constraints in the communication process, such as weaknesses in understanding various clues, or weaknesses in understanding the symbols used in communication, so that the process of delivering information on Religious Education becomes ineffective. Personal reasons, which can occur if there are students who are personally really not interested in listening to the delivery of Islamic Education teaching materials from the teacher, although many of them like it
Studi al-Qur’an dan Hadits Mengenai Konsep Tarbiyah Iradah dalam Konsepsi Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (MSDM) Aan Eko Khusni Ubaidillah
PROGRESSA: Journal of Islamic Religious Instruction Vol. 2 No. 2 (2018): Agustus
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (888.818 KB) | DOI: 10.32616/pgr.v2.2.140.121-130


The lack of interest of the community in choosing Islamic education institutions is actually not because there has been a shift in Values â??â??or religious ties that are starting to fade, but because most existing Islamic education institutions are less promising in the future and less responsive to current and future demands and demands. In fact, there are at least three things that are considered by the community in choosing educational institutions, namely Values â??â??(religion), social status and ideals. The purpose of this article is to discuss the conception of Human Resource Management in students, especially related to Tarbiyatul Iradah. From the description that has been presented about the Study of the Qur'an and Hadith regarding the tarbiyah Iradah concept in the conception of Human Resource Management (HRM), it can be concluded as follows: 1) High quality human resources are resources that are able to create not only comparative value, but also innovative-generative competitive value using the highest energy such as intelligence, creativity, and imagination. 2) HR management that is effective and efficient towards our human beings, must go through four basic steps, namely; First, awareness that humans are servants of Allah SWT (Abdullah) and at the same time are His caliphs on earth; Secondly, as His caliph, every action must be based on the concept of being fair and not tyrannizing anyone; Third, synchronization between organizational goals and individual HR goals, namely Allah SWT, and; Fourth, the reference in human resource management is the character of the Prophet (Siddiq, Amanah, Fathanah, and Tabligh) 3) Tarbiyah as an effort in educating humans with the knowledge carried out by educators on the physical and spiritual development of students towards the formation of the main personality obedient to God, virtuous noble character, high knowledge and physical and spiritual health. Tarbiyah elements; a) Understanding and appreciation of Islam, b) Growth, Care and maintenance of faith, c) Growth of potential and talent so that it becomes a skill, d) The existence of stages (marhaliyah)
Membina Kemampuan Kepala Sekolah dalam Melakukan Evaluasi dan Pelaporan Pelaksanaan Program Kegiatan Sekolah melalui Supervisi Manajerial di Wilayah Kepengawasan Gugus Sekolah 03 Kecamatan Prajuritkulon dan Gugus Sekolah 01 Kecamatan Kranggan Kota Mojokerto Sunarijah
PROGRESSA: Journal of Islamic Religious Instruction Vol. 2 No. 2 (2018): Agustus
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (730.289 KB) | DOI: 10.32616/pgr.v2.2.131.27-46


In this global era, the ability of schools to change depends on their capacity to learn ... Principals, for example, must comply with various system requirements and manage routine administrative tasks. The principal is required to be able to evaluate and report on the implementation of school activities. The purpose of this study are: Describe the ability of the principal in evaluating and reporting the implementation of school activity programs in the field of Work Programs, Regulations and Decisions, Guidance, Other Administration through managerial supervision in School Cluster Monitoring Areas 03 Prentarakulon District and School Clusters 01 Kranggan District Mojokerto City . This research uses action research as many as two cycles. Each cycle consists of one meeting, each meeting consisting of four stages: design, activities and reflection and revision observations. The target of this research is the Principal in the School Cluster Monitoring Area 03 of the Prentarakulon and School Cluster 01 District of Kranggan, Mojokerto City with 12 people. Data obtained in the form of managerial supervision results which include: Work Programs, Regulations and Decisions, Guidance, Other Administration. The success of the learning process in cycle II shows that the cycle can be stopped because it has met the target of> 80%. This is evident from the average increase in the performance of principals from 72.70% in the initial conditions, increasing to 78.92% in the first cycle and increasing to 87.81% in the second cycle. The conclusions of this research are: 1) The principal can evaluate and report on the implementation of the school activity program in the Field of Work Program through managerial supervision. 2) Principals can evaluate and report on the implementation of school activities in the field of Regulations and Decisions through managerial supervision. 3) The principal can evaluate and report on the implementation of school activities in the field of guidance through managerial supervision. 4) The school principal can evaluate and report on the implementation of other administrative activities in the school administration program through managerial supervision
Peningkatan Kemampuan Berfikir Reflektif untuk Meningkatkan Retensi pada Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam di SMP Islam Brawijaya Mojokerto Muhammad Budi Arief
PROGRESSA: Journal of Islamic Religious Instruction Vol. 2 No. 2 (2018): Agustus
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (487.345 KB) | DOI: 10.32616/pgr.v2.2.136.79-84


When students study Islamic religious education, there are several problems that cannot be solved easily by students using the usual procedures used, students must understand at least being able to read the Qur'an, students must understand the science of jurisprudence, morals, and even the history of Islamic civilization and Arabic almost simultaneously. Often students find it difficult to determine the steps to be taken. For this reason, students need to recall the knowledge that has been held and stored in their memories. The purpose of this study was to describe reflective thinking skills to improve retention in Islamic Religious Education subjects at the Mojokerto Student Islamic Middle School. This research is a qualitative descriptive study, carried out in class IX students of Brawijaya Islamic University in Mojokerto in the academic year 2017/2018. The data collection method used is the interview method. The data obtained are then analyzed based on predetermined reflective thinking indicators. Data processing is carried out by conducting study activities, verification and reduction, grouping and systematization, and interpretation or interpretation so that a phenomenon has social, academic, and scientific value. While data analysis in this study was carried out during and after data collection using descriptive-critical-comparative methods, and content analysis methods. From the results of the analysis concluded: 1) Reflective thinking that must be developed by the teacher so that students can carry out activities that include activities: observing, reflecting, collecting data, considering moral principles, making estimates, considering strategies and actions. 2) At the stage of absorbing and storing learning outcomes (retention) with the knowledge possessed to interpret the problem at hand. At the stage of planning problem solving, students can determine the strategies or steps that will be used to answer test questions or problems in life
Implementasi Strategi Membaca dan Menghafal Al Qur’an dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Kemampuan Membaca dan Menulis Arab permulaan Achmad Pandu Setiawan
PROGRESSA: Journal of Islamic Religious Instruction Vol. 2 No. 2 (2018): Agustus
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (506.779 KB) | DOI: 10.32616/pgr.v2.2.132.47-52


It was realized and became a consensus that education including Islamic education had a big contribution in realizing a superior civilization of the nation. But the fact states that the direction of Islamic education is still lagging behind and not to mention the dualism of the education system in Indonesia that is dictoomic (contradictory which tends to distance from one another) Based on the problem statement, this study aims to describe the Implementation Strategy of reading and memorizing the Qur'an and its influence on the ability to read and write Arabic beginning. This study follows an exploratory, descriptive and explanatory research design. The population is 23,960 children consisting of 279 Institutions (Al-Qur'an Education Park). The method of sampling in this study is that this study uses a simple random sampling system with the Slovin formula and from the members of the population taken as samples there are 100 respondents with the level of sig. p (0.01) In this study the authors used multiple linear regression analysis techniques. The results of this study concluded that there was a significant positive effect on the implementation of reading and memorizing strategies for the ability to read and write Arabic beginning
Perilaku Efektif Guru dalam Melaksanakan Kegiatan Pembelajaran Individu secara Klasikal Musta’in
PROGRESSA: Journal of Islamic Religious Instruction Vol. 2 No. 2 (2018): Agustus
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32616/pgr.v2.2.128.1-8


Effective classroom teachers don't have many problems, while ineffective classroom teachers are characterized by continuous disruption and chaos. By observing classroom teachers who are effective and ineffective. A good teacher is a teacher who in his PBM is able to inspiring teaching students, he is able to turn on great ideas, great desires for his students, able to develop creative and innovative traits. Based on the focus of the study, this study aims to describe the Effective Behavior of Teachers in Implementing Individual Learning Activities in a classical manner. The teacher's approach is the process, method or action that is approached by a teacher to students to create an effective and efficient learning process, in teaching, the teacher must be clever in using a wise and wise approach, the teacher's view of students will determine attitudes and actions. For teachers, the ability to apply the principles of learning in the learning process will help improve the effectiveness of learning management which in the end can be achieved with the learning objectives formulated
Pengaruh Literacy Skills dan Task-Based Instruction terhadap Intelectual Skills Siswa Tingkat Dasar Mohammad Badru Tamam
PROGRESSA: Journal of Islamic Religious Instruction Vol. 2 No. 2 (2018): Agustus
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (491.935 KB) | DOI: 10.32616/pgr.v2.2.133.53-58


In a society that is changing, schools cannot provide intellectual costs from items of special knowledge for lifelong use. The shift that must occur in the content of teaching is a change from emphasis mainly on certain knowledge items that may soon become obsolete, into changes with intellectual skills that can be applied to a broad and mostly unexpected list of tasks and situations. This study aims to: 1) Assess Literacy skills and task-based instruction influencing students 'intellectual skills 2) Assessing Literacy skills and task-based instruction influences students' basic level of intellectual skills. This research is a type of survey research, namely research conducted using a questionnaire as a research tool. The purpose of survey research is to provide a detailed description of the background, traits, and characteristics that are typical of the case will be made into a general matter. In this study the object was a fifth grade student at SDN Kauman II with 15 students and SDN Kauman III Ngoro Jombang with 13 students. The method of sampling in this study is that this study uses a census system because all elementary level students are sampled. Data analysis using multiple linear regression with the help of spss v. 20. The results of the discussion can be summarized as follows: 1) Literacy skills and task-based instruction have an effect on students 'intellectual skills 2) Literacy skills and task-based instruction have an effect on elementary students' intellectual skills.
Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Komunikasi Non-verbal Bahasa Arab dengan Bahasa Tubuh sebagai Pemahaman Kinesik Lintas Budaya Isma'il
PROGRESSA: Journal of Islamic Religious Instruction Vol. 2 No. 2 (2018): Agustus
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (510.294 KB) | DOI: 10.32616/pgr.v2.2.134.59-68


Arabic is a universal language, Learning Arabic cannot be separated from the social and environmental environment that surrounds it. Learning Arabic requires adaptation to the environment which is an integral part of educational institutions. Students are part of the learning process, after formal education is complete, then they again become one of the important elements in society. Non-verbal language is statement forms of personality or personality traits that are manifested in body movements. Arabic is also an interesting study, where Arabic is one of the dominant Semitic languages and still persists today. Based on the focus of the study, this study aims to describe: The Implementation of Learning Arabic non-verbal communication with Body Language as a cross-cultural kinesic understanding. This research is "Library Research". The research data used is secondary data. The data collection technique used by the authors in this study is documentation. Data processing is carried out by conducting study activities, verification and reduction, grouping and systematization, and interpretation or interpretation so that a phenomenon has social, academic, and scientific value. While data analysis in this study was carried out during and after data collection using descriptive-critical-comparative methods, and content analysis methods. From the results of the analysis it was concluded that: 1) In its development language became a feature of a culture. At a minimum it becomes a differentiator between one community and another in terms of language use. 2) Since the first year of his life in the world, children take part in conversations using body language and non-verbal cues. Then little by little they learn linguistic codes of language, how codes represent objects, events and types of relationships between objects and events. They learn how to send and receive orders with spoken language. 3) The role of Arabic in national culture has taken an important part since the development of Islam in the archipelago in the XIII century and its role is still felt lexically and semantically.
Pemantapan Keterampilan Dasar Mengajar Calon Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam dengan Pedagogi Multiliteracy pada Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto Muhammad Munib
PROGRESSA: Journal of Islamic Religious Instruction Vol. 2 No. 2 (2018): Agustus
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (827.406 KB) | DOI: 10.32616/pgr.v2.2.139.107-112


The teacher must control the environment as an important part of the process that occurs in the black box, it still must be an important part so that there is not one second that is not useful for the child, since they entered the school gate. Preparation in class, in class, rest periods and also their time at the house of worship, even when they are in the school canteen, are productive times to change their behavior, both ways of thinking, behaving and acting, or even increasing skills and their skills. Based on the focus of the study, this study aims to describe the strengthening of basic teaching skills of Islamic Religious Education teacher candidates with multiliteracy pedagogy in the Islamic Education Study Program at the Raden Wijaya Tarbiyah College of Education in Mojokerto. This research is "Library Research". The research data used is secondary data. The data collection technique used by the authors in this study is documentation. Data processing is carried out by conducting study activities, verification and reduction, grouping and systematization, and interpretation or interpretation so that a phenomenon has social, academic, and scientific value. From the results of the discussion it can be concluded that the strengthening of the basic teaching skills of Islamic Religious Education teacher candidates with multiliteracy pedagogy in the Raden Wijaya Mojokerto Islamic School of Higher Education Islamic Studies Study Program is to make prospective teachers effective. To be an effective teacher must be able to motivate and support students so that they are well equipped to face every challenge given to them both academically and vice versa. With all of the above skills, you will always get an effective teacher degree that inspires students in more than one way
Perilaku Efektif Guru dalam Melaksanakan Kegiatan Pembelajaran Individu secara Klasikal M Mustain
PROGRESSA: Journal of Islamic Religious Instruction Vol. 2 No. 2 (2018): Agustus
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (323.584 KB) | DOI: 10.32616/pgr.v2.2.155.1-8


Effective classroom teachers don't have many problems, while ineffective classroom teachers are characterized by continuous disruption and chaos. By observing classroom teachers who are effective and ineffective. A good teacher is a teacher who in his PBM is able to inspiring teaching students, he is able to turn on great ideas, great desires for his students, able to develop creative and innovative traits. Based on the focus of the study, this study aims to describe the Effective Behavior of Teachers in Implementing Individual Learning Activities in a classical manner. The teacher's approach is the process, method or action that is approached by a teacher to students to create an effective and efficient learning process, in teaching, the teacher must be clever in using a wise and wise approach, the teacher's view of students will determine attitudes and actions. For teachers, the ability to apply the principles of learning in the learning process will help improve the effectiveness of learning management which in the end can be achieved with the learning objectives formulated.

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