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Jurnal Mekanika dan Sistem Termal
Published by Universitas Janabadra
ISSN : 25273841     EISSN : 25274910     DOI : -
Jurnal Mekanika dan Sistem Termal (JMST) adalah jurnal terbuka yang berisikan hasil-hasil penelitian ilmiah. Jurnal ini bertujuan untuk mempermudah penyebaran informasi ilmiah yang berkualitas secara cepat di seluruh tanah air. Jurnal Mekanika dan Sistem Termal (JMST) terbit 3 kali dalam setahun.Secara berkala JMST terbit setiap bulan April, Agustus, dan Desember.
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Articles 23 Documents
Perancangan Sistem Pembangkit Listrik Biomassa Sawit (PLTBS) Kapasitas 5 MW Ari Wibowo
Jurnal Mekanika dan Sistem Termal Vol 1, No 2: Agustus 2016
Publisher : Universitas Janabadra

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Based on 2014 PLN statistic data, Riau and Riau Island Region peak load reached 261.02 MW, while installed power plant capacity of 166.62 MW capable power only 98.70 MW. This causes frequent rolling blackouts in the Riau city and its surrounding. On the other hand, Riau has huge renewable energy sources derived from oil palm industry. Palm Oil Mill (POM) are scattered throughout the region of Riau, where the plant produces biomass waste called empty fruit bunch (EFB), shell and fiber. These biomass waste especially EFB has very huge potency tobe converted to energy. The purpose of this study is to mapping the potencies of electrical energy generated from the biomass waste produced by two palm oil mills of PTPN V. Lubuk dalam POM and Sei Buatan POM has a very good performance over the last five year, with FFB processed an average over 200.000 ton/year. Biomass samples, then tested in the laboratory to obtain the calorific value. The expected electric power generated then analyzed based on the production data and the caloric value of the biomass waste. The calculation resulting 5 MWh electric power can be generated, with only use EFB from both POM as fuel feedstock of the boiler. The biomass power plant based on Rankine Cycle System. Four main equipment in the Rankine cycle, boiler, turbine-generator, condenser and pump, then calculated based on the power generated and availability of feedstock. The biomass power plant system designed with superheated steam with its pressure and temperature of 32 barg 400oC.
Studi Kelayakan Ekonomi Pembangunan PLTD Sistem Dual Fuel dengan Gasifikasi Sekam Padi Kapasitas 50 kVA Syamsul Ma`arif; Rena Juwita Sari; Mochamad Syamsiro
Jurnal Mekanika dan Sistem Termal Vol 1, No 1: APRIL 2016
Publisher : Universitas Janabadra

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Electrification ratio in Special Distric of Yogyakarta in 2015 still under 100%, but 100% villages has been electrified. It shows that several houses which far from village which has not been electrified. The alternative solution is to build a small power plant by utilizing rice husks which are quite abundant in Yogyakarta. Diesel Power Plant (PLTD) by dual fuel system studied had a capacity of 50 kVA. Dual fuel system is combination of diesel fuel and synthetic gas from gasification of rice husks. This study is discussed about potential of rice husks, gasification equipment design, electrical distribution, and economic feasibility studies. The results showed that 0.2% of rice husks in Yogyakarta is enough to fulfill fuel requirements of PLTD by dual fuel system. Comparison of fuel requirements in PLTD by dual fuel system is 40% or about 4.72 liters/hour of diesel fuel and 60% synthetic gas from gasification of rice husk as much as 33.19 kgs/hour. Reactor is designed to fulfill gasification process for 2 hours every batch. The system produced 31.68 kWh distributed to 2 home industries, 48 households with each capacity is 450 VA, and street lighting. Investment to build PLTD by dual fuel system is Rp. 700,310,500.00 and operational & maintenance costs is Rp. 458,196,000.00 per year. The economic feasibility study to build PLTD by dual fuel system is claimed feasible if minimum price of electricity is Rp. 2,417.00 which gain NPV and IRR of Rp. 568,819.00 and 12.03%,respectively and payback period of 4 years.
Studi Eksperimental Unjuk Kerja Campuran Solar-Biodiesel Minyak Jelantah Pada Mesin Diesel Ade Setiawan; Joko Winarno; Mochamad Syamsiro
Jurnal Mekanika dan Sistem Termal Vol 2, No 1: APRIL 2017
Publisher : Universitas Janabadra

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In this study, biodiesel fuel produced from waste cooking oil was blended in 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% with the commercial diesel fuel. The biodiesel was collected from a company near Yogyakarta city. It was produced from transesterification process in a commercial scale reactor. The diesel-biodiesel mixtures were tested in a four-cylinder and four-stroke diesel engine with the compression ratio of 18 and water cooling system. The results show that the thermal efficiency of diesel engine increased with increasing the engine speed. The present of biodiesel also increased the thermal efficiency of the diesel engine. A mixture of 40% (B40) and 50% (B50) biodiesel resulted in the highest thermal efficiency. The brake mean effective pressure also increased with increasing the engine speed and biodiesel mixture. The specific fuel consumption showed a decrease in its value as a function of engine speed. Low specific fuel consumption means the high thermal efficiency of the diesel engine.
Analisis Energi terhadap Performa Boiler Tipe Fluidized Bed Combustion Maedanu Fasola Putra; Danar Susilo Wijayanto; Nugroho Agung Pambudi
Jurnal Mekanika dan Sistem Termal Vol 1, No 3: DESEMBER 2016
Publisher : Universitas Janabadra

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The research aims to investigate the condition of Basuki boiler based on the energy analysis result. The research used quantitative-descriptive method. The population of this research was daily record of Basuki boiler. The sample was daily record of Basuki boiler performance for 1 year (February 2015 to January 2016). The sample was taken using purposive sampling method. The research analyzed energetic efficiency and heat losses were included. Based the result of the research, it can be concluded that Basuki boiler condition based on its energy analysis was good, because the energetic efficiency (83,14%) was higher than the company’s target (80%). Total heat losses occured during boiler operation at 16,86% was devided into (1) heat loss in the flue gas (5,15%); (2) heat loss caused by unburned H2 gas (5,47%); (3) heat loss caused by water content in the fuel (1,50%); (4) heat loss caused by the humidity (0,58%); (5) heat loss caused by imperfect combustion (0,13%); (6) heat loss caused by radiation and indeterminable heat loss (4,03%).
Studi Kelayakam Pembangkit Tenaga Listrik Mikrohidro Desa Muara Urie Kecamatam Hampang Kabupaten Kotabaru KALSEL Arief Budiyanto
Jurnal Mekanika dan Sistem Termal Vol 1, No 2: Agustus 2016
Publisher : Universitas Janabadra

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Kota Baru District has many small river which has the potential to be converted into electrical energy. The objective of the project is to provide the village Haulan river MuraUrie Hampang Kota Baru with a reliable, green, clean and economically viable source of electrical energy. This research has been conducted to assess the potential of hydropower and to design very low head water hydropower plant. The  observational step started by measuring head and flow rate. Designing of water turbine should be considered the power available. Since the turbine usually run at low speed and the generator speed is quite high (1500 rpm), it requires speed increaser. Based on the primary data, the electrical power can be generated up to 30 kW. The implementation of the project will take approximately eight to ten months including the finalisation of the preparatory work (detailed design, tendering, contract awarding), actual implementation of the project, testing, commissioning and training of operators. Two villagers will be assigned and trained as operators for the operation and maintenance of the plant, in order to optimize the viability of the water source office of Kota Baru.
Pengolahan Sampah Plastik Jenis PP, PET dan PE Menjadi Bahan Bakar Minyak dan Karakteristiknya Untoro Budi Surono; Ismanto Ismanto
Jurnal Mekanika dan Sistem Termal Vol 1, No 1: APRIL 2016
Publisher : Universitas Janabadra

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Increasing use of plastics is a consequence of the development of technology, industry and population. On one side, plastic invention has a tremendous positive impact, because the plastic has more advantages than other materials. But on the other hand, plastics have a harmful negative impact, so it is necessary to find the solution. Alternative handling of plastic waste is converting plastic waste into fuel oil. Processing plastic waste into fuel oil can be done with the process of cracking. In this study will be designed and tested a device to process plastic waste into fuel. In this study will try to process plastics waste of PE, PP and PET by thermal cracking. The main objective of this study was to determine the best operating conditions of device designed to obtain the results of the optimal fuel. From this study it can be concluded that PP produce the most oil with LPG needs of the least and the fastest processing time. At this experiment, PET does not produce oil but produces material in powder form. Oil from PP has higher calorific value than the calorific value of diesel, petrol, LPG and kerosene. Too high the rate of heat is causes the oil produced is reduced, while the smaller the rate of heat causes the processing time becomes longer. The resulting oil from processing of PP and PE based on the content of the number of carbon atoms approaching gasoline and kerosene.
Perbandingan Laju Korosi Pada Baja Karbon Rendah dan Stainless Steel Seri 201, 304, dan 430 Dalam Media Nira Yunaidi Yunaidi
Jurnal Mekanika dan Sistem Termal Vol 1, No 1: APRIL 2016
Publisher : Universitas Janabadra

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Corrosion can easily be found in various types of equipment made of metallic substrates. Low carbon steel and stainless steels are materials that is widely used in machine tools and structure of the food and beverage industry. Low carbon steel is preferred because it is relatively inexpensive, but less resistant to corrosion, so it is necessary substitution with materials that are more resistant to corrosion, thereby increasing the economic value of equipment or machinery. Juice cane (nira) is the result of a milking cane plant into raw materials for white sugar. Juice contains sucrose, reduction sugar, organic and inorganic substances and water. Juice is acidic as pH below 7 due to the activity of microbes in it, and over time the juice will become more acidic. This study aims to determine the corrosion rate of low carbon steel and stainless steel SS 201, SS 304 and SS 430 series in the medium juice at room temperature. Corrosion testing done in three cell electrodes based on the Tafel extrapolation method. The test results showed that the lowest corrosion rate occurs in SS 304, while the highest corrosion rate occurs in SS 430. The corrosion rate of SS 304 on the juice is low, while the corrosion rate of low carbon steel, SS 201 and SS 430 were moderate. The corrosion rate of the material on the juice is strongly influenced by the juice condition, mainly by the pH value.
Pengaruh Variasi Lubang terhadap Koefisien Debit pada Wadah Terbuka Berisi Oli Lia Yunita
Jurnal Mekanika dan Sistem Termal Vol 1, No 3: DESEMBER 2016
Publisher : Universitas Janabadra

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This study aims to determine the effect of variation of the coefficient of discharge hole in an open container. The flow of fluid out of the hole has a cross-sectional area which is different from the actual cross-sectional area, the phenomenon is called venous kontrakta. Comparison of real debit and debit theoretically called the discharge coefficient (Cd). Experimental method used to determine the coefficient of discharge of oil flow in open containers using the software help logger pro 3.8.4. In this study, it was carried out various forms holes that of a circle and a triangular hole using an open container (jar) containing oil. The experimental results show that the circle-shaped hole has a coefficient of discharge is greater than the triangular hole.
Pengaruh Pemanasan Bahan Bakar dan Penambahan Biodiesel Pada Solar terhadap Konsumsi Bahan Bakar Mesin Diesel Mitsubishi L300 Arga Hartantyadhi Pratama; Danar Susilo Wijayanto; Ngatou Rohman
Jurnal Mekanika dan Sistem Termal Vol 1, No 2: Agustus 2016
Publisher : Universitas Janabadra

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The purpose of this research is to investigate effect of biodiesel adding into diesel fuel and effect of fuel heating through spiral-fin pipes in the radiator upper tank towards Mitsubishi L300 Diesel Engine fuel consumption. This research was a descriptive quantitative with experiments methods. Sample on this research was a Mitsubishi 4 cylinder type L300 Diesel Engine. Data was getting from measuring Mitsubishi L300 Diesel Engine fuel consumption with the 0 %, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and 30% of biodiesel mix variations, it was included with without heating variations; non-fin pipes heating; and finned pipes heating with inter fin variation was 2 spiral thread, 4 spiral thread, 6 spiral thread, and perpendicular-fin. Result of this research shows as: (1) It has an effect of biodiesel adding into diesel fuel on the Mitsubishi L300 Diesel Engine.; (2) It has an effect of fuel heating using spiral-fin pipes in the upper tank radiator on reducing Mitsubishi L300 Diesel Engine fuel consumption.; (3) It has an effect of biodiesel adding and fuel heating on reducing fule consumption in the Mitsubishi L300 Diesel Engine. The biggest reducing of fuel consumption happens on 20% biodiesel : 80% fuel diesel fuel level and fuel heating using pipes with 6 spiral thread inter-fin variation that is as much as 9.331 ml/minute every cycle. Consumption reducing is 1.320 ml/minute ar as much as 12.393% from standart consumption.
Pengaruh Jumlah Konsentrasi Larutan Garam Pada Proses Quenching Baja Karbon Sedang S45C Yunaidi Yunaidi
Jurnal Mekanika dan Sistem Termal Vol 1, No 3: DESEMBER 2016
Publisher : Universitas Janabadra

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Quenching is heat treatment process to increase the hardness and strength of steel. Important factors in the quenching include design of the equipment, type of coolant, coolant concentration, bath temperature, and motion rate during cooling. There are several types of cooling media that can be used in the quenching including water and oil. This study discusses the influence of dissolved salt concentration as a coolant in the quenching of S45C steel. The concentration of salt solution made variation between 0% to 25% by volume solution of 10 liters each. Quenching starts from the heating of steel in the furnace up to the austenitizing temperature and held at that temperature for 30 minutes followed by rapid cooling. Salinity in quenching media greatly influence the value of tensile strength and the hardness of steel. The higher salinity will decrease tensile strength and ductility. The higher salinity can accelerate the cooling process, evidenced by the emergence of a growing martensitic structure and refined at the higher salinity. Steel hardness will increase with increasing salinity.

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