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Jurnal Rekayasa Material, Manufaktur & Energi
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Jurnal Rekayasa Material, Manufaktur & Energi, yang diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Teknik, Program Studi Teknik Mesin, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara (UMSU), Medan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia, Jurnal Rekayasa Material, Manufaktur & Energi menerima artikel ilmiah hasil-hasil penelitian, dan eksperimen, yang mencakup pada bidang Rekayasa Material, Manufaktur dan Energi, Mesin, dan ilmu yang relevan pada sektor terkait.
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Articles 10 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 2, No 2: September 2019" : 10 Documents clear
Studi Eksperimental Pengaruh Kemiringan Sudut Terhadap Alat Destilasi Air Laut Memanfaatkan Energi Matahari C A Siregar; Ahmad Marabdi Siregar
Rekayasa Material, Manufaktur dan Energi Vol 2, No 2: September 2019
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik UMSU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (734.243 KB) | DOI: 10.30596/rmme.v2i2.3671


Indonesia is one country that is in a tropical climate that promises sunshine of all time. The abundant potential of solar radiation can be utilized in a distillation device to convert sea water into fresh water. This research aims to build a distillation device as a provider of clean water. Test equipment is designed and built with black fiber material with a size of 1.25 m x 0.8 m with a 3 mm thick glass cover with a capacity of 3600 ml of sea water. To find out the effectiveness of the distillation apparatus, it was tested with three variations of slope angles namely 300, 400, and 500. Tests carried out in the city of Medan. The testing method is done by evaporating seawater, evaporation occurs because of the absorption of heat from the sun through a solar collector's plate. The result obtained an effective slope angle is 300 with a production of 650 ml of fresh water. In addition to fresh water production, it is also known that the maximum sea water temperature is 730C at 12:20 WIB, the radiation heat transfer rate is 92.86 Watt
Membandingkan Cetakan Terbuka Dengan Tertutup Pada Pembuatan Papan Skate Board Dari Limbah Sawit M Yani; Bekti Suroso
Rekayasa Material, Manufaktur dan Energi Vol 2, No 2: September 2019
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik UMSU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (656.622 KB) | DOI: 10.30596/rmme.v2i2.3669


This study aims to compare open and closed molds, hand lay-up method in the manufacture of skate board boards from oil palm empty fruit bunches (OPEFB) fiber reinforced composites. The constituent materials of this composite are OPEFB fiber and unsaturated polyester resin. The mixing of both of materials with the ratio of the composition of the OPEFB fiber and polyester resin is made based on a volume fraction of 20:80. The diameter of the OPEFB fiber that is used ranges from 0.1 to 0.8 mm mixed into the unsaturated polyster resin liquid. OPEFB fibers are arranged longitudinally with one layer according to the thickness of the skate board. Skate board prints made using a cover have smooth surfaces on both sides. However, to ensure that the resin has filled the entire surface of the mold from a closed mold seen from the presence of resin that comes out of the closing gap. This resin can not be used anymore because it will dry up and freeze. When compared with printouts without pentup has a rough surface on the top side of the skate board. The conclusion is that the use of closed molds has better results when compared to open molds.
Analisis Pengaruh Besar Gesekan Terhadap Tegangan Thermal Pada Sepatu Rem Mobil Ketebalan 2 mm Menggunakan Perangkat Lunak Msc.Nastran V.9 Sudirman Lubis
Rekayasa Material, Manufaktur dan Energi Vol 2, No 2: September 2019
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik UMSU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1222.014 KB) | DOI: 10.30596/rmme.v2i2.3663


Braking failure better known as brake failure is caused by many factors, but one factor is due to excess heat that occurs in optimal braking conditions when the vehicle is driving at high speed and sufficient distance. The purpose of this research is to obtain the result of thermal stress simulation during braking, in special area of brake shoe with 8 mm thickness. However, it is unlikely that brake shoe is analyzed manually because brake shoes have many vertices, even up to thousands of vertices. So we need the software support finite element finishing method of MSC. NASTRAN V9 to simulate the distribution of temperature distribution on brake shoe for easy analysis. Thermal voltage that occurs in brake boots with a thickness of 2 mm in this study that brake shoe design model 2 has a maximum thermal voltage of 4.5701 Mpa and 2.5295 Mpa Minimum lower than the brake shoes model 1 maximum thermal voltage of 4.5585 Mpa and 2,5225 Mpa Minimum. With a maximum test difference of 0.25% and a minimum of 0.27%.
Rekayasa Saluran Gas Buang Sepeda Motor Guna Mengurangi Pencemaran Udara Ahmad Marabdi Siregar; C A Siregar
Rekayasa Material, Manufaktur dan Energi Vol 2, No 2: September 2019
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik UMSU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (708.139 KB) | DOI: 10.30596/rmme.v2i2.3672


Air pollution from motor vehicle exhaust emissions is increasing, so it is necessary to attempt to control its exhaust emissions. Given the dangers of exhaust emissions, efforts need to be made to control and reduce air pollution so that negative impacts on people and the environment can be reduced. One engineering technology as a manifestation of vehicle emission control is engineering and modification of the exhaust gas channel. Engineering and modification is expected to be able to make a tool that will be able and function to reduce the danger of exhaust gases. The researcher will conduct experiments and manufacture of tools and initial testing on one motorized vehicle to see and observe the composition of the exhaust gas produced from the exhaust. The elements to be observed are CO values, HC values, and CO2 values as comparative data. The tool that will be used to observe and see these elements is the Gas Analyzer tool. This tool is one instrument that is useful for measuring the portion and composition of a combined gas. From the results of testing and analysis obtained data on the exhaust emission test with an average engine speed of 500 rpm, and with the temperature of the exhaust tube 40 0C to 45 0C. After testing the standard exhaust model, then testing the engineering exhaust model which added 50 gr, 70 gr, and 90 gr scrap of stainless steel obtained the best conclusion to reduce and reduce the danger of exhaust emissions is engineered exhaust which added 70 gr scrap of stainless steel . And when compared to a standard exhaust, CO elements dropped to 71.09% and HC elements dropped to 48.26% and CO2 elements dropped to 66.35%.
Optimasi Fraksi Volume Komposit Serat Kersen Terhadap Kekuatan Tarik Tri Hartutuk Ningsih; Deni Hardiansyah Tangahu; Defi Tri Wahyudi
Rekayasa Material, Manufaktur dan Energi Vol 2, No 2: September 2019
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik UMSU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (519.861 KB) | DOI: 10.30596/rmme.v2i2.3668


Composite is a material formed from a combination of two or more forming materials through a mixture that is not homogeneous. Composites have properties such as corrosion resistance, light weight, faster assembly, and are able to compete with metals by not losing the characteristics and strength of the mechanism. This research was conducted to develop composite materials with more specific properties, one of which is the use of natural fibers as reinforcing raw materials in composites. This research uses the epidermal skin fiber with the epoxy matrix and is applied to the crossbow as a new environmentally friendly composite material and supports the idea of utilizing grained fiber into products that have high economic and technological qualities. This research was carried out by varying the fiber volume fraction of 40%, 50%, 60%, and 70%. In this study tensile test specimens using ASTM D 638 standard. To determine the physical properties, experiments were conducted to calculate density and measurement of fiber diameter. From this study the tensile strength value of the 70% volume fraction is 70.30 MPa The test results show that the composite material of the kersen fibers has increased strength as the fiber volume fraction increases
Produksi Bahan Bakar Minyak Dari Limbah Plastik Hdpe Dan Pete 1 Kg Sumartono Sumartono
Rekayasa Material, Manufaktur dan Energi Vol 2, No 2: September 2019
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik UMSU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (651.794 KB) | DOI: 10.30596/rmme.v2i2.3662


Waste plastic waste is very difficult to decompose. There are several solutions to overcome this, including can be processed into granules, these granules as recycled raw materials for the manufacture of other materials. In addition, plastic waste can be processed into fuel oil (BBM). The purpose of this study is to produce BBM products from various types of plastic waste by the pyrolysis method. Waste samples of HDPE and PETE plastic with each sample amount 1 kg to 1.5 kg (produce 450 ml and 220 ml BBM). The Heat Value produced is only one type of plastic waste that is close to PT. Pertamina products, namely BBM HDPE with a heating value of 11420 kcal / kg, diesel oil PT. Pertamina, (10,550 to 11,667 kcal / kg). Other types of plastic are higher. It is recommended that the plastic waste processing equipment must be increased in capacity and can function continuously without stopping the combustion process, needing to be equipped with plastic waste chopper and rinsing equipment so that its capacity increases and is efficient.
Analisis Pengaruh Kegagalan Sistem Pendingin Genset Caterpillar 3500 Series Pamuji Agustiar Ma’sudi1; Wisnu Pracoyo; Firmansyah Azharul; Wilarso Wilarso
Rekayasa Material, Manufaktur dan Energi Vol 2, No 2: September 2019
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik UMSU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (683.09 KB) | DOI: 10.30596/rmme.v2i2.3666


When the generator set is operating it is often overheated, the load does not match the capacity of the power expended. An early indication of a high cooling system temperature and this affects the reliability of the generator set that is operating. Overheating can be the initial cause of damage to engine components and can cause fatalities. To find out the root cause of damage to overheating in the cooling system must be analyzed. The damage analysis method is to know the generator set operating system and ensure the loading conditions and temperature measurements on the radiator. The main cause of overheating is lack of radiator water, where the lack of water is caused by leakage on the radiator cap, radiator core, dead-end radiator tube, radiator blocking, water leakage from the water pump, leakage from the pipe or radiator hose. To minimize damage to the steps that must be done is, to recondition the radiator in case of damage to the core, radiator tube, and if there is a water leak from the water pump then what must be done is repair or replacement of the water pump. While damage to the pipe or hose must be replaced and if the radiator water is contaminated with oil, flushing of the radiator water must be carried out, doing regular cleaning of the radiator core. From the analysis and some cooling system maintenance actions, to minimize the occurrence of overheating periodic maintenance must be done
Studi Eksperimen Terhadap Keausan Pada Roda Gigi Cacing Komposit Rakhmad Arief Siregar; K Umurani; Mukhlas Mukhlas
Rekayasa Material, Manufaktur dan Energi Vol 2, No 2: September 2019
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik UMSU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1015.925 KB) | DOI: 10.30596/rmme.v2i2.3670


The gears are used to transmit power and rotation in various engineering applications. Worm gear is a type of gear that is popularly used to reduce rotation. This study was carried out experimentally to observe the effect of load on rotation on the pair of worm and spur gears made of composite material. A series of loads are applied to the gear pair without lubrication to observe wear on the worm gear. The results show that the greatest wear on the worm gear is located in the middle, namely the threads 4 and 5 of 11.54% and 12.31% respectively with the wear located on the face with a slight bit of flank leading to the pitch diameter.
Studi Karakteristik Variasi Jumlah Sudu Impeler Pada Unjuk Kerja Blower Sentrifugal K Umurani1; Habiburrahman Habiburrahman
Rekayasa Material, Manufaktur dan Energi Vol 2, No 2: September 2019
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik UMSU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (712.673 KB) | DOI: 10.30596/rmme.v2i2.3665


Blower is a device that is often used because it is able to increase or add gas that will be flowed in a particular room as well as suctioning or vacuuming gas. At present the blower is comprehensive, starting from laboratories, office buildings and industries which are widely used as a component in the production process. There are several classifications of blowers, namely centrifugal blowers which include radial blade, forward curve blade and backward curve blade. Then, the positive displacement blower includes the vane blower. This study aims to determine the performance of centrifugal blowers when adding the number of blades to the centrifugal impeller blower.  There are 3 impellers that are used with variations in the number of different blades, 6, 8, and 10 in testing to find the performance of centrifugal blowers. Air speed is measured using an anemometer while  pressure drop measured using a manometer U pipe containing oil fluid. The number of blade impeller affect the increasing performance of blower.
Identifikasi Kerusakan Shaft Roda Gigi Pompa Oli Diesel Engine Dengan Menggunakan Metode Fault Tree Analysis Wilarso Wilarso; Wisnu Pracoyo
Rekayasa Material, Manufaktur dan Energi Vol 2, No 2: September 2019
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik UMSU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (802.449 KB) | DOI: 10.30596/rmme.v2i2.3664


A damage to the oil pump drive shaft on one of the generator sets PT.X. Failure begins with an indication of a decrease in oil pressure where the oil pressure indicator points to the number 0 (zero). Based on the electronic control module (ECM) download data, it was noted that the unit had experienced 4 times low oil pressure warning and 4 times low oil pressure shutdown. During visual checking, the crankshaft suddenly stops spinning (jammed). To identify the initial damage associated with low oil pressure and the crankshaft stops rotating (crankshaft jammed), an oil pump component is dismantled. In a visual inspection found broken oil pump drive gear. In identifying oil pump failure and analysis using the Fault Tree Analysis method. Based on the FTA the oil pump failure is caused by 4 (four) factors including, 1. Oil quality, 2. Contamination control, 3, Material quality, and 4. Maintenance, from the four causes which are the main causes of control contamination, due to the presence of material metal above the axle goes to the oil pump. Based on the initial material test the broken gear begins with the outer circle and the final fracture in the center of the gear shaft, from the microstructure testing of the fracture shape there is no beachmark on the broken surface and the final shape of the rough fracture, that the gear shaft is broken in a short time.

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