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Journal of Language Learning and Research (JOLLAR)
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Washback in EFL Writing Courses: A Reflective Teaching at English Education Study Program of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji Dewi Nopita
Journal of Language Learning and Research (JOLLAR) Vol 2 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Department of Indonesian Language Education, Graduate School, University of Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (661.545 KB) | DOI: 10.22236/jollar.v2i1.3486


Washback is one of the principles of language assessment. It is the effects of an assessment on teaching and learning prior to the assessment itself, that is, on preparation for the assessment (Brown, 2004). This article aims at describing washback in EFL writing courses at English study program of teacher training and education faculty of Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji (UMRAH). The description was got from my own experiences and another writing lecturer’s. To get a more detail description from another lecturer, I interviewed him and his students dealing with the assessment done during the course as well as its impact towards the teaching and learning. Futhermore, I did observation on the improvement of the students’ task and test scores. Finally, it was found that in writing courses at English Education Study Program of Teacher training and Education Faculty (FKIP) of UMRAH, washback did contribute to the quality of teaching and learning since it provides feedback for both the instructors and the students. The feedback helps the instructors to plan a better teaching as well as helps students to do a better learning. The form, content, focus and delivery of writing assessments (tasks and tests) administered during the course determine the way it is taught and the way the students learn. As a result, these features in turn tend to affect the success of the course.
Adjacency Pairs in Ellen DeGeneres’ Talk Show Weby Yolannisa
Journal of Language Learning and Research (JOLLAR) Vol 2 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Department of Indonesian Language Education, Graduate School, University of Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (977.48 KB) | DOI: 10.22236/jollar.v2i1.3487


Talk Show is a program that basically deals with a conversational discussion concerning latest events in different aspects of life; social, economy, education, life style, love- life etc. From the conversation uttered by speakers, there are some patterns that they automatically produced, called adjacency pairs. Therefore, this study focused on the adjacency pairs in the conversation between the host (Ellen De’Generes) and the guest (Bill Gates) in Ellen De’Generes’ Talk Show. The aims of the research were (1) to describe and analyze types of adjacency pairs in the conversation between Ellen DeGeneres and Bill Gates, and (2) to describe and analyze the preference structure of adjacency pairs in the conversation between Ellen DeGeneres and Bill Gates. The main data of the research were the video and the script of the conversation between Ellen De’Generes and Bill Gates. This study used qualitative approach in investigating the problem in order to get the descriptive data after spoken and written data have been analyzed. In analyzing adjacency pairs and the preference structure of adjacency pairs, the researcher used the theory of conversation analysis (CA) as the basic theory. From the data, it was found that there were 11 adjacency pairs that consisted of 1 pair of assessment – agreement, 2 pair of assertion – agreement, 1 pair of assertion-disagreement, 6 pairs of question-answer, and 1 pair suggestion-acceptance in the conversation. Last, there were 11 data of the preference structure which consisted of 10 data included into the preferred structure from second pair part and 1 data included into the dispreferred structure from second pair part.
English Calques in Bangla Sarwar Morshed
Journal of Language Learning and Research (JOLLAR) Vol 2 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Department of Indonesian Language Education, Graduate School, University of Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (727.853 KB) | DOI: 10.22236/jollar.v2i1.3491


Two hundred years of colonial rule brought the Anglophones in close proximity to the Banglophones. This long time interaction resulted in bilingualism which ultimately paved the way for lexical penetration from English into Bangla. This influx is manifest in the corpus of the Bangla language. Viddyasagar in his Shobdosongroho (1823, Quoted in Musa and Ilyas, 2002:11) compiled a list of 40 English loanwords in Bangla. Within the timespan of nearly two centuries, according to Musa and Ilyas (2002), the lexical loan got multiplied by almost 88 times. Side by side borrowing direct anglicisms, Bangla has also borrowed hosts of indirect loans in the form of ‘calques’ or ‘translation loans’ from English. The prime focus of this paper is to trace the mechanisms by which Bangla produces calques from English sources. The results of this study reveal that Bangla has four types of calques – single-word, multi-word, phrasal, and acronymic. While our data mostly conform to the global typology of calques, interestingly enough, Bangla has constructed a special class of calques which we have dubbed as ‘Acronymic calques’. Translation acronyms are yet to be registered in the typology of calques. This curious calque type attested by our data can be added to the global typology of loan translations.
A Conversation Analysis of Adjacency Pairs in the Ellen DeGeneres’s Talk Show with Malala Yousafzai Trihartina Tampubolon
Journal of Language Learning and Research (JOLLAR) Vol 2 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Department of Indonesian Language Education, Graduate School, University of Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (855.737 KB) | DOI: 10.22236/jollar.v2i1.3492


This research aims to find out the application of the types of adjacency pairs in a conversation script “Malala Yousafzai” in talk show of Ellen DeGeneres. The writers used the conversation analysis approach to support research in analyzing data. Conversation analysis (CA) is the natural conversation that has participants two or more. Adjacency pairs is paired utterances by two different speakers. The method used is qualitative descriptive. The writer took the data from the “Malala Yousafzai” conversation script on Ellen DeGeneres’s talk show. The data containing video and script, the duration is 8:09 minutes. This video is downloaded from The writer analyzed the data by reading the script of the conversation and then classified the data according to the types of adjacency pairs. And then drawn conclusion. Adjacency pairs creates an obvious meaning in social interaction through conversation. Adjacency pairs has types and patterns. The pattern determines the meaning being delivered and minimize the misunderstanding between participants. And help people understand what people want to make particular language choices and what people mean. There are six types of the adjacency pairs found in “Malala Yousafzai” conversation script in Ellen DeGeneres’s talk show.
A Critical Discourse Analysis on Beauty Product Advertisements Sri Susanti
Journal of Language Learning and Research (JOLLAR) Vol 2 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Department of Indonesian Language Education, Graduate School, University of Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (917.231 KB) | DOI: 10.22236/jollar.v2i1.3493


This research is aimed at describing the use of language in beauty ads (Pantene and Garnier ads), elaborating the way of the strategy are used in persuading the consumers and investigating the reason for the use of strategies. This is a descriptive qualitative method in which the data were collected from the advertisements of Pantene and Garnier. The collected data are the words, phrases, clauses, sentences that are used in ads. The data were analyzed according to Fairclough’s three dimensional approach of discourse analysis; they are textual features, discursive features, and social feature. The findings of this study show that the language used in Pantene and Garnier advertisements appear very interesting in building image to the audience and were successful in utilizing the various discourse strategies to gain people’s attraction to buy the product being advertised. For the social practices, the words found in their advertisement are considered have control or power over people.
Applying Formative Assessment through Edmodo to Evaluate Students’ Activities in Internship Program Vega Hesmatantya
Journal of Language Learning and Research (JOLLAR) Vol 2 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Department of Indonesian Language Education, Graduate School, University of Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (833.296 KB)


Along with the curriculum alteration in higher education which the former one changed into KKNI (Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia) based curriculum, several changes occurred in English Education curriculum for bachelor degree. Significant adjustment appears when Pre-service Teaching Program (PPL) is replaced by internship program (Magang). The internship program has not been done in once; otherwise, it is applied three times during the study period. They are Magang 1 (dasar) ,2 (madya) and 3.(karya). This reflective study attempts to find out how Edmodo is used as a collaborative tool for formative assessment in evaluate students’ activity in magang madya or Intermediate internship program and how the formative assessment using Edmodo gives benefit towards students’ internship activity . Thirty six English Education students joined this intermediate internship program and they were divided into four groups to complete their internship in four Muhammadiyah schools in Surabaya. In order to know the benefit of using Edmodo in this evaluation, the participants were asked to fill in the survey. The finding shows that the implementation of formative assessment by using Edmodo as a platform is helpful. The students can do some improvement during their internship activity by considering the feedback given by the supervisor. They also get opportunity to obtain written feedback without having to wait offline meeting with the supervisor in the class. However, the use of Edmodo as a platform is still limited where some students still consider that weekly oral feedback is still needed to complete the written ones.
A Case Study of Interactive Teaching in a Listening Session at a Language Institute Hilma Safitri
Journal of Language Learning and Research (JOLLAR) Vol 2 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Department of Indonesian Language Education, Graduate School, University of Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (301.516 KB) | DOI: 10.22236/jollar.v3i1.3495


Improving listening skills is one of urgent problems in education. Insufficiency of students’ linguistics and non-linguistics knowledge or background knowledge to comprehend ideas during listening could be solved by providing them with interactive tasks since to learn to listen is to learn to respond and to continue a chain of listening and responding. This study aims to uncover interactive teaching in a listening session at LBPP-LIA Kalimalang Jakarta. The subjects of the study were the students of Intermediate 3 together with their teacher. The object of the study were the aspects covered by classroom interaction: student-student and student-teacher interactions. Data collection consisted of audio-recording of the spoken exchange and note taking of all observed activities during the listening session. As a qualitative study, the findings were described in terms of words. The result showed the teacher seemed to be aware that interactive tasks in pair/group work would benefit the students. The interaction patterns taken place among participants involved in a discussion reflected an interactive teaching. However, the teacher should have developed his roles. He needed to vary his techniques in maintaining the interaction, therefore, the students were motivated to volunteer information, comment, or questions.

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