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Diterbitkan oleh Bagian Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Majapahit Mojokerto sebagai terbitan berkala yang terbit pada bulan Maret dan September menyajikan informasi dan analisis masalah-masalah kesehatan. Kajian ini bersifat ilmiah sebagai hasil pikiran yang empiric dan teoritis. Untuk itu redaksi bersedia menerima karya ilmiah hasil penelitian, atau artikel termasuk ide-ide pengembangan di bidang kesehatan yang dihasilkan oleh dosen-dosen dan mahasiswa Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Majapahit Mojokerto.
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Articles 5 Documents
Search results for , issue " Vol 5, No 1 (2013): MEDICA MAJAPAHIT" : 5 Documents clear
Efektifitas Senam Kusta Terhadap Kekuatan Otot Tangan Dan Kaki Penderita Kusta Di UPTD Kesehatan Puskesmas Grati Pasuruan Mufdilah, Etik

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Most problems occur due to disability in leprosy leprosy disease that attacks the peripheral nerves. Among motor paralysis will affect the strength of the muscles of the hands and feet. Therefore, if the exercise is impaired body movement is essential to increase muscle strength lepers. Gymnastics leprosy is a motor motion exercises that aim to improve muscle function lepers. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of exercise on muscle strength leprosy hands and feet in leprosy patients at the health center Grati Pasuruan UPTD Health. This study uses experimental design that involves Quasy-control group with non-equivalent time sampling approach to design, using a purposive sampling method for sample collection. Respondents who were the subjects of research were 10 people with disabilities lepers level 1. The research was conducted on July 26-August 9, 2011 for 2 weeks. Data collection tool is to check the muscle strength of the hands and feet are then entered on the observation sheet. Statistical tests used were Wilcoxon signed ranks test. The results showed that exercise is effective against leprosy muscle strength in hands and feet of lepers in the health center Grati Pasuruan UPTD Health (P = 0.025 <α = 0.05). Gymnastics leprosy is a body movement that focuses on the most important if the motion of the motor nerves in patients with leprosy, so exercise is effective for improving muscle strength and hand kakipenderita leprosy. If the exercise routine every day and is supported by self-care on disability then it is for prevention of disability is more severe in patients with leprosy.Keywords: Gymnastics Leprosy, Leprosy, Muscle strength
Efektifitas Penyuluhan Terhadap Pengetahuan Wanita Usia Subur Tentang Kanker Serviks Di Wilayah UPT Puskesmas Gayaman Mojoanyar Mojokerto Syurandari, Dwi Helynarti

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Kanker serviks uteri merupakan penyakit keganasan yang menimbulkan masalah dengan kesehatan terutama di negara yang sedang berkembang termasuk Indonesia. Kanker serviks disinyalir menjadi pembunuh nomor 1 bagi wanita, dan urutan terbesar dari jumlah penderita penyakit kanker. Saat ini di seluruh dunia terdapat 270.000 penderita kanker serviks baru dan 140.000 diantaranya meninggal dunia tiap tahunnya. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis efektifitas  penyuluhan terhadap pengetahuan wanita usia subur tentang kanker serviks di UPT Puskesmas Gayaman Kabupaten Mojokerto. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan pre test dan post test design. Variabel independent dalam penelitian ini yaitu efektifitas penyuluhan dan variabel dependent yaitu pengetahuan wanita usia subur tentang kanker serviks. Populasi yang diambil sejumlah 892 wanita, sedangkan sampel yang diambil sejumlah 89 wanita usia subur dengan teknik cluster sampling. Pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan kuesioner data  dianalisa menggunakan uji wilcoxon. Hasil penelitian persentase terbesar pengetahuan wanita usia subur tentang kanker serviks sebelum penyuluhan kurang sebesar 53,9% dan persentase terbesar pengetahuan wanita usia subur tentang kanker serviks sesudah penyuluhan baik sebesar 70,8%. Dengan menggunakan uji wilcoxon didapatkan r < a 0,000 < 0,05, hal ini menunjukkan Ho ditolak dan H1 diterima yang artinya penyuluhan berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan pengetahuan wanita usia subur tentang kanker serviks. Diharapkan hasil penelitian dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan dalam memberikan informasi dan pengetahuan untuk meningkatkan kesehatan khususnya bagi wanita usia subur.Kata kunci : efektifitas, penyuluhan, pengetahuan, kanker serviks.
Pengaruh Teknik Relaksasi Religius Terhadap Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Tidur Pada Lanjut Usia Di Panti Werdha Mojopahit Mojokerto Cahyono, Agnes

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Lack of sleep needs of the elderly is caused by extrinsic factors, for example, a crowded environment and intrinsic factor, which is organic and psychogenic. In organic like pain, itching and certain diseases could create anxiety. In psychogenic, like depression, anxiety and irritability. The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of religious relaxation techniques to fulfill the needs of sleep of the elderly in Elderly Institution Mojopahit Mojokerto. Research design is the one group pre test and post test design. The independent variable is religious relaxation techniques and the dependent variable is the needs of sleep of the elderly. Population is all elderly which is living in elderly institution Mojopahit Mojokerto for some 50 seniors then it’s obtained some of the elderly who meet inclusion criteria as many as 32 people with a purposive sampling technique. Data is collected using the interview sheet on June, 4-26th, 2011. Data analysis is performed using Mc Nemar test Test. Before the implementation of religious relaxation techniques, mostly can’t meet their sleep needs as many as 20 respondents (62.5%) and after the implementation of religious relaxation techniques, most of them could meet their sleep needs as many as 20 respondents (62.5%). The result shows p (0.039) <α (0.05), means H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. So there is the influence of religious relaxation techniques to fulfill the needs of sleep of the elderly in Elderly Institution Mojopahit Mojokerto. Fulfillment of sleep because of this relaxation response elicits feelings of calm and security and also relaxed body, make it easier to fall asleep and the quantity is met more than 6 hours. Changes toward the positive outweigh the negative direction. Local health workers are expected to direct more of the elderly to frequently apply religious relaxation techniques, so it can meet the need of rest sleep.Keywords: Religious relaxation technique, Sleep fulfillment, Elderly
Pengaruh Mobilisasi Dini Terhadap Peningkatan Peristaltik Usus Pada Pasien Post Operasi Di RSU Dr. Wahidin Sudiro Husodo Mojokerto Sari, Nyunariani Puspita

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Postoperative, anesthesia given to patients will provide loss of normal peristalsis for 24 to 48 hours, depending on the type and duration of surgery because of anesthesia provides barriers to nerve stimuli for the occurrence of peristalsis so as to provide some effects such as abdominal distention (bloating or pain), even Paralytic ileus. One of the threatment that can be given to increase the intestinal peristalsis is to do mobilization. Design used in this research is Quasi Experiment, with the design of Non Equivalent Control Group. Variables independent variables Wet early mobilization and the dependent variable were intestinal peristalsis. Researchers used 30 respondents as a study sample, 15 respondents as the intervention group treated early mobilization and 15 respondents as a control group not treated early mobilization. data collection using observational methods. Sampling type wes quota sampling. The results showed that 15 respondents in the control group did not experience an intestinal peristalsis increasing. While in the experimental group, three respondents did not experience intestinal peristalsis increasing (<5x/menit) and 12 respondents experienced an increase in intestinal peristalsis (5-35 times / minute). In the experimental group, from observations obtained Peristaltic intestinal average 5.55 / min, median 5.55 x / minute, 5x/menit mode. In the control group, obtained an average of 1.43 / min, median 1x/menit, 0x/menit mode. From the above results that the mean disimplkan intestinal peristalsis in the experimental group is greater than the control group. Patients peristaltic bowel who performed early mobilization postoperative increased much faster than patients who did not performed early mobilization postoperative. With a proven research that early mobilization may enhance intestinal peristalsis in postoperative patients, nurses should pay more attention to early mobilization as an alternative intestinal peristaltic function in patients recovering postoperative.Keywords: early mobilization, peristaltic, postoperative
Hubungan Dukungan Keluarga Dengan Tingkat Depresi Pasien Gagal Ginjal Kronik Yang Menjalani Hemodialisa Di PTPN X Rumah Sakit Gatoel Mojokerto Pratiwi, Danies Tunjung

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Depression is a psychological effect that is common in patients with chronic health problems such as ESRD (End Stage Renal Disease). Depression is often associated with increased morbidity of the disease. The results of preliminary studies that the researchers did found that 85% of patients with chronic renal failure undergoing regular hemodialysis in PTPN X Gatoel Hospital Mojokerto depressed. Strong support system can speed up recovery of depressive episodes. Family support would substantially increase a person’s adjustment to the events in live. The purpose of this study to determine the relationship of family support with levels of depression chronic renal failure patients undergoing hemodialysis. The research is Expost Facto Time Changes to the type of research Throhoc or Retrospectives. The population in this study were patients with chronic renal failure undergoing hemodialysis at PTPN X Gatoel Hospital Mojokerto by the number of samples taken by 30 respondents with non-probability sampling technique thst is consecutive sampling.The results showed that the majority (90%) patients with chronic renal failure undergoing hemodialysis were depressed with the largest proportion is mild depression (43%). Judging from the absence of family support is known that more than 50% get good family support. Spearman Rank Test results of the analysis results obtained p = 0,000 < α = 0,05, so Ha is received it means there is a relationships of family support with levels of depression chronic renal failure patients undergoing hemodialysis in PTPN X Gatoel Hospital Mojokerto. Family support is an important form of support system for patients who are depressed. Family support appropriate and as required improved the lives an improve quality of live. Families can always be expected to provide support so that patients can develop coping mechanism and problem solving are effective.Keywords : Family Support, Depression, GGK, Hemodialysis.

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