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Jurnal Biologi Tropis
Published by Universitas Mataram
ISSN : 14119587     EISSN : 25497863     DOI : -
Jurnal Biologi Tropis (ISSN Cetak 1411-9587 dan ISSN Online 2549-7863) diterbitkan mulai tahun 2000 dengan frekuensi 2 kali setahun oleh Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi PMIPA FKIP Universitas Mataram, berisi hasil penelitian dan ulasan Ilmiah dalam bidang Biologi Sains.
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Articles 98 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 23 No. 4 (2023): October - December" : 98 Documents clear
Beauty Care Ingredients Used at Kraton Yogyakarta Hadiningrat, Indonesia Annisa Wiweka Utami; Ardyan Pramudya Kurniawan
Jurnal Biologi Tropis Vol. 23 No. 4 (2023): October - December
Publisher : Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Mataram, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jbt.v23i4.5488


Kraton Yogyakarta Hadiningrat has a culture of beauty treatments. Knowledge of traditional beauty treatments is one of the manifestations of culture that has been passed down from generation to generation and has been used in everyday life.  This study aims to examine plants used as beauty care ingredients at Kraton Yogyakarta Hadiningrat. This research was carried out in November 2022 - July 2023 in the complex environment of Kraton Yogyakarta Hadiningrat. The methods used are semi-structured interview method (open-ended interview) and literature study of manuscript manuscripts of Traditional Jamu Records at Kraton Yogyakarta. The results of the study found 25 herbal preparations used for beauty treatments consisting of four types, namely body skin care (6 concotion), facial skin care (10 concotion), hair care (7 concotion), and reproducive organ care (2 concotion). From the results of the study it was concluded that the use of herbs for body beauty care is still used today.
The Effect of Compost Based on Water Hyacinth and NPK Fertilizer on the Growth of Cayenne Pepper (Capsicum frutescens L.) Lale Agiet Safitri; Prapti Sedijani; Ahmad Raksun
Jurnal Biologi Tropis Vol. 23 No. 4 (2023): October - December
Publisher : Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Mataram, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jbt.v23i4.5492


Continuous fertilization with inorganic fertilizers causes the soil to become hard and the balance of nutrients in the soil becomes disrupted so that the soil is unable to provide sufficient nutrients to support normal plant growth. This study aims to determine the effect of compost made from water hyacinth, NPK fertilizer, and their combinations on the growth of cayenne pepper plants, and to determine the best dosage of fertilizer on the growth response of cayenne pepper plants. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) which consisted of 2 factors. Type of fertilizer and dose of fertilizer with each 4 levels of fertilization and 3 repetitions. The results of data analysis using the ANOVA test showed that the application of water hyacinth-based compost fertilizer; NPK fertilizer; and the combination can increase plant height, number of leaves, leaf area, fresh weight and dry weight on cayenne pepper plants. The DMRT test at the 5% level showed that the best treatment for plant height, wet weight and dry weight was a dose of 400 gr compost and 0 gr NPK, while the best treatment for leaf count was a dose of 200 gr compost and 0.4 gr NPK and the best treatment for Leaf area is a dose of 0 gr compost and 0.4 gr NPK.
Genetic Diversity of Bananas (Musa spp.) in Pesawaran District, Lampung Province Based on Sequence Related Amplified Polymorphism (SRAP) Marker Leni Agustin; Eti Ernawati; Lulut Dwi Sulistyaningsih; Mahfut
Jurnal Biologi Tropis Vol. 23 No. 4 (2023): October - December
Publisher : Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Mataram, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jbt.v23i4.5493


Banana (Musa spp.) is a leading commodity that makes a major contribution to national fruit production. One of the districts in Lampung Province which has a significant contribution to Indonesia's banana production is Pesawaran Regency. The molecular marker used in this study is Sequence-Related Amplified Polymorphism (SRAP). This study aims to determine the genetic diversity of bananas, determine the suitable combination of SRAP primers to determine the genetic diversity of bananas and determine the similarity relationship of bananas in the Pesawaran District. The total genomic DNA was extracted using DNeasy Plant Mini Kit (Geneaid) according to the protocol from the manufacturer followed by their amplification using SRAP primers. Similarity analysis was carried out based on similarity index values and dendrogram construction using the NTSYS 2.0 program. Research results show that a total of 204 loci (167 polymorphic loci and 37 monomorphic loci) were obtained from 9 selected primer combinations. The genetic diversity of 19 banana cultivars originating from Pesawaran Regency resulted in low genetic diversity values (0-0.27). Banana kinship based on Sequence Related Amplified Polymorphism (SRAP) markers divided 19 banana cultivar samples and 4 wild banana samples into 2 large clusters with similarity coefficient values between 0.70-0.97.
Response of Cayenne Pepper Plants (Capsicum frutescens L.) to Application of Liquid Organic Fertilizer from Coconut Water Waste (Cocos nucifera L.) and Pineapple Peel (Ananas comosus L. Merr.) on Peat Soil Feni Wulandari; Riza Linda; Irwan Lovadi
Jurnal Biologi Tropis Vol. 23 No. 4 (2023): October - December
Publisher : Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Mataram, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jbt.v23i4.5498


Cayenne pepper (Capsicum frutescens L.) is one of the horticultural commodities that has high economic value and market demand. Cayenne pepper production in West Kalimantan is low due to soil conditions dominated by peatlands with high acidity and low soil fertility. Resetting soil fertility can be done using liquid organic fertilizers (LOF) such as coconut water waste and pineapple peel. Both types of LOF have nutrient values that are sufficiently beneficial for plants. This study aims to determine the response of cayenne pepper plants to applying both types of liquid organic fertilizer (LOF) alone and the effect of the combination of liquid organic fertilizer of coconut water waste and pineapple peel. This study uses a completely randomized design (CRD) with a factorial pattern consisting of 2 factors, namely coconut water waste and pineapple peel waste liquid organic fertilizer. Each factor consists of 4 treatment levels and is repeated 4 times, namely A (coconut water POC) A0 = 0 ml (control); A1 = 150 ml; A2 = 250 ml; A3 = 350 ml; B (pineapple peel POC) B0 = 0 ml (control); B1 = 50 ml; B2 = 100 ml; B3 = 150 ml. Data were analyzed using the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) test and continued with the Tukey test at the 5% test level. The results showed that the treatment of  350 mL coconut water POC / 150 mL pineapple peel POC in combination gave a significantly different effect on height, number of branches, flowering time, number of flowers, number of fruits, wet weight and dry weight of plants.
The Effect of NPK Fertilizer and Tofu Dregs Organic Fertilizer on The growth of Land Kale Plants (Ipomea reptans Poir) Rayyana Rayyana; Ahmad Raksun; M. Yamin
Jurnal Biologi Tropis Vol. 23 No. 4 (2023): October - December
Publisher : Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Mataram, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jbt.v23i4.5503


Tofu dregs have a fairly high protein content because not all of the protein content is decomposed during the production of tofu. Tofu dregs are not put to good use, in fact many people actually dispose of waste which causes environmental pollution. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of NPK fertilizer and tofu dregs organic fertilizer, as well as the combination of these fertilizers on the growth of ground water spinach (Ipomea reptans Poir). The type of research is an experimental 4x4 factorial with a completely randomized design. The first factor was NPK fertilizer which consisted of 4 levels (0, 0.4, 0.8 and 1.2 g/100 ml of water). The second factor was tofu dregs organic fertilizer (0, 50, 100, 150 g/3 kg soil) which consisted of 16 treatment combinations. Test the research hypothesis using TWO WAY ANOVA. The results showed that the application of NPK fertilizer and organic tofu dregs had an effect on fresh weight, plant height, dry weight, and number of leaves. However, it has no effect on leaf area. Application of organic tofu dregs fertilizer at a dose of 150 g/3 kg of soil, and NPK fertilizer 0.4 and 0.8 g/100 ml of water resulted in the best growth of kale plants at the age of 30 days.
The Effect of Egg Shell and Banana Peel Organic Fertilizer on The Growth Of Green Spinach (Amaratus tricolor L.) Nurseha Nurseha; Prapti Sedijani; Lalu Japa
Jurnal Biologi Tropis Vol. 23 No. 4 (2023): October - December
Publisher : Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Mataram, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jbt.v23i4.5505


Long-term use of chemical fertilizers damages soil properties. Efforts to restore soil fertility by using liquid organic fertilizer are needed. Organic fertilizers from waste provide nutrition for plants while reducing environmental pollution. This study aims to analyze the effect of applying liquid organic fertilizer from banana peels, liquid organic fertilizer from egg shells, and the effect of the combination of liquid organic fertilizers. Two Way Anova test results with sig. a value <0.05 indicates that the POC of banana peel increased plant height, number of leaves, fresh weight and dry weight of green spinach. Eggshell POC increased wet weight and dry weight, while the combination of the two POC increased plant height and number of leaves, wet weight and dry weight of green spinach plants. This shows that the application of banana peel liquid organic fertilizer is more influential than the application of egg shell organic fertilizer.
Characteristics Of Attacus atlas Cocon Collected from Tree of Mahoghony (Swietenia mahagoni) in Kembaran District Nofa Yulistiana Putri; Juli Rochmijati Wuliandari
Jurnal Biologi Tropis Vol. 23 No. 4 (2023): October - December
Publisher : Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Mataram, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jbt.v23i4.5512


Attacus atlas is a wild silk type from the non-mulberry group, representing various fagara silkworms that produce cocoons. The produced cocoons have high economic value when utilized for commercial silk production. The distinctive characteristic of A. atlas silk fibers differs from Bombyx mori (mulberry) silk as the resulting fibers have a natural brown color without dyeing processes. The characteristics of cocoons significantly impact the resulting thread production. This study aims to obtain data on the characteristics and morphometrics of A. atlas cocoons located on mahogany trees providing road shade in Kembaran District. Observed characteristics include the weight of the intact cocoon skin, the weight of cocoon skin without floss, the weight of floss, cocoon diameter, cocoon circumference, cocoon length, and cocoon color. The collected data were then analyzed using descriptive analysis. The research shows that A.atlas cocoon skin characteristics vary greatly, demonstrated by the weight of the intact Cocoon Skin (0.66-2.35 g), the weight of Cocoon Skin without Floss (0.46-1.93 g), the weight of Floss (0.1-0.54 g), Cocoon Length (5.2-8.1 cm), Anterior Diameter (2.10-3.0 cm), Medial Diameter (2.30-3.4 cm), Posterior Diameter (2.20-3.1 cm), Anterior Circumference (6.20-9.50 cm), Medial Circumference (7.70-10.50 cm), Posterior Circumference (6.10-9.10 cm), and cocoon color classification into light (17 cocoons/15.9%), medium (66 cocoons/61.7%), and dark (24 cocoons/22.4%). The temperature, cocooning location, and gender of the cocoon are unknown, resulting in weight and morphometric value variations.
Residual N-Total and P-Available in the Rizosphere of Arachis hypogaea L. at Various Soil Moisture Content Fertilized by Mushroom Baglog Compost Fanylaila Safitri; Lolita Endang Susilowati; Sutriono
Jurnal Biologi Tropis Vol. 23 No. 4 (2023): October - December
Publisher : Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Mataram, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jbt.v23i4.5518


Groundnut growth and production can be increased by fertilizing. One indicator used to measure nutrient availability is residual N-total and P-available in the rhizosphere. Environmental factors such as soil moisture can affect the level of residual N-total and P-available in peanut rhizosphere. The aim is to determine the effect of Baglog Compost on residual total Nitrogen and available Phosphate at various levels of soil moisture. The method used in this research is an experimental method with a complete randomized design (RAL) 3x2 factorial. The results showed that the highest N-total and P-available content was obtained in PB4 treatment (100% field capacity) 0.67% which was given mushroom baglogs. Giving mushroom baglogs at various soil moisture levels has a significant effect on soil N-total, soil C-organic, soil CEC, and soil P-available parameters except for soil pH parameters.
Diversity of Canna on Enggano Island, Bengkulu Province Evelyne Riandini; Eki Susanto; Nur Fitria Febrianti
Jurnal Biologi Tropis Vol. 23 No. 4 (2023): October - December
Publisher : Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Mataram, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jbt.v23i4.5523


Cannaceae is only genus Canna. The origin of Canna was South America, it dispersed and cultivated in tropical areas of the world. The diversity of Canna particularly in Enggano Island is not known well. This research was to provide the update information of Canna in Enggano Island. The study used exploration method. The result of research was found 1 species of Canna indica L. and 3 variation cultivar Canna hybrida (‘Yellow King Humbert’, ‘Fire Red’, and ‘Ra’). C. indica L. and C. hybrida have differences in terms of utilization. C. indica L. was utilized as food plant. Peoples utilized rhizome of C. indica L. as food alternative. C. hybrida was utilized as ornamental plant. C. hybrida known as ornamental plant due to their flower colors.
Antitumor from Several Plant Compounds Against Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Line Hep3B: Mini Systematic Review Wardatul Aini; Azizah Amatu Zikrah; Sutri Wulansari Safril; Zozy Aneloi Noni; Rita Maliza
Jurnal Biologi Tropis Vol. 23 No. 4 (2023): October - December
Publisher : Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Mataram, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jbt.v23i4.5528


Liver cancer is a global health challenge, with more than one million cases expected by 2025. Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most common form of liver cancer and accounts for approximately 90% of cases. Nature provides a large source of natural medicines and compounds, one of which is plants. So, this article is made to contain information on the potential of several plants as antitumor agents. The method of preparing articles through literature review studies that collect articles from various sources such as ScienceDirect, google scholar, PubMed and others in the range of 2013 to 2023. There are ten plant bioactive compounds that have been tested in vitro on Hep3B cell lines to see their toxicity. These plant bioactive compounds play an important role in the proliferation phase, cell cycle, and cell apoptosis in liver cancer and have potential as antitumor.

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